The Special Forces King In The Mountain Village

Chapter 3466: Dongchuang incident

In the primeval forest of Longshui, wild animals are very common. Not to mention a few rabbits and monkeys, even if there are cheetahs and tigers, no one will find it strange.

Not to mention these ordinary-looking mosquitoes, the red scorpion drug dealer who was watching the night never found them.

In other words, he found it, but he didn't care at all.

Although these drug dealers in the Golden Triangle sound famous, their life is not good. No matter how rich they are in that kind of place, it is impossible to live a good life. Being bitten by mosquitoes is a common occurrence.

The red scorpion drug dealer with a beard was sitting there, and he didn't even move when he heard the buzzing sound.

He just scolded in a low voice: "Damn it! That bastard Basong is good, because his sister is a woman of Naka, he went to bed by himself, but let me feed the mosquitoes here!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and waved to drive away the mosquitoes around him.

But what he didn't notice was.

At this time, there were a few special mosquitoes that didn't pay any attention to his repelling.

Even if two mosquitoes were killed by him at once, the rest still flew to his body unsteadily, and then bit them down.


"Bastard!" The guy slapped the mosquitoes to death, cursed again, and then did nothing.

But as time passed, he suddenly felt a deep sense of drowsiness, and his eyelids began to become heavier and heavier.

"What's going on, why are you so sleepy, maybe it's because of the rush..."

The bearded man yawned, feeling more and more sleepy, and gradually lowered his head, and fell asleep directly. Anyway, there are people guarding the periphery, so why not sleep by himself.

A slight snoring sound was heard.

Ye Qiu and the wild fox slowly crawled out of the darkness.

After taking a look, Yehu sighed, "Li Li's Gu worm is really useful, I didn't expect it could make people sleep without anyone noticing it, if we had this thing back then, it would be much easier for us to carry out the task! "

Ye Qiu said in a low voice: "One hundred thousand yuan for a mosquito, can you afford it?"

This is not for nothing. With that little girl's character of being a money fan, how could she not want money.

The corner of Yehu's mouth twitched: "I mean."

"go in."

Ye Qiu didn't say much, and walked directly into the tent behind the bearded man, and the wild fox quickly followed.

"Look for Yao Zhenfei's men first, their bags are definitely different from the Red Scorpion."

Wild Fox nodded.

The two men soon found the eagle and the hen's bag, and rummaged for a while.

Ye Qiu quickly frowned: "There is no medicine."

Yehu whispered: "There is no satellite phone either. They should have searched and taken all the useful ones away."

"Look again."

Fortunately, the Red Scorpion people just took out the things, but they still put them in the tent and gathered the medicines together, but there was no satellite phone, so Uman or someone else should have brought them with them.

But the purpose of the two of them tonight is just these medicines.

"found it."

The wild fox quickly found several antibiotics: "How much?"

Ye Qiu said, "Three, one a day should be enough."

"Well, but if they check, they will easily find something missing." Wild Fox said softly.

"Let's talk about it after they find out." Ye Qiu grinned, "At worst, we'll kill them all."

Yehu laughed when he heard the words, took three antibiotics, and tidied up again. Just when he was about to leave with Ye Qiu, he suddenly saw a small silver leather case beside him, which was placed in a very conspicuous place.

He couldn't help asking curiously: "What is this thing, it seems to be quite important."

Ye Qiu also noticed it and walked over to see that there was no lock, so he directly opened the small suitcase, then hesitantly said: "This is..."

The two thought that there was something important in the box, which might be the money or gold bars from the drug trafficking.

But to their surprise, there were a few light yellow flowers in it!

Yehu picked it up and looked at it, and said suspiciously: "What are these guys doing with the flowers in the box? Could it be that there is a male psychopath here who likes these things?"

Ye Qiu didn't speak, but after a while he said thoughtfully, "Maybe it's the spirit flower that Li Li said."

In Longshui, in addition to some spiritual things born from the absorption of spiritual energy by snakes, rats, insects and ants, spiritual flowers and spiritual grass are also a common thing!

For some spirit creatures, spirit flowers and herbs are a great tonic.

Just like his blood jade worm, according to Li Li, it has reached a critical period, and ordinary Gu worms are no longer useful to it.

Only by eating those more powerful Gu worms, or some spiritual flowers and grasses, can they continue to grow!

Think about it.

Ye Qiu also picked up a branch and felt it, his eyes flashed immediately, because he felt a kind of breath on these flowers, similar to the breath of true energy!

"This is the spirit flower? It feels like people can practice, and these flowers and trees can also practice, but the internal martial arts can cultivate true energy, and these flowers and plants can condense spiritual energy."

Ye Qiu frowned, he suddenly had a feeling.

That is, if he eats these spirit flowers, he may be able to increase his true energy! "However, I have lost my true energy now, and the true energy in my body is still left by the life potion. It is useless to increase the true energy, and it will be consumed sooner or later... No, it's just that the spiritual energy of these spirit flowers doesn't seem to be counted. too strong if

There are some spiritual flowers with a lot of spiritual energy to stimulate them. Will I recover my true energy after taking them? "

Ye Qiu's eyes lit up, and then he calmed down again.

Of course, these are just a feeling, and you have to try to know how to do it.

However, it is not that simple to try. Now they are still in Longshui. After the work is done, bring some back to Mr. Jiang and Mr. Yao for research, and then try again is the kingly way.

Ye Qiu thought of this and said, "Don't touch these flowers for now, they seem to value them very much, if they are missing, they will definitely find out tomorrow."

The wild fox nodded, put the flowers back and covered them.

The two left the tent, hid the three antibiotics outside, left a mark for Zhang Hongfei, and went back to rest.

What Ye Qiu didn't realize was that not long after they left, a ghostly figure appeared, stared at the direction they left, and then disappeared immediately.

Early the next morning.

Ye Qiu and the others were woken up by a loud noise.

"What happened?"

When Ye Qiu heard the movement, he opened his eyes, stood up quickly, and put his hands on his waist at the same time. At the same time, the wild fox and the wind wolf also stood up immediately, staring outside.

Yao Zhenfei and Heka were a little slower, but they woke up soon.

After waiting for a while, Yao Zhenfei understood what was shouting outside.

"It seems that a person was bitten by a leopard and was seriously injured, and he is now saving people."

Yao Zhenfei said in a low voice.

When Ye Qiu, Yehu and Fenglang heard this, they groaned inwardly. They must be treated with medicine if they were bitten by wild animals. Needless to say, they would be found out about the lack of three antibiotics.

And they are the first to bear the brunt, and they will definitely be regarded as suspects.

Sure enough, just when they were thinking this way, someone shouted outside: "There are enemies! Our things have been stolen!"

At the same time, someone yanked the tent open. The muscles of Ye Qiu and the others tensed instantly.

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