The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 670: : Do you want more goods?

Old Robert also had a bit of a weird face on his face.

"They are happy to buy our Type 611s, but they want the best possible refurbishment and they are willing to pay a little more for that."

This is unbelievable, is Baixiang so rich?

Although there are indeed many Indians on Wall Street, it’s not that old Robert has never been there. To a certain extent, that place is similar to Africa, but they are trying to seek refuge in civilization. They can represent the five permanent members of a civilized society and often play tricks on him. .

Tang Dao looks indifferent, isn't it a refurbishment?

"Let the Eastern European company send someone to paint the Type 611 submarine. Clean up the garbage inside and clean it up. If it's rusty, wrap it up a little. It's fine." Tang Dao said, anyway, it should, maybe, maybe not It will go into the water, no one can be sure what the status of the current Type 611 submarine is.

Perhaps, as soon as it went down, people drowned?

This is not possible. It has to be guaranteed that there is nothing wrong with going into the water more than three times at least, and then the responsibility can be shirked in the future. However, in this way, the cost of maintenance has increased by several layers, which has to be picked out of the white elephant's mouth.

Want me to make a loss-making business?


When the Type 611 submarine launches torpedoes, don't blow up the pipes. It's easy to say anything.

This kind of "fake" technology, there are also a group of technical talents in the Eastern European company, which is still simple, but how can it be easy to make money?

"You ask the people from the Federation to recommend some more weapons. As long as they are bears, we have them in our warehouse. Even if he wants an aircraft carrier, I remember that there are still a few that have already rotted? Sell them to him at the cost price. They repair it by themselves, and don't let them pay on credit, these people have no integrity." Tang Dao emphasized.

Bai Xiang is...too insidious. Whoever is the boss in this class will follow him. During the feudal period, he has always been the rabbit's follower. In modern times, as soon as Mao Xiong shines his fist, it will follow Mao Xiong to deal with the rabbit. Later, Mao Xiong died, and he came up with a "pit" ruble plan to please Yingjiang, not to mention, this really made him cheat close to 14 billion, and at this time, it became bold again and wanted to be the class leader The study committee member, this time, the squad leader and the deputy squad leader have been completely defeated, nmb, you are rebellious, and you will definitely rebel.

Therefore, Bai Xiang also felt the pressure, and began to use money from all over the world to buy weapons and subsidize friendship.

Of course, they are also preparing for war, always defending their title of No. 3 in the world.

This carrier...they need it.

Tang Dao was talking about business with old Robert, and the car arrived at the villa unknowingly. As soon as he got off, he looked at the swimming pool and was slightly dazed. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses, "Help me book a bus to Berne. Airfare, there's a charity gala at UBS."

Old Robert was startled, should the Swiss bank tell him? He is the secretary!

However, this kind of sudden thing is also very common, "How many people do you need to bring?"

Tang Dao had already walked up the steps, stopped, and turned his head, "It's fine to bring the group of little angels, Switzerland, it's always safer than Paris." After finishing speaking, he walked in, and old Robert could feel his love for Danni. Mr. Maxwell, the Attorney General, has made appointments several times, but he turned them down.

Without giving any face, old Robert could feel the hissing anger of the other party.

If it weren't for the identity and status of the boss here, I'm afraid the other party would have invited him with a gun. Of course, when it's useless, they won't invite you. Any treat is for a purpose, or because of business , requests, bribes, or also because of boredom.

The little angel stood on the side, shrugged towards him and spread his hands, and handed him the key at his waist, "I think there will be another patrol tonight, here is the key to the armory."

"Aren't you going to watch?" old Robert asked.

The little angel looked at him, "Everyone has their first time, don't you want to go and see those babies?"

"Not at all." Old Robert was disgusted, "Besides, when I was in the Vietnam War, your father might have been a jerk." He threw the key to the other party heavily, and left with a dark face.

"I hate guns! I hate them very much!" Old Robert muttered to himself.

This stunned the little angel, and he was at a loss in the back.

Mr. Akbar is now very proud of the spring breeze. Last night, the company he cooperated with came to him. A white man drove a small Mercedes. He personally picked him up and went to the best club in Mumbai. He took a shower and felt very comfortable. After taking a shower in the morning, he was still refreshed, and the other party even arranged for a driver to take him home. When he got off the car, he was already holding a stack of envelopes, which contained about 56,000 US dollars. "Lucky expense" for him to come out to take a bath.

This is not the point, the point is in the car, the other party said, the submarine maintenance can be sent once, ask them if they need a big ticket?

Akbar asked how old he was?

"It's enough to feed the interest groups behind you." The other party smiled happily. Akbar's eyes lit up, and his smile became even happier. When he heard the aircraft carrier, his laughter became louder. When he got off the car , still with frivolous footsteps, he pushed open the door humming, and called his wife inside, after a while, he saw a young woman running out of the room.

This is his third marriage. If he is rich, who wouldn't change his wife?

Akbar hugged him and kissed him on the lips, but suddenly he found that something was wrong. His wife was very nervous, her whole body was tense, and the most important thing was that her eyes were wandering. After being a prosecutor all her life, Akbar's investigative ability There are still some, especially the wife took a bath, why take a bath this day? He pushed the other side away, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

After finishing speaking, he ran upstairs, opened the room, and saw a man wearing big underpants about to run out, his forehead turned green all of a sudden, and he went up to fight with the other party, not to mention, Akbar The strength was good, and he directly pressed down on the opponent and hit him. This accident pushed the opponent down the stairs, and he fell to the ground motionless.

Seeing this, the wife screamed in horror.

"I want to call the police, I want to call the police!"

She was looking for the phone, and Akbar also went crazy, picked up the flower pot and threw it at her head, and then...the other party fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

"You **** Vaisya, I'll feed you and dress you You're going to cheat, strangle you, strangle you!" He became angry and strangled the other party to death with his own hands.

Looking at his motionless wife, Akbar sat down on the ground. He stared and swallowed his saliva. If people found out, he would definitely go to jail. The first thing that sounded in his head was the Spaniard who had a cooperative relationship with him, and asked the other party to dispose of the corpse, otherwise, everyone would lose this order.

He made a phone call, and the person on the other side answered it quickly. He originally greeted him with a smile, but Akbar asked him to come here seriously.

"Totibi, if you come late, I'm afraid...our order can only go to God." Akbar said looking at the corpse.

"Okok, I'll be right here."

After hanging up the phone for about ten minutes, the other party arrived and saw the two corpses in the house, but he acted very... indifferently.

"Help me deal with them."

"Okay, but, do you want some more?" Totibi smiled and showed his white teeth.

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