The artificial light was gone, but it was bright enough that they could see each other in the dim light.

Rin thought it would be rude to turn his back to Nakazato-san, but he could not face her.

As a result, he stared at the ceiling.



“It’s quiet all the time when you live alone, so something like this is quite nice, right?”

“That might be true.”

Since they both lived alone, they could relate to each other.

“Rin-kun, if you stay so far to the edge, you’ll fall off, you know?”

“No, but it’s a single bed, so if I get too close, …”

When Rin said why he was near the edge, Nakazato-san pulled her body closer.

She hugged Rin’s left arm to her chest and entwined their legs together.

“Nakazato-san, I think you shouldn’t get too close to me.”

“Hey, how long are you going to keep calling ‘Nakazato-san’? I think it’s time to start calling me ‘Saya’. Hey, using ‘Nakazato-san’ is forbidden, okay?”

Her legs felt smooth and his left arm felt the softness.

“Try calling me?”

“――, Sa-Saya…san”

“Yes, well done.”

Saya-san said, and even pulled her face into Rin’s arms.

“Saya-san, For what reason are you meddling with me so much?”

“Hmm~, Because Rin-kun didn’t know about me. Even after finding out, you didn’t change the way you interacted with me, I guess. That’s why I got interested in you. Maybe it’s also because I live alone and am a little lonely. Besides, your reactions are so cute.”

“I-I’m a guy too, So don’t tease me too much.”

Rin thought he had given a warning, but realized he had said something unnecessary.

Saya-san turned Rin to face him, and her expression said that she had found something enjoyable.

The corners of her lips curved up and her eyes seemed to be blazing.

“Whaat? Are you perhaps becoming conscious of Your Onee-san?”

“T-That’s right. Saya-san is so beautiful and cute that she even models. ….”

“Yes, yes. And my oppai are big, too, right?”

“…, I-I don’t know about that.”

It was a lie. Although He certainly didn’t know exactly what was going on, He knew that Saya-san had big oppai.

Pressing her chest against Rin’s arms more than before, Saya-san stared at Rin.

“Oppai, Do you like them?”




“F-cup, you know?――Ara, you just looked at them, didn’t you?”

Rin, whose gaze had been drawn to them, hurriedly removed his gaze when Saya-san pointed it out to him.

But by the time He looked away after being pointed out, It was already too late.

“I haven’t made it public on my official profile, so don’t tell anyone else about it.”

“Y-Yes, I’ll keep it a secret.”

“I’m relieved that Rin-kun is also interested in a girl’s body. I think I’ll be able to sleep peacefully today. Good night, Rin-kun.”

“G-Good night…”

Saya-san was a fast sleeper, and after about 15 minutes, He began to hear her breathing in her sleep.

In the midst of all this, on the contrary, Rin had a hard time falling asleep because he was currently sleeping on his own bed with Saya-san.

His various senses couldn’t catch up with this situation that he suddenly came across.

Saving Saya-san yesterday was not such a big deal in Rin’s mind.

But it was definitely a catalyst.

Could these small things lead to big changes? Rin wondered.

When Rin woke up, Saya-san was still sound asleep.

Now, one night later, Saya’s loungewear was a little disheveled, and her navy blue bra was peeking out a little from her chest.

Rin remembered what happened yesterday and quickly removed his gaze from the chest.

He reflected on the fact that he had done the same thing again, even though it had only been said a few hours ago.

“Rin-kun … good morning~”

Saya hugged Rin like a pillow.

From the sound of her voice, she was still half asleep.


“Good morning.”

“I think I slept better than usual.”

“Really? I’m glad to hear that.”

“I feel at ease when I smell Rin-kun’s scent. Maybe I have a smell fetish or something?”

“Well, who knows?”

Rin raised his body to remove Saya-san from his body, who did not easily let go of Rin, and began to get ready for the morning.

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