Chapter 4421 shocked the world

Ye Qiu lowered his head and considered.

Yuntao, Meng Xingzhou, Fan Xiangming and Hua Leiming were originally members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, but they were expelled from the Snow Leopard Special Forces after violating discipline due to their unauthorized actions and following Ye Qiu to Daying.

After returning later, Ye Qiu gave them two choices. One was to return to the Snow Leopard Special Forces, and the other was to join the Secret Operations Division, which was the rumored front-line combat force!

In fact, it is Long Yan’s training camp!

Yuntao was actually definitely going to join. The choice given at that time was to three people, Meng Xingzhou, and in the end all of them joined Long Yan.

Although they have passed the battles in Britain and the Temple of War, they have proven that they have the ability to join the front-line combat troops and their strong ability to withstand combat pressure. However, they cannot be called professional soldiers without undergoing the most rigorous training.

Now that a few months have passed, they should have grown up individually, but if they want to truly join Long Yan, they still need to undergo a more cruel test, which is real battlefield survival!

Only those who can survive the **** meat grinder can become true Longyan warriors!

Ye Qiu is the captain of Long Yan, and he does have the power to make people join Long Yan, but to become a real Long Yan warrior, or even a serial number member, you need real strength!

This action is indeed dangerous, but if you want to gain something, you must pay something.

Especially with Yuntao's identity, don't think that children from aristocratic families can be promoted quickly in the army. In the army, not only people from other aristocratic families are watching you, but also people who were born at the bottom and climbed up from the bottom. They are waiting for you to make a mistake and will show their fangs to you.

If Yuntao can participate in this operation and the mission is successfully completed, then no one will have anything to say if they truly join Long Yan.

Ye Qiu thought of this and wanted to say something to Yun Jinshan.

But he immediately understood that Yun Jinshan knew the danger of this mission as clearly as he did, so since he said so, he had already been prepared, even if Yun Tao died on the battlefield.

The older generation of soldiers all have this awareness, because every one of them came from the war years!

Ye Qiu didn't think about it anymore and nodded: "I will notify the Secret Operations Department."

Yun Jinshan showed a smile and a bit of sadness on his face. If possible, he would rather go to the battlefield in place of his grandson, but in the end, the next generation will still have to handle everything.

"I won't say much else. There are still two days left, so just relax."

Yun Jinshan patted Ye Qiu's shoulder.

Ye Qiu smiled slightly: "I will do it if you don't tell me."

At this time, in a mansion in Yanjing.

This is Yun Yuankai's home. He has returned here now, and his son Yun Qiang is waiting for him at home. When he saw his eyes lit up, he asked: "Dad, has Yun Jinshan abdicated the throne?"

Yun Yuankai waved his hand: "How can it be so simple? Don't ask about this matter. Don't bother me when you wait. I have something to do."

After saying that, he ignored his son and went directly into the study. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, you said you were just doing me a favor. I can also get it for your woman, but you didn't say The matter would have become so big. Now that the whole world knows about it, the people above have been unable to step down. What if they take any action and dig deeper?"

"Mr. Yun, who do you think I can ask? I can't stop this matter now, but don't worry, those are my own people. Even if someone investigates, nothing will be found. Yes, besides, does Dongfang have the ability to send people to investigate outside? I still have many things to do, so let’s leave it at that.”

The person on the other end just said one thing and hung up the phone.

Yun Yuankai cursed and put down his cell phone with a gloomy face. He began to regret that in order to get his business back, he revealed the whereabouts of his cargo ship. If it hadn't been for his disclosure, even if he had the coordinates, it would be difficult to do it again. Ships are detected on the route, unless there is military radar.

What he was thinking was actually very simple, wasn't he just putting on a show, but he didn't expect it to become international news.

But now that there is no turning back, he can only hope that the other party's words will be true, because Yun Jinshan must have targeted him now.

Two days later.

Just as the world continues to focus on the piracy incident in the Yabon Islands, and the heat is getting higher and higher, and public opinion is getting louder and louder, the Eastern Foreign Affairs Department, which has not made any statement for two days, suddenly held a press conference, and also brought A very shocking news to the whole world.

Su Jian, the spokesperson of the external department, was already standing at the front of the press conference hall, looking seriously at the domestic and foreign reporters in the audience, and said in a low voice:

"In view of the increasingly rampant international piracy activities, which have seriously affected the trade security of the Western Pacific region and greatly affected the global peaceful environment, in order to prevent the international environment from declining, and to prevent the occurrence of war in some areas of the Western Pacific, Possibility, we will start tomorrow in the Western Pacific region, jointly carry out operations with the Yapeng official and the Jingdong relief army to maintain regional peace and ensure the safety of maritime trade...

We will dispatch fleets to carry out more operations on the Yapong shipping route, and at the same time establish a Yapong special operations force to carry out activities to maintain law and order in the area to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy at the Golden Crescent Plantation..."

The reporters in the audience were all in an uproar. No one thought that Dongfang would suddenly launch an operation against the pirates of the Yapeng Islands. They had been issuing statements in the past two days, just communicating.

But what Su Jian said now contained two words: send troops!

No one expected such a result. You must know that Dongfang has never made such a strong statement. It interferes in the behavior of other regions. Even if it does, it only acts secretly. On the surface, it is definitely a talkative old man. Brother action.

It looks like those pirates really **** off Dongfang this time!

The reporters who came back to their senses immediately began to frantically spread the news to the whole world, as if they had been given a shot of blood. Just a few minutes later, all major conferences in the world had immediately held emergency video conferences. , everyone was shocked by Dongfang’s decision.

But at the same time, they also found an opportunity, an opportunity that could severely attack the rising momentum of the East!

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