The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 696 695 [Dictator in the literary world]

On December 6, Zhou Hexuan sailed to Europe, accompanied by Zhang Leyi, Yu Peichen, personal nurses and reporters from the Observer.

After in-depth exchanges, we learned that the Astor family is not only involved in real estate, but also in finance and media.

Vincent Astor is the majority shareholder of Newsweek, a magazine whose influence in the United States is second only to Time.

William Astor is the majority shareholder of The Observer, a newspaper as famous as The Times in the UK.

Before World War II, there was a saying that "British decision-makers are not in Downing Street, but in Clifden Manor." Clifden Manor is William Astor's estate, where major British decisions were finalized before the war, including betraying the Czech Republic and Poland, driving Germany to attack the Soviet Union, and so on.

Today, the "Observer" is actively helping Chamberlain to build momentum. As long as Chamberlain becomes the British Prime Minister, this newspaper will soar into the sky and even affect the situation in the entire world.

A series of British appeasement policies towards Germany were all initiated at the home of the owner of the Observer.

Although this old fellow, William Astor, didn't know how to do business, he had a knack for political speculation. His wife is the first female member of the British House of Representatives, his son is a member of the British House of Lords, and he is also the boss of the Observer, and is about to support a British Prime Minister. Even decades later, his great-granddaughter could marry the British Prime Minister. In other words, it was the Astor family that pushed Cameron to the throne of prime minister.

Now that the old king of England is terminally ill, the nobles are all circling around the eldest prince Edward, taking advantage of the dragon's support.

But William Astor wanted to use Zhou Hexuan's path to connect with the second prince Albert. It is estimated that this old guy has figured out that Prince Edward is unreliable and will lose the throne sooner or later. His political opportunistic vision is really terrifying.

When Albert becomes King and Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister, as their supporter, William Astor will simply go to heaven!

Zhou Hexuan suddenly discovered that he had accidentally made friends with another powerful family.

Therefore, this time William Astor said that he would send reporters to follow Zhou Hexuan, and Zhou Hexuan agreed without hesitation. Even if William's other identities are put aside, the second shareholder of "The Observer" alone is worthy of his friendship, and he is very powerful in helping with publicity at critical times.

Because the injury had not healed yet, after arriving in Stockholm, Zhou Hexuan did not accompany Zhang Leyi and others to see the exotic scenery, but stayed in a room arranged by the Swedish Academy.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhou Hexuan met his award-winning Bole, Holstaum.

An old man with a serious expression, who could tell he was old-fashioned just by looking at his face, said upon meeting him: "Zhou, I hate your "The Goddess" very much. I just don't understand it!"

"Well," Zhou Hexuan was stunned and said with a smile, "That's really a pity."

"Your movie "The Dog Officer" was not bad, at least the story was clearly written," Holstaum said unabashedly. "If your competitor hadn't been Eugene O'Neill, you would never have won it in your life." The Nobel Prize in Literature. I would rather award it to you than to that American with vulgar writing."

"Thank you, it seems I'm very lucky." Zhou Hexuan smiled, but actually wanted to beat this old guy up.

The Swedish Academy has presidents and deputy presidents, but the president is just a decoration and must be elected every six months. The person who can really make the decision is the permanent secretary, and the most terrifying thing is that the permanent secretary at this time has a lifelong tenure, which is equivalent to the emperor who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

It just so happens that the current permanent secretary Holstaum is a stubborn old man who hates innovation and mystique. His literary thinking is still stuck in the era of Alexandre Dumas and Hugo.

Not to mention Zhou Hexuan and O'Neal, even Elliott's subsequent award went through twists and turns.

Who is Eliot?

Dante's successor, the greatest poet of the 20th century.

Xu Zhimo's "Western Window" was created in imitation of Eliot's style. Fans of his poetry are all over the world.

He was such an awesome character that Holstaum almost had his Nobel Prize for Literature revoked because he didn't like modern poetry that was like riddles or witchcraft. Holstaum was already dying of old age at that time, and after hard persuasion by Osterling, who was about to succeed him, he finally agreed to let Eliot win the prize.

Holstaum is like a tiger standing in the way. Only when he dies of old age will the Nobel Prize in Literature begin to be awarded to those literary innovators.

If the great writer Márquez had lived in Holstaum's era, it would have been almost impossible to win the Nobel Prize, because his realistic magicism was too mystical.

If Zhou Hexuan only wrote "The Goddess" and not "The Dog Officer" which is easy for common people to understand, then he would not be able to win the award. Holstaum will definitely invalidate this year's Nobel Prize!

This is a great dictator in the field of literature!

"Young man, literature is sacred," Holstaum began his sermon. "You are very talented in literature, but you must not go astray. Realistic magicism is just a child's trick to pretend to be mysterious. Still Those few poems of yours are nonsense. Modernism is a cancer in the poetry world! If you continue to write modernist poems, you will completely destroy yourself."

Zhou Hexuan was still laughing: "Maybe."

Holstaum said angrily: "This is the worst era. Young people blindly admire modernism, stream of consciousness, avant-gardism, and magicism. They simply ignore the basics! What is the real literature? It's Shelly, it's Yu. Yes, it's Balzac! Why do I hate Eugene O'Neill? Because his writing is not only poor, but the content he presents is also flashy and vulgar. Although your "The Goddess" is also bad, it is at least better than him. I I know those academicians will choose Eugene O’Neill next year, but I can’t possibly let him win the prize!”

It seems that next year’s Nobel Prize in Literature will be invalidated...

Mr. O'Neal, you should switch to basketball. There is no future as a playwright.

Holstaum took out a thick copy of "Les Misérables" before Zhou Hexuan could speak: "Young man, read this book carefully and give up your realistic magicism. This is real literature, A real novel!”

Zhou Hexuan couldn't laugh or cry while holding "Les Misérables". He really didn't know what to say. The person standing in front of him was obviously the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy and the head of the Nobel Prize for Literature, but Zhou Hexuan felt like he was facing Zhou Xuan's adoptive mother, a person with outdated ideas living in the past.

Holstaum left, leaving only Hugo's "Les Misérables". He came specifically to teach Zhou Hexuan a lesson. He was probably very unhappy because Zhou Hexuan won the award.

This old man is so stubborn. Zhou Hexuan feels sad for the writers all over the world.

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