Chapter 519 Departure (1)

   Not to mention the turbulent undercurrent after the reaction of all parties to Zhong Shi's remarks, just in the natural gas market, a wave of small-scale waves was first set off.

Not long after the traders first widened the price difference between the 0703 and 0704 contracts, the traders of the Base Camp Fund made a bold move, forcing the market price back to within the normal fluctuation range they thought was normal with a series of large orders. It was the first time for the Base Camp Fund to sell. In order to eliminate the unfavorable remarks caused by Zhong Shi's remarks, they had to violate their usual investment strategies and actively choose to take orders in the market.

  After realizing that there is a force in the market that is fighting against their narrowing spread, the natural gas traders quickly understood that this should be the behind-the-scenes organization that took over the Evergreen Fund. Naturally, relying on their individual abilities, they cannot compete with such an organization. What they want to wait and hope to see is naturally a contest between the party represented by Zhong Shi and this organization. This represents their opportunity to fish in troubled waters .

Even inside some institutions, traders are still betting on who will win in the end. They have set various indicators such as the target price, the final closing price of both parties, and the final closing price in these two months. Different markets were opened, and some good people even built a data model specifically for the game in their spare time to deduce the approximate odds. For a time, this game was widely circulated among natural gas traders, and many Wall Street Elite traders love it.

In a sense, investment is indeed a kind of gambling. Of course, this gambling is not the same as gambling in the traditional sense. After full analysis and logical verification, the probability of obtaining high returns is far higher than the probability of gambling. much higher. Many traders are frequent visitors to Las Vegas and Atlantic Casino, and they are immersed in the gambling capital market, so gambling is often a way for them to entertain each other.

   It's just that they waited for several trading days, and they didn't notice the other side of the market made a move. This made them feel uninterested, but also a little curious, what kind of trick is the other party playing?

In late October, Zhongshi, who flew back to New York from South Africa, began to make plans to close positions in the market. After the collapse of the Flower Fund, this period of time was enough for the institutions that took over to digest this part of the position. In addition, there were , this part of the income should be in the pocket.

"The price of 0703 is 6.84 US dollars, and the price of 0704 is 5.79 US dollars. The price difference between the two parties is 1.05 US dollars. This price has increased by nearly 0.3 US dollars compared with the lowest time. I believe that if calculated with a position of 100,000 lots, the other party has made at least 3 million dollars in profits."

  In front of the keyboard, Jiang Shan pointed to the constantly beating numbers and analyzed them for Zhong Shi. Hu Ping also stood aside, looking at the screen calmly, silent.

"If we give up part of the profits to the other party appropriately, will it speed up our liquidation? If so, what is the price difference that we and they can accept?" Zhong Shi thought for a while, and his tone was flat asked.

  Hearing Zhong Shi's words, Hu Ping raised his brows involuntarily.

  When the price of natural gas positions fell to the lowest level in the past two months, the floating profit of the positions established by Zhongshi Institute exceeded 3 billion US dollars, accounting for half of the loss of the Evergreen Fund. Even after selling some of the positions, the floating profit of this part is still close to 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, and the profit successfully turned into cash has reached as much as 1 billion U.S. dollars.

  Even based on the current profit, Hu Ping and his team will be able to get a dividend of 120 million US dollars, which is enough to shock the entire Wall Street. But in fact Hu Ping is not satisfied, who would think too much money?

  So when he heard that Zhong Shi intended to return part of the profits to the other party, he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. However, when the operating funds come from the other party, the market is also pointed out by the other party, and even at certain critical moments, the other party is breaking the point, he really can't say much, he can only comfort himself in his heart, and said lightly : "Of course this is possible, but the problem is the specific price. If we can't reach a tacit understanding with them, maybe the other party will take the opportunity to attack."

After pondering for a while, he felt that his intention of not wanting to close the position was too obvious, and added, "However, there is another advantage, that is, if we make concessions and people in our camp are not willing, They will take over our positions in due course and continue to entangle with each other in this market. In this case, the speed of our liquidation may increase by a few points."

  Zhong Shi took a deep look at Hu Ping, did not speak, and after pondering for a while, he ordered decisively: "Close the position, first raise the price difference to 1.15 dollars, and see the other party's reaction."

   Due to a large number of liquidation in a short period of time, the price will fluctuate violently, especially when the main funds are dispatched. Therefore, the price difference of $0.10 may take a certain amount of time and capital in the eyes of small and medium-sized institutions, but for Zhongshi’s team, as long as it is slightly flattened, it is enough to make the price difference rise to their desired position.

   Soon, a large number of liquidation orders appeared in the market, and the price of natural gas naturally rose, and quickly began to fluctuate on the two-month contract, and soon rose to the predetermined position. The violent fluctuation caught the market by surprise, and traders in the market were asking what happened in less than a minute just now.

   "Are they going to start?"

In the base camp fund, Kenneth Griffin was staring at the market closely. The violent fluctuation just now did not escape his eyes. After carefully calculating the amount of the transaction just now, he concluded that the other party must be a large institution. Maybe it was Zhong Shi who announced on TV that he was attacking the Everlasting Flower Fund.

"For $1.15, I gave up a profit of more than 60 million U.S. dollars in one fell swoop, which is really a big deal!" After carefully calculating the amount of the transaction just now, even Griffin, who is in charge of tens of billions, was also rejected by the other party's The "generosity" was shocked, "But this amount of money just wants to satisfy me, isn't it too contemptuous of me?" After experiencing the initial shock, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Griffin's mouth. This amount is quite unsatisfactory.

Think about it, in order to buy the position of the Everlasting Flower Fund, the capital of the base camp has borrowed a total of 1 billion US dollars in loans. These loans are based on their investment portfolio as collateral, so the cost is quite high, and now, They have earned at least 180 million US dollars, so compared to the part of the profit that Zhong Shi gave up, he naturally couldn't see it.

However, now that the other party has shown goodwill, and it is only the first time, there is still a lot of room for bargaining below. Naturally, Griffin will not be in a hurry to give a reply so soon. At this time, he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, calmly Just wait for the other party's next move.

Who wouldn't want to see another wave of fierce liquidation in the market before he has settled down. Unlike the wave just now, traders in the market are already fully prepared, so even in the short term A large amount of liquidation orders appeared in the market, and traders quickly took over these liquidation orders, and the price difference between the two months also rose to 1.19 US dollars.

   "Wow, 100 million US dollars in profit is really generous!" Griffin became more and more proud when he saw the other party so impatient, and now he could more and more understand the other party's eagerness to close the position.

   But at the other end, Zhong Shi and his team were confused, because they did not initiate the wave of liquidation in the market. In fact, they just sent out a wave of signals, and the second wave of signals had nothing to do with them at all.

After a brief silence, Jiang Shan suddenly called out, "I understand, there must be other institutions in the market. After seeing us close their positions, I am afraid that they will not be able to fight against each other with their own strength, or feel that they are It should be safe, so we have to close out this part of the position before us, yes, it should be like this."

  Jiang Shan's words made everyone's eyes brighten. After thinking about it, they felt that this was the reason.

Now there are two paths before Zhong Shi and others. The first is naturally to continue to close positions and fight price wars with other institutions that want to close positions. Of course, it is the base camp fund that is reaping the benefits; If you don't close the position, you can only watch the other party close the position smoothly, but you will face more uncertainties later.

   "No, there must be another way out!"

  Zhong Shi frowned and thought for a long time, and felt that neither path was suitable for him, but apart from these two paths, there was no third path to take, so Zhong Shi was very unwilling. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized that there is indeed another way to go.

  It is not accurate to say that it is another way, because this method is derived from the first way. That is to say, since Zhong Shi wanted to close the position, he also wanted to make his opponent unsatisfactory. He used price wars to reduce the profit margin of the other party, so that he had to follow his own footsteps to close the position.

  Of course, this method does not work for everyone. Only institutions that occupy a dominant position in the market and are not afraid of losses dare to do so. Because after all, the two parties close their positions in order to secure the profits obtained in the early stage, but if the big institutions are annoyed and would rather risk their losses than let the other party gain profits, then the institutions that want to preemptively close their positions will have to think twice .

   "$1.30, let them see how good we are!"

  After he figured it out, Zhong Shi swept away his depression, and gave orders to the traders with pride. This order stunned the traders, but they are professional people after all. After a little delay, they did not hesitate to throw out the corresponding liquidation orders in the market, and began to frantically increase the trading volume between two months. spread.

Soon, under the impact of the crazy liquidation order, the price difference between the 0703 and 0704 contracts broke through 1.2 dollars, and then continued to rise without any pause, and the 1.25 unlucky price was also quickly broken, rushing to 1.3 The position of the dollar came to an embarrassing halt.

"What the **** happened?" The traders in the market are almost going crazy. Although they know that there are big institutions closing their positions, they only sell hundreds of lots each time, and the price difference is only a few tenths. The liquidation orders flooded into the market, directly raising the price difference between the two months to an exaggerated level, which made them dumbfounded.

The people who were stunned were not only the traders in the market, but even the people who were fighting with Zhong Shi to close their positions behind the scenes were also dumbfounded. Among them, John Arnold couldn't say a word for a while, but after thinking of Zhong Shi's intentions, He immediately became angry again, and even threw the signature pen in his hand violently to the ground.

   "Damn it, this guy, relying on his wealth and power, actually wants to sell us to the other party. God, this kind of behavior that hurts others and does not benefit oneself, can only be done by such a guy!"

Anger turned to anger, but Arnold, who came back to his senses, felt very helpless, because just donating all the profits to his opponent, Zhong Shi would not have the slightest shake in his wealth, but he was far from doing this, Because most of what he manages is other people's funds.

  At this moment, he realized the "barbarism" of the other party!

  (end of this chapter)

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