The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 583: :Aggreko

Paris France.

The Paris Opera House, a product of 1861, has its special meaning in any era, and some people even think that it is a palace of lyricism, an elegant gathering or the feelings of high society.

Anyway, they have money, what they want to say.

A certain Tang became rich, and he also felt that his B status had risen. Of course, it should be said that more and more people catered to him, and what he said made sense.

If he wants to hold a party at the opera house and invite some beggars to perform and sing, but the person in charge says no, Tang Dao throws out 200,000 US dollars directly, and people will say, please be careful!

Of course, Tang Dao would not do this. The society needs self-righteous elegance, and they need self-righteous intoxication.

At least "The White-haired Girl" is playing on the stage now, but you ask the Baron Cornelius of Corsica who is sitting next to him, can he understand?

Yes, this guy also came out, just the third day after Tang Dao came out.

"Mr. Nicholas, do you know? When I heard that you were released from prison, I was very tormented, because I was running for you." Cornelius crossed his legs with a little casualness of a young man , watching the performance on stage and saying, "I don't want to stay in that **** old bus for a moment."

"Then you came out?" Tang Dao asked.

"I took a sick day and they granted it," Cornelius said casually.

Tang Dao looked at him in surprise, "Then don't you need to go to the hospital?"

Cornelius turned his head and smiled, showing his teeth, "No, someone will lie down for me."

The unruly Baron of Corsica, Tang Dao propped his chin with his left hand, stared at the top of the stage, and didn't speak, the other party would continue. Sure enough, Cornelius didn't hear Tang Dao's inquiry, and he felt like Scratching, narrowing your eyes and saying, "Mr. Nicholas, are you not curious at all?"

"Curiosity? No, isn't it normal to have money to do whatever you want? Especially in this society where people eat people." Tang Dao turned his head to look at

Cornelius was taken aback, this seems to make sense, people like them always have some privileges.

"You came to me not just to talk about the truth of life, you can say something directly."

"I know that your company has won the arms agency rights in France. I want to be your company's agent and be responsible for all business in Europe." Cornelius has a lot of appetite. He wants to do business in Europe? what are you kidding

Do you have such a big face?

Tang Dao didn't speak, and Cornelius was very nervous. He really wanted to say that he could bring a lot of contacts to the Savior Company, but when he turned around, it seemed...the other party did not lack his contacts.

"Sorry, we already have our own subsidiary in the European market." Tang Dao said.

Cornelius was urgent, "Mr. Nicholas..."

Tang Dao reached out his hand to signal the other party to be quiet, "You don't have to think about the business in Europe, how about leaving it to you in South America? However, our company wants eight-tier profits."

South America?

That place is not bad, at least chaotic, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts and snakes, but this group of people also have a strong consumption concept, and they spend money lavishly, so they don't feel bad at all. This kind of buyer is what businessmen like, but the profit point of these eight floors ,Too high! Cornelius couldn't accept it, he wanted to arrange people, and the people below also had to eat and drink.

This profit is not exciting at all.

Cornelius wanted to bargain, but Tang Dao seemed to know what he was thinking, and said first, "Two floors are enough. If you don't agree, I think there will be others who will be happy."

There are many people who want to cooperate with Tang Dao!

Renault alone has said that it wants to communicate with the Ukrainian factory of the savior company. After all, the latter has more than 400 former military industry experts. Bonuses and benefits are also distributed in half a year, so that they can give full play to their talents.

Although there are no products that can be sold now, Tang Dao has plenty of time.

It won't be long, and it will definitely blow out!

Tang Dao hopes that Cornelius will not be too greedy, the two floors are already very good, and he continued, I am afraid there will be nothing by then.

Cornelius did not have the guts to force the other party to buy and sell by force. The gap between the power systems of the two sides was too great. After thinking for a while, he nodded in agreement and stretched out his hand, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Tang Dao shook hands with him, then got up, "I will send someone to discuss cooperation with you, I will go first."

After he finished speaking, he left his seat. The white-haired girl looked meaningless and lacked passion. Cornelius watched him leave. The confidant sitting on his right was actually the Second Village Lord of Corsica. , who is also a member of the family is a little upset.

"Is he proud?"

Cornelius looked at him, "If you are worth seven or eight billion dollars, you can be proud."

The confidant smiled awkwardly, and murmured a few times in his heart.

At the same time, Tang Dao, who walked out of the opera house, let out a long breath. This place is too depressing. He would rather watch the football game in the gymnasium. That kind of passion. When it comes to the ball game, Tang Dao has a thought, and looks at the little angel next to him. Said, "You let the think tank analyze whether there is any team in the Premier League to sell, and buy a team to play."

Most importantly, he knew that future player trading would also be a big business, tens of millions of euros at every turn, and this business was just right to step in at this time, and maybe he could even build a dynasty.

The boss's "wonderful ideas" little angel and others are also used to it, as long as they agree to it.

"Is there any news about the headhunter about the assistant?" Tang Dao asked again.

"Not yet, but they said they are in contact, but they are not satisfied, and they are embarrassed to push it to the boss."

This is a beautiful statement, I just hope that the person I find is not a dead man.

Maxwell couldn't figure out that he really came out of Banjul, the kind of way out in a fair manner, because for a while the Senegalese stopped attacking and retreated ten kilometers away.

And taking advantage of this time, he was sent out by a black man who called himself "Dibby".

This Alec transport company is really amazing!

The other party charged him a deposit of 300,000 U.S. dollars, and the rest of the money can be paid in Greece. The other party promised to deliver him, and he is now on a freighter bound for Greece.

"Mr. Maxwell, don't be nervous, have a drink." Just as he was looking at the sea level in the distance, a shout from behind interrupted his thoughts. When he turned his head, he saw a black man holding a wine glass, Handed it to him and said, still a little helpless, "The 500,000 US dollars can only be found on a freighter. If you are willing to pay a little more, I think we can take you on a transport plane. Don't worry, it is a modified one. A private jet Experience Thank you."

Maxwell took the red wine, "Do you still have grades?"

"Of course, customer experience is our most important rating, but the price of the private jet is more expensive, at least 3 million US dollars, and we will safely rescue you from the dangerous zone." Dibby emphasized again, "Anywhere!"


This made Maxwell a little unbelievable, but also a little scared.

What kind of power can say such a thing?

What kind of people are behind it?

"Alec? What company is it?" Maxwell said to himself.

"Transportation is a small part of our company, we also take care of your finances!"

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