The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 1007: Back to 3000 points (1)

  Chapter 1007 Return to 3000 points (1)

Just this weekend when Fu Yuntian and others were so busy worrying about Zhong Shi's whereabouts, the entire market was not idle, and various news were released frequently. Influence.

  Internationally, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 530 points on Friday, or nearly 4%. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite Index also had similar declines, and European stock markets generally fell by more than 3%. In the past Friday, the decline in China's stock market has affected the performance of stock markets around the world. Capital markets in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions have not been spared either.

In the absence of real money to save the market, the government only came up with a few good news to stimulate the market, including issuing pension fund investment management measures, accelerating advanced manufacturing and 3D printing, improving tax policies that are conducive to entrepreneurship, and Implement policies such as differentiated credit support to support the entire market.

  Private and unconfirmed rumors are that the head of the government is said to have lost his temper at a work meeting, and directly targeted those brokerages who were pushing back and forth during the second round of bailout fundraising. The chief also made harsh remarks, saying that these brokerages only care about their own lives and do not care about the overall situation of the country. This kind of behavior is not only selfish but also has no overall concept. If they continue to act recklessly like this, then they will have to conduct a thorough investigation of their business operations to see if they have possible illegal activities.

   Naturally, there is no way to prove this. But at least on the one hand, it shows that the decline in the stock market has attracted the attention of high-level officials.

  But on the other hand, it also confirmed a rumor to the public that the bailout funds have really dried up.

  This news was naturally produced by Xu Fei and others. Once it was circulated, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the market. Investors thought of the performance of the rescue funds on Friday, and immediately recognized the authenticity of the exhaustion of the rescue funds.

  In addition, news about the renminbi being attacked by short sellers in the foreign exchange market also began to spread.

  In the initial stage of the announcement of the reform of the RMB exchange rate, the performance of the RMB in the foreign exchange market did not change much, except for a small adjustment in the first three days. But after a week or so, the renminbi suddenly came under unprecedented selling pressure in the offshore market, especially in the most important Hong Kong market. The short-sellers attacked the renminbi like a tide, wave after wave. Under such circumstances, the depreciation of the renminbi began to accelerate, and the offshore market has approached the level of 6.5 yuan to 1 US dollar, while in the foreign exchange market in Suhai, the exchange rate has also exceeded 6.4.

  For ordinary investors, foreign exchange is not their daily concern. Therefore, although the foreign exchange market has been turned upside down, it does not have much concept for ordinary people.

   But on Sunday, an article in the "Financial Express" made this fact known to the world.

  This article first expounds on the recent dynamics of the foreign exchange market, which basically conforms to objective facts. But in the middle of the text, the author began to quote the words of several "unnamed fund managers", telling that several well-known hedge funds in the world are shorting RMB, including Quantum Fund, Summit Fund, and Bridgewater Fund.

  The article also stated that the current Chinese economy continues to decline, various data continue to decline, and the capital market has also experienced a near-avalanche situation. Various situations show that the Chinese economy, which once drove the global economy forward, is currently facing an unprecedented crisis, and the domestic capital market and the foreign exchange market can no longer have both. Whether to keep the capital market or the foreign exchange market has become the most troublesome thing for Huaxia executives.

After deliberately creating an atmosphere of crisis, this article finally set the tone in a dignified manner. In the face of the world's largest foreign exchange reserve, the short-selling behavior of foreign short-selling institutions against the renminbi is nothing more than a scabies disease . The difficulty in China's economy is just a small setback during the economic transformation period. As long as proper adjustments are made, China's economy will take off again.

   At first glance, this is a very politically correct article, but this kind of official article is not welcomed by the market. But in the eyes of professionals, there is still a trace of unusual information captured from this article. One of the most important points is to directly announce to the public the fact that the renminbi is under attack.

  The exchange rate is falling, the renminbi is depreciating continuously, the stock market lacks support, and the rescue funds are not in place. The combination of several news immediately outlines a precarious picture to investors.

   In addition, the PMI data released on Friday was lower than the expected 48, which further confirmed the above conclusions.

  The direct effect of these news is the loss of market confidence. Although several regulatory agencies directly related to the stock market continue to release good news, this collapse of confidence cannot be stopped.

   This collapse in confidence was reflected directly in the stock market on Monday.

In the call auction stage before the opening of the stock market that day, whether it was blue chips, heavyweights or emerging leading stocks, they all suffered sell-offs to varying degrees, and the momentum was almost unstoppable. endlessly. Although many institutions believe that this is a good opportunity to grab a rebound and buy decisively, they cannot stop this wave of selling at all. As a result, as soon as the stock market opened, it fell 134 points from the previous trading day.

  The market opened at 3,373 points, a direct drop of nearly 4% from the previous trading day. Hundreds of stocks were sealed at the limit at the opening. This performance directly pronounced the death penalty for today's stock market.

  When seeing the performance of the market like this, the hearts of ordinary investors are even more chilled. There is very limited room for them to operate in the entire market, and the only way to go is to sell as much as possible. Soon, before the wave of selling in the call auction stage had had time to be fully digested, another wave of selling by small and medium investors followed.

  The stock index fell steadily, unstoppable.

   "Do your best and obey the destiny!"

  When they saw the scramble to escape on the board, Zhou Deping, Zhao Fei and others looked at each other, unable to say a word for a while. Half a day later, Zhou Deping still let out a long sigh, and said such a sentence in a desolate tone.

"we can only do this."

  Zhao Fei, Wang Jintang, Li Rong and others nodded silently, thinking in their hearts.

All the cash in the rescue fund account was dispatched, all unexecuted orders were withdrawn, and they began to try their best to buy those heavyweight stocks that could affect the index in the market. As for other stocks, they had nothing to do and could only look at the performance of the market up.

   Thanks to Faith Stranding, Oliver Zhuangzhu, 555@555, gengsu, orange dealer and other book friends for voting monthly! Although everyone's support is very enthusiastic, the situation is still getting worse and worse. In the future, the update method may need to be changed slightly, but please rest assured that there are basically no major changes. It will happen every day. The difference is that we will try our best to update on Saturday~ In short, I hope everyone can understand the author's difficulty in writing a book~



  (end of this chapter)

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