Seeing Belinlovsky return from Mosco so soon, Andrews guessed in his heart that the Tsar's side must have taken this matter very seriously.

Otherwise, with the efficiency of the woolly bear people, it is impossible to be so fast.

"Honorable His Majesty the Kaiser, allow me to extend my sincerest greetings to you!"

When Belinlovsky returned, he had completely changed his face, and when he saw Andrews, he was full of smiles, saying all kinds of flattering and flattering words, almost blowing him into the sky.

Andrews was disdainful in his heart, but asked with an impassive face:

"Your tsar has agreed to the cooperation between our two countries?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are like a god!"

Belinlovsky said with a smile.

"Why didn't you see your negotiator, did the tsar let you take the responsibility for ~ this matter?"

Andrews glanced at it, Belinlovsky was not with any other furry bear officials, and this time he was back alone.

"Yes, Your Majesty, His Majesty the Tsar has appointed me with full responsibility for this cooperation!"

Andrews nodded and spoke, "In that case, then let the Secretary of State for Trade send someone to talk to you, if nothing else, you can go down!"

He holds his own identity, so naturally it is impossible for him to talk about this with the other party in person.

Let the king of a country bargain with him, a little bit of a loss.

As soon as Belinlovsky saw that the emperor was about to send off guests, he hurriedly spoke:

"Your Majesty, what you said earlier ......"


Andrews frowned and looked at him puzzled.

"That is, you said before that after this deal is closed, we can sell the resources to your country......"

"Then wait until this business is over!"

"But, can you ...... in advance?"

Belinlovsky said very embarrassed.

This matter has been negotiated before, and now it has been changed, which will give people the feeling that they have to make inches.

As soon as Andrews heard the furry bearman's words, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

Eighty percent of them have no money on the woolly bear's side, and they can't wait for the future, so they want to use this method to make money now.

This cooperation is beneficial to both parties, and Andrews will not refuse.

But he certainly wouldn't be so easy to cheapen the furry bears, after all, the empire was not obligated to help the furry bears alleviate their financial crisis.

Unless the furry bear people pay some additional price and give some benefits.

"Advance? These things you can provide, the empire already has a stable supplier, and the empire doesn't want to destroy the current cooperative relationship and bear a reputation for not being trustworthy. "

Andrews's face was red when he said this, and the woolly bear was notoriously untrustworthy, although Andrews was talking about themselves, Belinovsky still thought of themselves for the first time.

"I, we can give a discount on the price!"

Seeing Andrews raise his hand and prepare for the guards to see off the guests, Belinlovsky said anxiously.

This was his last chance, and if he didn't impress the Kaiser this time, his mission would not be completed.

Thinking of the punishment that the Tsar would give him after the mission failed, Belinlovsky couldn't help but shudder!

In order to accomplish this task, he can only use the means of reducing prices.

As long as the price is low enough, he believes that the Hanseians will be interested!

"Oh, the price discount, how much can you give?"

Andrews was secretly happy when he saw that the other party had been fooled, but on the surface, he pretended not to care and asked lazily.

"A 10% reduction from the original price?"

Belinlovsky asked cautiously tentatively.

He didn't know what the psychological price of the Kaiser was, but seeing that the other party didn't care too much, if the discount given by his side was low, it was likely that he would not be able to impress the other party.

So he gritted his teeth and quoted a 10% discount!

A 10% discount may sound like a small amount, but as soon as the size of the transaction goes up, the discount becomes very objective.

For example, if the Second Reich were to import £1 million in raw materials from a woolly bear, a 10% discount would save them £100,000.

But if they import 10 million materials, then the discount becomes 1 million pounds, which is considerable!

The industrial capacity of the Second Empire was rapidly increasing, and with the rapid development of their industry, the demand for raw materials for production was gradually increasing.

In this case, the transaction amount between the two countries will only get bigger and bigger, let alone 10 million a year, even if it exceeds 100 million or even 1 billion pounds a year, it is not impossible!

Therefore, Andrews is actually quite satisfied with the discount given by Belinrowsky.

However, according to the normal bargaining procedure, it is certainly impossible for him to agree directly.

After all, who knows if the Furry Bears will be able to back down?

If only they still have room to cut the price!

Then if you agree now, wouldn't you lose a lot of money in vain?

So Andrews shook his head:

"How many resources can you sell to the Empire, 1 million, 2 million pounds?

Such a small amount is only one hundred or two hundred thousand pounds cheaper, and it is not worth it to do something to damage the reputation of the empire for the sake of this mere one hundred or twenty thousand pounds!"

Andrews put on a disinterested look, as if he was not very optimistic about the prospects for trade between the two countries.

This attitude immediately frightened Belinlovsky.

He was also unclear about the potential for trade between the two countries, so he couldn't tell whether Andrews was right or not.

"Your Majesty, your country's industry is booming, and the demand for raw materials will definitely expand, and our woolly bear borders your country and is geographically very close.

In this case, the trade potential between our two countries is huge, and there will definitely be more than this amount of trading volume in the future!"

Belinlovsky said this, he himself did not believe it.

Andrews saw that he had no confidence at all in what he said, so he also put on a look of disbelief.

Seeing that the emperor's patience was about to run out, but he still refused to let go, Belinlovsky suddenly became anxious.

Now, there is only one choice left in front of him: continue to reduce the price!

"20%, we give your country 20% preferential wide!".

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