Chapter 4487 Riddle

When Fan Xiangming heard Huo She's words, a hint of gray flashed across his face, and he said softly: "We have seen many tragedies like this when we were performing tasks at the border. The women who were trafficked, except for the initial resistance, later We are all used to it, and even after giving birth to a child, few women are willing to leave their children behind and return to their homes.

And even if there is a woman who is willing to go home, the child left behind becomes an unfortunate child without a mother, a tragedy that cannot be solved. "

Hua Leiming sighed and said: "It's hard to say whether this kind of thing is right or wrong, but those traffickers and buyers definitely deserve to die, and so do the pirates on Blackstone Island."

Fire Snake was silent and did not speak. In order to control the Red Dragon Pirates, it is absolutely impossible for their Red Dragon team to keep their hands dirty for so many years. Even if the Red Dragon boss suppresses them, there are still many in their Red Dragon Pirates. Dirty deeds, otherwise not involved in drugs or human trafficking, will definitely attract the attention of other forces.

So can the Red Dragon Group, with their dirty hands, really be able to return to the sun?

Do they deserve to return to the Light Society?

Ye Qiu's face was gloomy and he didn't speak. He walked over and tidied the clothes of the old woman and her grandson to make them look calmer, then stood up and looked at them.

Li Mingqiu said with a smile at this time: "Actually, there is no need to feel sorry for her. If she had no children, she might have wanted to commit suicide a long time ago. The current result can be regarded as a relief for her."

Although she was smiling, her smile looked miserable. That's right. She had no will to live before. If it weren't for Ye Qiu's appearance, she would no longer want to live now.

The person who understands the old woman best is definitely Li Mingqiu who has experienced it himself.

Ye Qiu sighed and said nothing more. He just turned around and said, "Let's go. After killing Riddle, we can leave Blackstone Island."

The top of the villa area.

In a villa.

Lando the Lantern Bearer was sitting on the sofa, and opposite him sat a bald, dark-skinned man. The man looked very fierce, but he was dressed very elegantly. He was wearing a high-end custom-made suit and slightly made-up skin. It made him look out of place with the pirate men next to him.

Lando frowned now. He had been talking to Riddle about the arms deal and the cargo ship docking tonight, but while they were talking, there were bursts of gunfire on Blackstone Island. .

This gave Lando a bad premonition, and he wanted to ask Riddle what happened on Blackstone Island, but in the face of the sound of firefights, Riddle seemed very calm and was still smoking his cigar leisurely.

Riddle leaned on the sofa, holding the backrest with his right hand, holding a cigar in the other hand, taking a puff calmly, looking at Lando and smiling: "Mr. Lando, don't be too nervous, it's just a little trouble down there, gun There are noises every day on my Black Rock Island. They are probably blind guys who come from nowhere and come here to cause trouble. But don't worry, my troops will deal with them soon.

We are all big shots and should keep it classy.”

Lando got up and walked back and forth in the living room. At this time, he walked to the window and saw that there was a fire far below the villa. He walked back quickly and said with a gloomy face: "Riddle, this transaction is very important. , I don’t want anything to go wrong, if the situation on your side cannot calm down in a short time, then I can only let the cargo ship go to Red Rock Island first.”

Riddle's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although pirates like them are dominating the Yapeng Islands, they also know that their current status cannot be separated from the support of Western capital. In the past ten years, because China has been developing better and better, and its maritime power has become more and more Strong, coupled with China's efforts to win over, split and shut down some Western capital, made Western capital less willing to touch the East's bad luck, so support in the Yapen Islands declined year by year.

Most of the AK47s used by his troops are old products from ten years ago, and there have been many new pirate forces in recent years, so he urgently needs a batch of new weapons to strengthen his position, at least to keep the young people Don't dare to trouble him.

He needs this batch of arms very much, so how can he let the other party return easily? If he waits for the cargo ship to take a tour of the Yapeng Islands before coming back, who knows how much those **** can leave him.

Riddle put down his cigar and said with a smile: "Mr. Lando, you should be very aware of the power of Blackstone Island. With the fortifications deployed over the years, even a regiment of regular troops cannot break in, and I also have With people from the Black Swan Combat Brigade as combat commanders, I believe the war will subside soon.

What we have to do now is to sit here elegantly, light a cigar elegantly, or drink a glass of red wine elegantly, and wait until the matter is resolved. This is the demeanor that a gentleman should have. "

Lando looked at this gentleman-speaking guy.

Riddell was originally a very ordinary pirate leader, but behind him stood a federal military industry giant. After he was invited by the military industry giant to live in the Federation for a period of time and returned, this guy began to learn Why did he pretend to be an upper-class person? Because he was so longing for the life of the powerful people in the Federation that he developed mental illness. He also dreamed of one day getting a green card from the Federation and becoming an official citizen of the Federation.

So he plays the role of a member of the upper class every day, thinking that after leaving Blackstone Island, he can immediately blend in with the powerful.

But how could the Federation give him a green card to a dangerous pirate leader like him? This dream would never be realized. Even if Riddle dared to give up the territory of Blackstone Island and leave here with wealth, it was guaranteed that he would be murdered at the next moment. Then the wealth is harvested by the capital behind it.

Moreover, there is still a problem with this guy's sexual orientation. As a masochist, after decades of absurdity, he may not even be able to control his voluntary excretion. Lando suspects that this guy is still wearing a diaper under his pants, otherwise The stench had already filled the room, and it had nothing to do with elegance.

This guy is just a pathetic toad. Seeing his face, Lando felt sick, but now he could only hold back the discomfort and wait here.

"Tell your men to end this farce quickly. I have to go to the next place."

Lando said bluntly.

Riddle shrugged: "Of course, I believe Commander Andy will report to me soon that the enemy has been completely wiped out."

But at this moment, a pirate walked in quickly: "Boss, Commander Andy is here."

Riddle's expression changed when he heard this, and he frowned deeply.

As a pirate, he is fairly self-aware and knows that a strong member of the special forces like Andy doesn't think highly of him, so every time something happens, Andy just uses the radio to call him. Tell me, when did you come to see him in person?

But now that Andy has come here in person, it can only explain that the current battle situation is not good.

In fact, how did Riddle know at this time that the battle situation was not only not good, but that his main force had already been wiped out.

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