The Strongest Demon Front

Five hundred and thirty-nine, Alpha Dog by analogy

Chu Ge sat on the sidelines watching the game with a relaxed expression.

He watched as Lingard kicked a shot into the opposition's goal post and almost scored.

Manchester United got off to a relatively smooth start in this game.


The good times don't last long.

Manchester United was quickly scored by the opponent.

Anderlecht player Obradovic made a cross from the left, and Dendonker followed up with a header and scored.


Anderlecht took the lead.

They started celebrating.

There was a lot of voices in the van den Stock Stadium, and the fans were extremely excited.

After Anderlecht scored the goal, the camera of the broadcast game turned and immediately aimed at Manchester United's bench.

The camera was aimed at Chu Ge.

Chu Ge could guess that when the opponent got the lead, people would definitely pay attention to his expression immediately. As Manchester United's top scorer this season, his every move is particularly eye-catching.

In the camera, Chu Ge looked calm.

Not surprised, not worried.

He looked at his teammates on the field, especially the three players in the frontcourt, Ibrahimovic, Rashford and Lingard.

After Ibrahimovic's comeback, his state seems to have declined.

The big man seemed a little tired.

Even if it was a period of rest due to the suspension, the Swede did not fully rest. The fast-paced game of the Premier League still puts a lot of burden on the veteran who is running for four. If it weren't for his exceptional physical fitness, Ibrahimovic might not have been able to persist for a long time.

This might be a worry.


On Manchester United's coaching bench, Ferguson looked very calm.

He was chewing gum, while discussing the game with Perrin beside him, while observing the team's state, he didn't walk out of the coach's bench because of this somewhat unexpected conceded goal.

He trusts his players to give the right response.


After that conceded goal, it didn't take long for Manchester United to organize an attack.

The teenager Mensa made a pass from the side, Ibrahimovic headed back from the center, Pogba raised his leg to meet the ball in front of the penalty area and shot angrily.

The football went straight to the Anderlecht goal.

On the goal line, the goalkeeper blocked Pogba's long-range shot with his hands.

Rashford started quickly and astutely grabbed the second ball. He kicked the football into the goal with a prone shot.


In the case of falling behind, the Manchester United players tied the score.

Chu Ge stood up and applauded Rashford. After Rashford scored the goal, he ran directly to the Manchester United bench to celebrate the goal with Chu Ge.

Yesterday, Italy's Turin Sports Daily announced the candidates for the new European Golden Boy Award. Rashford once again entered the shortlist.

This goal can be regarded as another impact of Rashford on the Golden Boy Award.

Manchester United was selected at the same time, as well as teenager Mensah. After Chu Ge won the third place in the Golden Globe Award, he has completely bid farewell to this award.

Rashford may be a bit unlucky.

After a year of tempering, his performance this year is better than last year, and he has played more time in the team than last year.

He finished second in the Golden Boy award last year, just behind Bayern Munich's Alexis Sanches.

And this year, his most likely result might be second.

Because, in this year's shortlist for the European Golden Boy Award, there is a monster-level talent selected.

That is the Monaco player Mbappe known as Chu Ge II.

Monaco upset Guardiola's Manchester City this year in the Champions League, and Mbappe performed extremely well. Many people are very optimistic about the future prospects of this young man and regard him as the next embarrassment.

Many people even believe that after Ronaldo and Messi, Chu Ge and Mbappe will start a new era of football.

In this new era of football, Chu Ge and Mbappe are the new football double pride.


At halftime, the score was still 1:1.

"I'm ready for the competition." Chu Ge took the initiative to ask for a fight.

The coach gave him a chance to rest,

But Chu Ge still maintained his fighting spirit.

Ferguson was very satisfied with Chu Ge's attitude, but rejected his game request.

"I'd send you in if need be. But it's not necessary now."

"Even if it is 1:1, I can accept such a result. In the two rounds of the knockout round, the away goal is the advantage." Ferguson has a good mentality.

Of course, he is not satisfied with a draw.

Before the start of the second half, Ferguson gave his players a pep talk.


In the second half of the game, Manchester United scored another goal.

In the end, they beat Anderlecht 2:1 away.

Chu Ge didn't play, he sat on the bench and watched the whole game.

"Chu! Chu Ge."

When the game ended, several Belgian fans shouted Chu Ge's name. Seeing Chu Ge looking at them, these fans immediately raised the cardboard in their hands.

"Can I have your jersey? Thank you very much!"

Chu Ge smiled.

Chu Ge took off his jersey, walked up to the fan, handed the jersey to him, took the fan's mobile phone, and took a photo with him.

The fan was very excited and shouted words of thanks.

The fans around him also rushed over, enthusiastically shouting Chu Ge's name. Fans who were farther away looked enviously at the lucky guy who got the Chu Ge's off-field jersey.

"You are really generous."

After Chu Ge came back, Manolas joked with him.

"It's not easy for fans to come to watch the game away from home." Chu Ge smiled.

On the Internet, Chu Ge's act of donating jerseys to fans has attracted a burst of praise.

Many people envy that lucky fan.

There are also countless people who praised Chu Ge for being close to the people, never putting on airs with fans, and never using fans to sensationalize. Basically, he is happy to cooperate with the fans' requests, and he is not limited to fans who are disabled or suffering from difficulties.


"You didn't hurt yourself in that blow?"

At the end of the game, Chu Ge and Ibrahimovic walked side by side.

He was asking about Ibrahimovic appearing to have sprained his foot after landing a header towards the end of the game.

"It hurts a bit, but it's nothing serious. Don't worry, I'm fine." Ibrahimovic laughed and didn't care at all.

"Actually," Chu Ge thought for a while, and suggested: "You don't need to do so much stretching before the game, it may bring more load to your body."

"I think warming up with a lot of exercise can help me avoid more injuries. I have done this before, so don't worry. I know my body well." Ibrahimovic didn't care.

"But the Premier League games are more intense, with more physical confrontation, and more frequent summit fights with opponents..."

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm a superman. Haha! My habits have allowed me to never encounter serious injuries in my entire sports career." Ibrahimovic interrupted Chu Ge's suggestion, he was a little stubborn.

Chu Ge had no choice but to give up persuasion.

Anyway, as Ibrahimovic said, there is really nothing wrong with his current body.

In his past career, he has always maintained a high attendance rate.

"Maybe I'm worrying too much." Chu Ge thought to himself.


After returning from Anderlecht, Chu Ge suddenly became interested in Go.

"Didn't you watch Messi and Ronaldinho's football videos before? How did you start watching Go recently?"

Su Qingqing was a little strange.

"You don't want to change your career to become a Go player." She joked Chu Ge.

Chu Ge stared at the screen.

As Su Qingqing said, what he was watching was a Go game.

However, this game is very different from the traditional game of Go.

Because one of the "chess players" in this game is not human.

But robots.

Code-named Alpha Go Robot, or Alpha Dog.

Last year, "AlphaGo" defeated the famous Go world champion Lee Sedol. This year, it defeated dozens of Chinese, Japanese and Korean Go masters in a row on the Chinese Go website, creating a myth of 60 consecutive games without a single defeat.

This aroused Chu Ge's interest.

"Of course I don't intend to become a Go player. But I found that Go and football seem to have some similarities."

Looking at the increase in football experience in the system interface, Chu Ge explained to Su Qingqing.

"What is the connection between Go and football? Are there similarities?" Su Qingqing looked surprised.

In her view, the two are completely different.

Although Go and football are both competitive sports, but Go uses the brain, while football relies on the body. How can there be any similarities?

Chu Ge thought for a while.

"In fact, in many fields, after a deep understanding, many principles are similar or even the same. Football and Go seem to be very different, but they are often very similar in terms of calculating the opponent's moves and calculating related trajectories. "

"I wondered, if a machine could beat the best chess player in the world by virtue of calculation, wouldn't something interesting happen if the idea was introduced into football?"

Su Qingqing was stupefied and didn't understand what Chu Ge was saying at all.

Chu Ge smiled and didn't explain much.

He called Ke Jie.

"Do you think you can beat AlphaGo?"

Chu Ge asked straightforwardly.

"I am the best chess player in the world." Ke Jie replied very proudly.

His tone reminded Chu Ge of someone.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

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