The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 722: : real estate speculation

The night in hk is very beautiful, at least there are no traces of debris on the street.

Signed a "strategic cooperation alliance" with the Ma family and the He family in Lisboa, which is commonly known as the strategy of eating meat with the big brother. Of course, in Tang Dao's heart, although Ma Yingming has a cheating younger brother, relatively speaking , he is always smarter than He Houcong, and he can be properly introduced into the consortium, but it needs to be investigated.

In the end, are you eligible!

With the help of Bai De'an, it is time to move the casino interests that have been stuck for a long time.

If the Ma family and the He family can't move together, then what are they doing?

They are willing to be white gloves because they see enough benefits, and the difficulties in front of them are vulnerable to them.

Tang Dao looked at the mission "Road to a Tycoon (3, it also showed that it only occupied 57%, which included Beng Yaju's "inheritance" and a share of the Ma family and the He family, both of which were in the casino. However, He Houcong said that he will actively win over the gambling king He. After all, two people with the same surname cannot be written in one stroke, and the Ma family has also supported him, so it should make sense.

At that time, Tang Dao will occupy Lisboa's gray industry in another way.

We have many friends and making money together is better than having a few wolves staring at you and making you restless.

"How is our plan in HK going?" Tang Dao asked with his left hand in his pocket, speaking to Hester Theodore behind him.

Hester Theodore's plain face showed some aftertaste. The past period of time should be the best time he spent money. He directly bought a house with 30 million US dollars. This is the boss's plan and entrusted a real estate agency He bought all the gold areas for sale, whether it was a coffin house or a small villa. According to his professional assessment, if it is an investment, it will definitely lose money!

The financial crisis of the foot pot chicken in the early 1990s affected the housing market, and at least trillions of Hong Kong dollars have evaporated!

He listened to the boss as he was obliged to do, but Tang Dao waved his hand to let him continue. Hester Theodore was also a little terrified. Is this a loss of money?

"The $30 million has been spent and 52 properties have been purchased," Hearst Theodore said.

Tang Dao responded, and was silent for about a minute before saying, "Continue to buy, I will pay 100 million US dollars in three installments, and buy them all for me. No matter how much the price is, as long as it is a house, I will sweep it all in. Within one year, after spending 50 million US dollars, and the remaining money, when the stock market explodes next, give me all my strength to buy shares in several companies, and I will tell you the names."

The 90s were not very friendly to the economy of HK as a whole.

The story plummeted, how many people jumped, the funeral home is probably the busiest every day, and some people even jokingly selected the top ten holy places for jumping from buildings. It was a terrible pain. At that time, the house price fell by 57%, and 8 trillion Hong Kong dollars evaporated for nothing!

But Tang Dao didn't think so. The volatility of the stock market is just the instability of his market. Those giants in Europe and the United States want to leverage the Asian economy. This method has also become weak. Two thousand years later, the holidays in hk soared. Later, when Canton took off on the other side, it gradually drove up the housing prices here.

Now about 70 square meters can be sold for 23 million Hong Kong dollars. After a few years, the stock market will plummet, and the value will be half. Six or seven times, if you buy it at this time, if you have spare money, you will definitely not lose money. These are all private investments. He borrowed a think tank to act as his personal economic steward, and his income is quite rich.

Hester Theodore was frightened by Tang Dao's big money, and bought HK's land for 100 million US dollars?

Why is this kind of behavior a bit of a prodigal?

But this is the boss's personal behavior. He can't persuade him. He even thinks that the boss must have heard some inside news. Did he follow suit to invest?

"I plan to let you be in charge of the strategy of the Savior Company in Asia." Tang Dao said, this is already a cliché, and the Asian company is newly established, so there is no need to worry about any internal personnel obstructing, and Hester Theodore is young , can adapt to high-intensity work. He also told Hester Theodore about this idea, and the other party didn't show any resistance.

But this time, Hester Theodore was very embarrassed and didn't say anything.

Tang Dao turned his head and gave him a slightly surprised look. The other party was sullen, "Is there any trouble, Hester Theodore?"

"Boss, if I come, I'm afraid there will be no one else around you."

"Isn't there still old Robert?" Tang Dao said with a smile thinking what was going on, but gradually realized that Hester Theodore's expression was not very good, his smile gradually restrained, and he asked solemnly, "What happened?" ?”

"I went to see the doctor today. Old Robert has lung cancer, which is in the terminal stage." Hester Theodore said in a deep voice.

Old Robert was lying in his room, looking out of the window with blank eyes. The air was a bit dull due to the light rain and no stars. He couldn't believe that he had cancer at his age.

"God." Old Robert murmured bitterly to himself, as if he was sighing. It has to be said that this news broke him, it was too heavy, maybe everyone thought about death, he even thought about it, on the tombstone Write such an epitaph, "There was once a man who was tired from standing and wanted to lie down." But now facing cancer, he feels that he is not as strong as he imagined.

Boom boom boom.

A knock on the door brought old Robert back to his senses. He got up from the bed with a little difficulty. He didn't know if it was due to the great mental pressure. He walked over and opened the door, and he saw Hester Theodore at the door , with his arms akimbo, saw him, smiled and said, "Dude, the boss wants you for supper."

Old Robert showed hesitation, Hester Theodore saw it, and quickly said, "If you want to refuse, I think you have to tell the boss yourself, I am not responsible for passing on the message."

Old Robert sighed and nodded, "I'm going to get some clothes." After saying that, he put on the coat on the bed, followed Hester Theodore into the elevator, and went straight to the top floor. The top floors of some hotels are not open. It's not that he is not open, but that you are not qualified or have no money, if you spend the money, Xiao Jiangjiang will broadcast live handstands for you!

When we got to the top of the building, the evening breeze was blowing and it was a little cool.

Tang Dao was standing on the edge, when he heard movement behind him, he turned around, walked over, and said with a smile, "We haven't had supper for a long time, let's ride the night together and talk heart to heart, buddy."

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