(PS: Flying away, please note that it is flying away, not the ears being blown away. Due to the misunderstanding caused by the literal expression, a little description was added in the previous chapter. Lao Zhou’s ears are still hanging up.)

St. Mary's Hospital, London.

This hospital was established 90 years ago and is now part of the University of London. It has extremely strong medical technology and physician resources. Many members of the British royal family were born here.

Outside the operating room, Zhang Leyi, Ma Jue and others were waiting anxiously.

Suddenly the operating room opened, and Zhang Leyi rushed up immediately: "Nurse, how is my husband?"

The nurse said expressionlessly: "Mr. Zhou lost too much blood and needs a blood transfusion."

"Lost to me!"

"Lost to me!"

Everyone raised their arms.

"Mr. Zhou has AB blood type and is a universal recipient in principle," the nurse continued, "but for safety reasons, it is best to give him AB blood. Anyone who is willing to donate blood, please come to the laboratory for a blood test. Come with me." Bar."

The aisle outside the operating room immediately emptied out, and everyone followed the nurse to run for blood tests.

Soon two more doctors came, one of them was a gray-haired old man, and he went directly into the operating room under the guidance of the nurse.

The doctors and nurses inside were stunned and shouted respectfully: "Sir Sherrington, Professor Pierre!"

The white-haired old man was none other than Charles Scott Sherrington, an expert in physiology and nervous system who won the 1932 Nobel Prize in Medicine. This person is also an anatomy expert and currently works at the University of Oxford. During this time, he happened to be doing academic exchanges at the University of London. When he heard that Zhou Hexuan was injured, he took the initiative to help.

The other middle-aged man is Cus Pierre, a professor of anatomy at the University of London and a top surgeon.

Since St. Mary's Hospital is an affiliated hospital of the University of London, the two of them had just been discussing neurological and anatomical issues in the hospital, and it only took a few minutes to get to the operating room.

"How are the wounded?" asked Sir Sherrington.

The surgeon in charge said quickly: "The injured person was shot 5 times in total, in the left ear, left shoulder, right arm, abdomen and left calf. The injury to the abdomen is unknown. We are afraid of excessive blood loss and do not dare to open the abdomen for the time being. Waiting for blood supply.”

"Let me see." Sir Sherrington leaned over.

The surgeon in charge faced Sherrington with a polite smile and said: "The assailant used an M1911 pistol, which had great penetration and penetrated the calf muscles. Mr. Zhou is very lucky and unlucky at the same time. Look at this. For the abdominal wound, the bullet hit the edge of the belt, which has removed most of the impact. However, this also caused the bullet to flip over, resulting in a large wound. It would be bad if the internal organs were injured, and the organs would have to be cut out."

Sherrington nodded and said: "I hope the organs are not injured. Go ahead and I will guide you."

Zhou Hexuan had a penetrating injury on his calf, and doctors had already done a good job of cleaning, stopping the bleeding, and disinfecting it.

Next was the ear. The bullet flew past the cheekbone, leaving a burning blood mark on the cheek, and then penetrated the concha cavity, knocking off the lower third of the ear. Including the earlobe, only a piece of cartilage in the scaphois is left connected, and it may fall off completely at any time.

Sir Sherrington served as an anatomy lecturer at Cambridge University more than 50 years ago and personally dissected countless corpses. But after all, he was 78 years old and not a professional surgeon, so he did not perform the surgery himself.

The surgeon became Professor Pierre, and Sir Sherrington personally held a magnifying glass and placed it above the ear to teach on the spot: "The suturing of the auricle is easy to handle, but everyone should pay attention to the fact that there are also some injuries in the external auditory canal and its nerves and blood vessels. Tear. If the wound of the external auditory canal is not treated well, it may affect the injured person's hearing and sense of balance..."

Just as Professor Pierre was suturing the ear, the blood collection nurse came to the operating room and said: "The blood donor is ready!"

Among the people who sent Zhou Hexuan to the hospital, only Ma Jue, a male classmate, and two policemen had AB blood type. They all sat in the blood collection room and waited in line.

Blood transfusion technology these days is still very backward. Although American biochemists have invented a method for separating plasma proteins with low-temperature ethanol, it has not yet been widely promoted. The mixed plasma only stays in the laboratory. Sterile vacuum glass bottles are used for blood transfusion. The storage time is very short. It is best to draw and transfuse it now. The longer the time, the greater the risk of infection.

A glass bottle filled with blood hung on the bedside. After Professor Pierre finished sewing up the injured ear, Sir Sherrington said: "Prepare to open the abdomen!"

The wound on Zhou Hexuan's abdomen was large, and the bullet hit the edge of the cowhide belt. Although most of the impact force was removed, it changed the impact direction and rotation balance of the bullet. The bullet penetrated the abdomen at an angle of 45 degrees, and the irregular rotation opened a large hole in the abdomen. The wound looked extremely terrifying.

Pierre made a "cross" cut at the wound and quickly found the bullet inside. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it only damaged the outer wall of the large intestine and did not penetrate the large intestine wall."

In the mid-1930s, although the antibacterial miracle drug sulfonamides had been released, the risk of post-operative infection of the large intestine was still very high, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

Guo Taiqi and Li Siguang hurried to the hospital and met Zhang Leyi and others outside the operating room.

"Brothers and sisters, how is Mingcheng's situation?" Guo Taiqi asked anxiously.

With tears still on Zhang Leyi's face, she said helplessly: "He is still undergoing surgery, and I don't know how he is doing."

"It's okay, Brother Mingcheng is a lucky man and a good man." Li Siguang comforted him.

"I don't know, I don't know..." Zhang Leyi covered her head and murmured to herself. Yu Peichen could only support her and pat her shoulders to comfort her.

Li Siguang asked: "Has the country been notified?"

Guo Taiqi said: "I have sent an overseas telegram to Nanjing, but there is no reply yet from China."

At this moment, bursts of noise came from outside the hospital building:

"We're going in!"

"Why aren't we allowed into the hospital?"

"The police abused their power!"


A sullen look appeared on Guo Taiqi's face. He walked quickly outside with a civilized staff, and instantly changed his expression to a calm expression, and persuaded: "Dear journalists, Mr. Zhou is undergoing surgery, please be quiet."

These reporters arrived at the hospital very early, but they were all blocked by the police. They were all extremely anxious.

Seeing someone come out to speak, a reporter immediately shouted: "Mr. Guo, I am Lance from the Observer. I have interviewed you before!"

"Hello, Mr. Lance." Guo Taiqi nodded in greeting.

The reporter then asked: "Mr. Guo, is Mr. Zhou's life in danger?"

Guo Taiqi's answer was very official: "The operation is under way. If there is any progress, I will personally inform you. Please be patient."

"Mr. Guo, I heard that the perpetrator this time was Japanese. Do you think it will cause a diplomatic conflict between China and Japan?" another reporter asked.

Guo Taiqi, who is proficient in Tai Chi Kung Fu, said with righteous indignation: "I am very indignant at this barbaric practice of assassination. I hereby strongly condemn it and hope that the London police can severely punish the murderer in accordance with the law. Moreover, I also express my condolences to the London citizens who were killed. Sadly, they are all innocent victims."

Well, although Zhou Hexuan escaped with his life, the citizens who came to listen to the speech suffered heavy casualties.

Two bombs fell into the crowd and exploded, killing 9 people on the spot and nearly 30 others injured. The stampede caused by the chaos also resulted in a tragedy of 1 death and 42 injuries. Some seriously injured people are now lying in the hospital, and the death toll is expected to continue to rise.

Even if Zhou Hexuan was unharmed, just killing so many London citizens would be enough to cause a stir in public opinion.

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