Jiu Qingqing held the phone in his hand.

Facing the screen to everyone, "Hey, the designer Vivienne's sketch does not have the letter logo on the chest."

After everyone heard this, they took out their mobile phones, logged into Weibo, and found the design draft.

Zoom in, look carefully, don't want to miss any details.

But after looking at it carefully for a long time, there is indeed no letter mark on the chest.

Everyone looked at the mobile phone, and the expressions on their faces changed slightly.

The look at Lin Yiyi changed, unnaturally.

Hearing this, Lin Yiyi was taken aback.

There was obvious consternation in his eyes.

How can it be? !

She snatched the phone from Lin Yiyi's hand and zoomed in on the photo.

Seeing the design draft on the screen and checking repeatedly, there is still no "C" letter logo on the chest.

Don't believe in evil, log out of Weibo, and then log in to C's official website.

This one has been sold online, but the quantity is very small, and it is currently sold out.

Lin Yiyi saw the dress on the official website, and tightened her grip on the phone in vain.

"Impossible, how is it possible?!"

She looked embarrassed, and felt that everyone's eyes were on her.

There was burning pain on his face, as if he had been slapped violently several times.

Furious, she raised her hand.

Before dropping the mobile phone in his hand, his wrist was clasped.

Mu Changying grabbed Lin Yiyi's wrist, and said with a sweet smile, "Miss Lin, it's not good to throw other people's things."


He took the phone in his left hand.

Let go.

Lin Yiyi's center of gravity was unstable, and she fell a few steps backwards, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Excellence stretched out his hand and supported her carefully, with worried eyes, "Yiyi..."

Mu Changying ignored it and went straight to Jiu Qingqing.

"Here, your mobile phone must be kept safe in the future."


After taking the phone, Jiu Qingqing's face blushed, as shy as a budding flower.

Mu Changying turned around and glanced at the weeping waitress next to Lin Yiyi.

"Miss Lin, this dress seems to be worth the laundry fee."

Want to exchange a fake for the price of a genuine one? Unfortunately, fakes are fakes after all.

The waitress stopped crying, and there was hope in her originally dark eyes.

She looked at Lin Yiyi eagerly, wanting to get a definite answer, "Miss Lin..."

If it was genuine, even if she didn't eat or drink for a few months, she wouldn't be able to afford it.

Lin Yiyi shook off Excellence, pulled herself together, her attitude was still strong, "Laundry fee?"

"Do you think I'm short of that laundry fee? Is this sending beggars?"

The waitress squirmed her lips, and the light in her eyes dimmed again.

After watching a play for free, Fu Huaizheng was in a good mood.

He picked up the drink on the table, took a sip, and said lightly, "Professor Lin, how do you think it's better to deal with this matter?"

His voice is particularly eye-catching in the box.

Everyone looked at Lin Shijie, wanting to know what he was thinking.

Lin Shijie's eyes darkened for a moment.

This Fu Huaizheng is really difficult to deal with, and he succeeded in turning everyone's attention to him with a single sentence.

He looked bad and thought for a while.

She glared at Lin Yiyi viciously, "Just pay for the laundry fee, let's let this matter go."

This girl is really used to being wild in foreign countries, and she is lawless, and she lost all of her face today.

Lin Yiyi, "Grandpa?"

He looked at Lin Shijie in disbelief.

The astonishment in her eyes was too obvious, and it was clearly seen by those present.

"So be it."

Lin Shijie looked at Zhuo Liang.

This disciple Yiyi usually forgets about such a thing, how can he let her mess around?

He had a gloomy face, "Zhao Zhuo, come back to me!"

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