The Strongest Demon Front

Four hundred and seventy-nine, realm and nuance

A red Cadillac Phantom speeds along an icy highway.

Like a fire shadow.

Chu Ge held the steering wheel and looked ahead.

He thought carefully about the conversation with Ferguson.

That conversation gave him some new inspiration for football.

However, don't be distracted while driving.

Chu Ge thought for a moment, then suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and drove home steadily all the way.

back home.

Chu Ge sat on the soft sofa and began to think.

"The Way of Football."

For some reason, the word reminded him of a very famous passage.

These are the three realms of life proposed by Mr. Wang Guowei in "Human Words".

He used a few famous sentences from the works of several great poets in ancient times to describe the three realms he summed up,

The first state is "standing".

The famous sentence to describe this realm is "Last night the westerly wind withered the green trees. I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world."

The second state is "keeping".

The famous sentence to describe this realm is "I will not regret it when the belt gradually widens, and I will make people haggard for Yixiao."

The third realm is "get".

The famous sentence to describe this realm is "I searched for him thousands of times in the crowd. When I looked back suddenly, the man was there, in a dimly lit place."

These three realms describe a person who has great ambitions and high-spirited spirits;

To unremitting efforts, persistent pursuit;

In the end, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, a process of being harmonious and open-minded, and following one's inclinations.

Everything in the world, as far as the professional field is concerned, the gaps in the details are vast, but in the end, there are always many similarities in the general direction and realm.

Wang Guowei is a scholar,

This summary is what he summed up in his learning experience.

But for football, it seems to work as well.

When he first mastered the system, his ability kept upgrading, and Chu Ge was in the first state that Mr. Wang Guowei said at that time.

Go up the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world.


Later, with the improvement of his abilities, Chu Ge unremittingly exercised his abilities every day, and fully utilized the abilities endowed by the system on the football field.

Isn't the sweat swaying in the gym just like "the belt is getting wider and you will never regret it"?

Now, at the age of 18, on the stage of the Golden Globe Awards, he won the third place of the Golden Globe Awards for the first time, and has his own position in the world football.

Other people's skills, other people's skills, seem to be unable to satisfy Chu Ge anymore.

What he wants is his own style, his own characteristics, his own way.

This process of accumulation is the path that Chu Ge is taking now.

As for when he can "suddenly look back" and find that he has got the style he wants, Chu Ge doesn't know.

According to Wang Guowei's criteria for dividing the three realms, Chu Ge guessed that he should be between the second realm and the third realm.

And this third realm may be referring to the way of football mentioned in the system.

For this realm, Buddhism also has a similar discussion.

Qingyuan Xingsi, a master of Zen in the Song Dynasty, put forward the three realms of practicing Zen: at the beginning of practicing Zen, one sees mountains as mountains and water as water; , see water is still water.

Or in the Analects, "I have ten

Fifth, aim at learning. Stand at thirty. Forty without confusion. Fifty knows the destiny. Sixty and smooth ears. At seventy, do whatever you want without overstepping the rules. "

The thoughts expressed by these predecessors, if the specific details such as landscape, thirty or forty, etc. are ignored, they are all talking about such a process.

From quantitative change to qualitative change.

From growth to maturity.

Chu Ge was originally a very smart person.

He is different from many players, especially some domestic players.

If he didn't take the road of professional football, even if he took the college entrance examination and went to university like his peers, he could go very smoothly.

His IQ is very good. And this kind of IQ advantage makes him think more long-term and deeper than ordinary players when thinking about his football path.

Especially under the prompt of the system.

"For football, mastering the skills of dribbling and dribbling is a process of learning and growing."

"However, these are skills, not Tao."

"What is Tao? Tao is to integrate all skills into one's blood, and then forget these skills, just like mentioned in martial arts novels, there is no trick to win."

"If you want to do this, mastering as many skills as possible is the basis, and then turn these extraordinary skills into your own instincts. Different situations, according to local conditions, choose the most suitable way, and don't stick to any kind of technical action , that's the way of football."

"Compared with ordinary technical movements, the biggest difference after you have your own way of football is that all your skills have reached a level of subtlety and naturalness."

"It's nuanced."

"When the football skills go from entering the room to the subtleties, it is the time to master the way of football."

Thinking of this, Chu Ge couldn't help thinking of the two players who are at the pinnacle of today's football.

Argentine star, Lionel Messi.

King of Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo.

"These two players are so good, maybe it's because they have their own way of football."

"C Ronaldo's way of football lies in his grasp of scoring opportunities. Derived from this is his off-ball running ability, physical fitness, and unparalleled mental perseverance."

"Messi's way of football is his ability to get rid of and threaten the goal that is unique in the world. His ability with the ball is particularly good, his sense of rhythm in dribbling, the rationality of handling the ball, and his sensitivity to breaking through space are all in today's football. most powerful."

"Of these two great players, the one whose style is most similar to mine should be Messi."

"Maybe, I can watch more of his videos and refer to his way of playing, so as to find my own football path."

"All success comes from standing on the shoulders of giants. It will definitely be of great benefit to me to look at other people's successes, sum up more and practice more."

"Besides, I still have the assistance of the system."

"According to the prompts of the system, if I choose to upgrade the system, I can exchange it with appreciation points to strengthen my own way of football."

After thinking it over, Chu Ge called up the system interface and decisively chose to upgrade.

The light blue light curtain blurred for a moment.


In front of Chu Ge's eyes, the new interface reappeared with a slight sway like wrinkled water patterns.

The system interface after the upgrade is not much different from before.

The most eye-catching place is that a brand new item has appeared at the top of the attribute column.

The way of football.


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