The Second Immortal Road

Chapter 355: critical

   Following the vague ghost image's order, the dwarf little ghosts behind it were breathing black breath, swarming towards the monks in the four Qi training period.

These dwarf little ghosts are small and thin, just like a severely dehydrated corpse, which can be destroyed with a little effort, but these little ghosts are surrounded by a strong yin, and they are half a foot high when they jump at random. Whether it was a hard rock or a monk's shield, the places that he had caught were all broken in one blow, where they were as harmless as they were on the outside.

Although the four cultivators are all in the middle and late stages of Qi training, their strength is good, but these little ghosts are also unusual. The cultivation level is not weaker than the late qi training cultivators. Brother Zong was completely suppressed by these little ghosts, and couldn't separate his hands to do some other things.

As soon as the fuzzy ghost appeared, he also called the Black Haired Tiezuo the Fifth Brother, Han Ming's heart sank instantly. He couldn't deal with a black-haired Tiezuo, and he couldn't deal with a foggy ghost during the foundation period. Rivals.

However, after the initial panic, Han Ming looked at the forest white light curtain that was not far away, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. The right hand tucked in his sleeve moved slightly, and a long spike-like object slipped over him. The palm of his hand secretly poured mana into this spike-like object.

   "The fifth brother can deliberately remember you, you are not a vulgar person to come, don't let me down." The vague ghost smiled.

   After the vague ghost finished speaking, he murmured a word, his hands slightly condensed a weird seal, and then slowly pushed forward, a small lavender flame was condensed and formed, floating quietly in his hand.

   The fuzzy ghost lightly picked up the lavender flame, and after a sneer, he flicked it at Han Ming, and the lavender flame suddenly turned into a little purple light and disappeared.

   "Don't pick it up, son, run away."

At the moment that the lavender flame disappeared, Chun'er unexpectedly got out of Han Ming’s waist bag without being summoned by Han Ming, and stood in front of Han Ming. , And at the same time, the two-handed Fa Jue pinched, and a strong and extremely yin was expelled at the front, which instantly condensed into a weird octagonal small shield in front.

   Han Ming saw Chun'er escaped by himself without being summoned. He immediately realized the criticality of the situation. He immediately used the power of the crystal jade cloak and instantly teleported out and fled far away.

When Han Ming stopped and looked towards the place where he stood before, he was shocked. There was a half-foot-sized lavender flower blooming there. Chun'er and the weird little shield were being covered at this time. The seven or eight tentacles of the large lavender flower are bound and cannot move.

   Han Ming had a heart palpitation. If Chuner hadn't come out to remind him to block it at a critical moment, he would be the one who was trapped in the lavender flower at this time.

Seeing the petals of the big lavender flower gradually close together, he was about to wrap Chun'er in. Han Ming didn't hesitate to slap the storage bag, and released two claw-like spiritual artifacts toward the purple flower. The direction lased in the past.

   Seeing that Chun'er might be in trouble, Han Ming directly used two top-level spiritual weapons hidden claws.

With the full force of Han Ming, the two hidden claws were very fast, and in an instant they reached the side of the giant lavender flower. After that, four fingers squeezed forward and suddenly pulled the two middle petals on that side. live.

   Two hidden claws grabbed the two petals of the middle leaves and pulled them in different directions, making them unable to close together for a while.

To prevent the purple flower from closing, Han Ming did not stop the magic trick in his hand, but patted the storage bag again, and unexpectedly released another claw-like spiritual weapon, but the claw that he took out was better than before. Two of his paws were a full circle.

   "Go." Han Ming threw the hidden claw's main claw, and then with one hand, he directed the main claw to shoot towards the lavender flower.

   This main claw is not like the previous two secondary claws. It suddenly flashed in the middle of the flight, and unexpectedly swelled up. In a flash, it turned into the size of three or four feet, as if it had become the arm of a dragon.

   The huge main claw suddenly fished out, breaking through the obstacles of the petals, grabbing the Chun'er, which was entangled by seven or eight tentacles, and then shrank back to bring the Chun'er out.

  Although he noticed Han Ming's series of rescue actions, the fuzzy ghost did not seem to care at all. Instead, he stared at Chun'er trapped in the center of the giant flower, with a little weird color in his eyes.

   Although he didn't pay much attention to Han Ming, when the giant claws urged by Han Ming was about to fish out Chun'er, the vague ghost was no longer silent, but he smiled, and his technique changed.

The fuzzy ghost shadow technique was pinched, and the giant lavender flower suddenly turned into a large group of burning purple flames. Not only did it include the Chun'er who was about to be rescued, but also Han Ming's three. Hidden Claws were not spared either, they were all entangled in the raging purple fire.

   As the lavender flame burned Han Ming was horrified to find that his connection with the three hidden claws had been broken, and he could no longer urge the three hidden claws to bring Chun'er out.

   It was then that Han Ming knew why Chun'er didn't let him hold on to the purple flame at all at first. The purple flame was so powerful!

"Peng." A sound of something exploding came from the purple flames, and Han Ming's face suddenly showed an expression of anger. If he heard it correctly, the octagonal shield that Chun'er had condensed at this time Broken voice.

This octagonal shield is one of the life-saving defense techniques that Duanmu gave to Chun'er. It is condensed from the original ghost energy. It consumes a lot of Yin, and it takes one month to cultivate, but its power is also extraordinary. Han Ming has tested it. The octagonal shield that Chun'er condensed with all his strength was no different than his full-blown Jiao Bone Shield in a short period of time.

   But the reality is far beyond his expectations, Chun'er was trapped by this lavender flame for five or six breaths, and the octagonal shield collapsed!

"Go." Han Ming waved his hand. Twenty or thirty various talisman seals flew into the air, and a burst of aura was condensed into various attacks, including fire bomb, fire snake, and firebird. Lightning strike technique, Lei Ze technique.

These attacks quickly hit the group of purple flames, but the result was that Han Ming’s heart sank. These attacks that restrained the evil spirits could not effectively attenuate the group of purple flames. On the contrary, this group of purple flames. The flame seems to be the nemesis of these spells, it is very easy to burn it into nothingness!

   "Peng." There was another crackling sound from the purple flame, which made Han Ming's heart sink again, and Chun'er's other body protection technique was broken.

   Han Ming saw that this purple flame could not help but turned his head suddenly and looked at the fuzzy ghost not far away, with a rare fierceness in his eyes.

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