The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 688 687 [Seven rounds of final selection]

Under normal circumstances, the selection results for the Nobel Prize in Literature will be announced on the first Thursday in October, and no later than October 15th.

But everything has exceptions, such as the 1935 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Historically, due to Holstaum's strong opposition to O'Neal winning the award, the results of this year's selection were not announced until the end of October - the award was canceled and no one won the award.

Although Eugene O'Neill did not win the prize in 1935, he became the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1936. Because the Swedish Academy's veto power can only be used once every five years, even if Holstaum doesn't like O'Neill, he can only hold his nose and admit it.

Thursday, October 31st.

The seventh round of final voting for this year's Nobel Prize in Literature is about to begin.

In principle, there are only four rounds of voting in the runoff election at most, and it is rare to vote in the fifth or sixth round, let alone the seventh round.

The eighteen academicians of the Swedish Academy present here are all listless, and their enthusiasm has been exhausted by the protracted voting.

Holstaum, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy and Chairman of the Nobel Prize for Literature, was making a speech before the meeting: "An outrageous incident occurred last weekend. A great litterateur and historian gave a peace speech in London. He was assassinated. This is a barbaric challenge to civilization, and this is an unacceptable political scandal... And the gentleman who was assassinated happened to be the final candidate for this session of the Nobel Prize in Literature. I think it is very It is necessary to issue a severe condemnation to the Japanese government in the name of the Nobel Prize for Literature! If you agree, please raise your hands."

Eighteen hands were raised in unison. Cultural people, most of whom are more emotional, are willing to stand up and express their indignation.

"Very good," Holstaum said with a smile, "I won't repeat the situation about Zhou Hexuan and Eugene O'Neill. So, let's start the seventh round of voting now."

"Wait a minute!" shouted John Berryman.

Holstaum asked: "Any questions? Mr. Berryman."

"Two questions," John Berryman said, "First, Mr. Zhou Hexuan was assassinated, and his life and death are unknown now. The Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to a deceased person; second, we have already conducted six rounds of voting. If it is not possible this time, After selecting the winner, do you want to continue voting?”

Holstaum replied: "First of all, I have received definite information. Mr. Zhou Hexuan's operation was successful and his life is no longer in danger. And even if he dies, I think he is qualified to win the award because he was in the final election." He was assassinated during the voting. Secondly, this is the last round of voting, and there will not be another round. I tell everyone clearly that if the winner selected is Eugene O'Neill, then I will exercise my legitimacy Power, cancel this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature! Let’s do whatever it takes.”

As soon as these words came out, Eugene O'Neill's supporters looked extremely ugly and became even more determined to stick to their choice.

Fifteen minutes later, Holstaum began to count the votes: "Eugene O'Neill 1 vote, Eugene O'Neill 2 votes, Zhou Hexuan 1 vote, Zhou Hexuan 2 votes, Zhou Hexuan 3 votes, Eugene O'Neill 3 votes, Zhou Hexuan 4 votes …”

People looked at Holstaum slightly nervously, because the previous three rounds of voting resulted in a 9-9 tie between Eugene O'Neill and Zhou Hexuan. Now if there is a tie again, either two people will win the award at the same time, or Holstaum will cancel the award.

"Eugene O'Neill 8 votes!"

"Zhou Hexuan has 9 votes!"

"Zhou Hexuan 10 votes!"

Holstaum smiled proudly and said: "I announce that Mr. Zhou Hexuan received 10 votes, more than half of the votes, and meets the criteria for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gentlemen, the results are out."

"who is it?"

John Berryman stood up immediately, glanced at everyone angrily, and asked: "Who gave up their position? Who voted for Zhou Hexuan? As long as we persist, this year's Nobel Prize in Literature will be won." Everyone will be happy, O'Neal and Zhou Hexuan can win the award at the same time!"

"Mr. Berryman, accept this result." Holstaum said cheerfully.

John Berryman stared at everyone for a long time, but could not find out who the traitor was. He could only hold back his anger and sulk.

The voting ended in the morning and the results were announced in the afternoon. Reporters from major European and American news agencies learned about Zhou Hexuan's award.

To be honest, this year's Nobel Prize in Literature final selection is very problematic, and can even be said to be illegal and behind-the-scenes. As early as the first round of voting, Eugene O'Neill won with an overwhelming advantage, but the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy did not recognize the result.

You can only blame Eugene O'Neill for his bad luck, which is impossible to explain rationally.

Coincidentally, Zhou Hexuan was assassinated again during the voting period, which undoubtedly aroused the sympathy of some people and finally received a crucial vote. If not, and the two continue to tie, it is likely that neither one will win the prize - this year's Nobel Prize for Literature was invalidated by Holstaum.

Although John Berryman was extremely angry, he would not talk nonsense because he signed a confidentiality agreement.

All evaluation and voting records of the Nobel Prize are confidential and are valid for 50 years. In other words, people will have to wait until at least 1985 to know the inside story of this voting.

On November 1, major newspapers in Europe and the United States simultaneously disclosed the results of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The winner was: Zhou Hexuan (China).

As for this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine, Zhou Hexuan and his friends obviously have no role. The winner is Hans Spellman from Germany. The reason for the award is "for the discovery of the organizer effect in embryonic development."

When the news came out that Zhou Hexuan had won the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Sassoon family did not need to bribe the media. Newspapers and magazines throughout Europe and the United States rushed to report on it.

There was no way, the assassination of Zhou Hexuan was a hot topic, and the Nobel Prize for Literature was also a hot topic. When these two hot topics collided, a violent chemical reaction immediately occurred, attracting the attention of the world.

The British "Times" commented: "Zhou Hexuan is undoubtedly the greatest writer today. His "The Goddess" is majestic, fantastic and magnificent. With rough and delicate brushwork, he outlines a bloody, ignorant, cold, confusing and confusing world. And China lurks infinite vitality. He allows the West to know and understand the East, and he is a cultural bridge between the East and the West. This year’s Nobel Prize in Literature is well-deserved!"

The French newspaper "Le Figaro" commented even more romantically: "A writer is the shadow of the world, reflecting the truth with the outline of nothingness. And Zhou Hexuan is the one who casts the shadow, and behind him is the endless light."

The American "Christian Science Monitor" enthusiastically praised: "Every time a giant takes a step, it will leave deep footprints on the ground. We only need to follow his footsteps. In the literary world, Zhou Hexuan is such a giant. His magical realism created an era for countless comers to follow in its footsteps."

A reporter from the American "Times" magazine is rushing to London. If nothing else happens, Zhou Hexuan will be the cover character of a certain issue of this magazine.

As for China, there is already a turmoil...

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