The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 565: The Giants Fall (2)

  Chapter 565 The Giant Falls (2)

  Three days later, Alan Schwartz realized that the situation was going from bad to worse, and it was beyond his ability. In this case, he strongly requested the company's board of directors to hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to solve the current Bear Stearns dilemma.

  There are currently two breaking news circulating on Wall Street. One is the rumor that Bear Stearns is in a state of liquidity shortage, and the other is that Zhongshi was sued by the SEC for insider trading.

  Generally speaking, the news of being accused of insider trading by the SEC can never be compared with the troubles of a giant like Bear Stearns. But this time, because of the background of the protagonist's identity, it was even more sensational than the Bear Stearns news to some extent. Soon the news of Zhong Shi was widely published in the newspapers in the past few days: he was born in mainland China, started his career in the financial market, and has been involved in major turning points in the British pound, London copper and other markets. There are even rumors that he is behind the devaluation of the Mexican peso. The black hand, and he was only a teenager at that time.

   Then the financial genius moved to Hong Kong with his family and studied in the United States. While at the University of Chicago, he wrote a thesis that established today's credit default swap market, and shined brilliantly in the Asian financial crisis, successfully sniping the attack on Hong Kong by international speculators headed by Soros.

   This outstanding investor, who had been silent for nearly ten years, made a high-profile comeback the year before last and announced part of his net worth. It is said that his net worth has entered the top five in the world. The most astonishing thing is that, while his high-profile appearance was made, the "Closing of the Everlasting Flower Fund" shocked the world in the US capital market. Although there is no evidence so far to confirm the connection between the two, the amazing coincidence in time has to make people think deeply.

  Although the billionaire was accused by the SEC of insider trading, and the bail has reached an astonishing $10 million, so far there is no information about which transaction Mr. Zhong Shi was involved in and how much the amount was involved. However, it is reported that the amount involved in these transactions has reached billions of dollars. Regardless of whether Mr. Zhong Shi is charged with crimes or settled, this will be the largest amount of charges against individuals or institutions in the history of Wall Street.

  In the office on the top floor of Bear Stearns dedicated to board meetings, a group of potbellied directors were flipping through the latest newspapers, having a heated discussion on Zhongshi, who always occupies the headlines of newspapers recently.

"God, is this guy really that rich?" A director in a light blue suit put down the newspaper and touched his head subconsciously. Only when his palm touched his forehead did he realize that his hair had almost fallen out , I had to pat my forehead in embarrassment, and exaggeratedly said, "We old guys have struggled all our lives, but no one else has made as much money in one insider transaction, or it is more accurate to say that we have been fined more. I swear in the name of God, this guy must be doing something illegal, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make that much money."

"Come on, Hunter, put away your pretentiousness!" Another director in a dark black suit chuckled, the disdain at the corner of his mouth was clearly visible, "Speak as if you are poor But who doesn't know that the dividends in the stocks these years are enough to ensure your future life is worry-free. If this is the case, why care about others? Hell, no matter how much it is, it's just a bunch of numbers. .”

  Although Zhong Shi's wealth makes people extremely jealous, how many people who can sit in this conference room are not worth over 100 million? And after the money has accumulated to a certain level, it is indeed just a number on the books. In fact, the people sitting in this office own at least about 30% of Bear Stearns' shares, and there are several directors who attended the meeting online, and their shares in hand have reached an astonishing 45% However, a large part of it is taken from the dividends of Bear Stearns stocks every year, so naturally it will not be the owner who is short of money.

   As for insider trading, although not everyone has experienced it, everyone here has more or less been involved in the gray trading that takes advantage of legal loopholes. So in the eyes of most of them, Zhongshi's news may not be news, it's just that a poor guy was caught by the SEC.

"Mick, you're wrong to say that!" The director named Hunter snorted coldly, glanced at the director named Mick, picked up the coffee in front of him, and took a sip. Said displeased, "Guys, don't you read more from this news? If this little guy called Zhongshi, the insider trading is short selling our Bear Stearns stock, Then this matter is related to our wealth here!"

  Many directors who had been holding a wait-and-see attitude towards the bickering between the two were stunned at once. They were indeed frightened by Hunter's words. Although these people often have an indifferent attitude towards many things, once their interests are involved, especially those linked to themselves, they will definitely turn around and change into wolves immediately, and bite each other fiercely. Fan.

  Wolf culture is part of the corporate culture of this Wall Street giant.

Although for the directors of the board of directors, they are either the former management of Bear Stearns or investors from other institutions, there is only one reason that can unite them, and it is the only reason: to Bell Stearns. Stern has a positive outlook for long-term profitability.

Although Huntel just said it casually and did not come up with any real evidence, other directors began to think about such a possibility. What about coincidence? For a moment, the entire meeting room fell into a terrible silence. The faces of the directors were cloudy, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

   "No, this matter has nothing to do with him."

   Just when everyone had different thoughts, Alan Schwartz walked in, and categorically denied it as soon as he opened his mouth. Obviously, he who went out to answer the phone just now listened to everything in his ears.

The call was from James Kane. He was still in Las Vegas, and he couldn’t make it back even if he took a private jet. Therefore, after calling CEO Alan Schwartz for details, Kane Decided not to go back to New York to attend the meeting, nor to participate in the video conference, and all measures were left to Schwartz, because there was still a bridge game waiting for him to start.

  (end of this chapter)

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