The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 677 676 [Welcome by thousands of people]

The Chinese Embassy in the UK has been upgraded to an embassy at this time.

Guo Taiqi, who came to the UK in despair to seek assistance, was not only promoted to ambassador to the UK, but also served as China's representative in the League of Nations. Not only that, he made many friends in the UK, became popular in social situations, and was very popular. He was even awarded an honorary doctorate in law by the University of London.

Of course, Guo Taiqi has also become more showy. At this moment, he was wearing a gorgeous dress, his hair was shiny, his leather shoes were polished, and he was arranging his appearance in front of the mirror with a stick of civilization.

"Ambassador, Mr. Li Siguang is here." The secretary walked in and said.

Guo Taiqi posed left and right in front of the mirror, straightened his tie and said, "Ask him to wait for me in the reception room."

After tinkering for another five or six minutes, Guo Taiqi was finally satisfied with his image, then he went to the reception room with his civilized staff and laughed loudly: "Brother Zhong Gong, you are so early!"

Li Siguang was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. When he saw Guo Taiqi's slutty dress, he immediately joked: "Brother Fuchu, you are going to be the groom's official. You must be tidy enough."

The two used to be classmates in elementary school and have been friends for many years, so they naturally talk without any scruples. Guo Taiqi said happily: "When I was the groom's official, I didn't dress up so beautifully. Today we are going to welcome a great man, so we must pay attention to our image."

The so-called "great man" is naturally Zhou Hexuan, who is expected to arrive in London at noon today.

As for Li Siguang, he was invited to the UK last year and gave academic lectures at eight universities including Oxford and Birmingham. The main topic was "Chinese Geology". While lecturing in the UK, he analyzed the characteristics of the development of subsidence zones in the New Cathays tectonic system and speculated that oil is likely to be found in eastern China.

Li Siguang held a copy of The Times in his hand, pointed to the news on it and said: "Fu Chu, do you think it's weird? Recently, British newspapers have been reporting on Zhou Hexuan all day long, almost praising him as Confucius or Lao Tzu." A saint."

"What's so weird?" Guo Taiqi said happily, "This is a good thing. It's rare for a Chinese to be nominated for the Nobel Prize, and also nominated for both the Literature Award and the Medicine Award. Even if you look around the world, you can't find such an honor. The Western media will naturally report it vigorously. Besides, it’s not like you don’t know how popular Mr. Zhou is in the UK.”

"That's true." Li Siguang nodded.

In the past six months or so, Li Siguang has given lectures at eight universities in the UK and met many British students asking about Zhou Hexuan's situation. When they learned that Li Siguang and Zhou Hexuan knew each other, the students respected him even more, and some even asked him to ask Zhou Hexuan for his autograph.

Apart from anything else, the ongoing serialization of "The Legend of the Galactic Heroes" is enough to drive British students crazy.

Guo Taiqi picked up the copy of The Times and sighed: "Don't look at the arrogance of the British, but they still respect the great scholars. You see, this article is really outrageous. What's the word 'Sage of the Far East for 500 Years'?" 'It's all out. Yesterday, the Financial Times actually followed suit, saying that Mr. Zhou's "The Rise of Great Powers" has great economic research value. Hahaha, Mr. Zhou is almost said to be an economics expert."

Li Siguang shook his head and smiled bitterly. He really felt that the British newspapers were too flattering, and some of the compliments made people blush.

In the past half month or so, the British media have not only introduced Zhou Hexuan's novels in detail, but also popularized Zhou Hexuan's various academic contributions, including history, literature, language, etc. Some people even specially translated Zhou Hexuan's poems.

The founder of modern history, an expert on Shakespeare's drama, the founder of cognitive linguistics, the leader of Eastern modernist poetry, the master of knightly science fiction literature, the originator of magical realism literature, the discoverer of sulfonamide... too many titles, like one after another A dazzling halo shrouded Zhou Hexuan.

Even an unlearned liar can be packaged as a master by the media. What's more, Zhou Hexuan is a master to begin with, and with so many newspapers sparing no effort to publicize it, the chemical reaction produced during this period is unimaginable.

Let's put it this way, even the illiterate homeless people on the streets of London have probably heard of Zhou Hexuan's name and know that he is a world-class great man from the Far East.

The group of interest-oriented British businessmen in China headed by Sassoon actually did not have that much ability to control all newspapers. They just paid a sum of money to let a few major newspapers and some tabloids report wildly, and the rest was just other newspapers following suit.

Now Zhou Hexuan is the biggest hot spot in the UK. For the sake of sales, the media is naturally willing to take advantage of him.

"It's almost time, let's go." Guo Taiqi looked at the gold-plated pocket watch.

The two of them set off together with some staff from the embassy and soon arrived at the pier, which was already crowded with people.

Li Siguang looked at the various greeting banners on the pier and suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, this battle is really big!"

There were more than a dozen international student groups alone, some of whom came specifically from Oxford and Cambridge. There were at least two to three thousand British overseas Chinese who came to welcome them, as well as members of the Wuzhou Hongmen British branch, and Leaders of the Kuomintang Renaissance Society (UK).

These are all Chinese. It is understandable that they come to the dock to greet us, but there are also many British people who come to pick up the boat.

Guo Taiqi was also stunned and said in shock: "With so many British people holding banners to greet us, there must be at least several thousand people, right? Darling, Mr. Zhou's appeal in the UK is really great!"

In fact, at least 90% of the British people who came to pick up the ship were hired to create publicity.

Suddenly two cars drove towards the pier. Li Siguang was surprised and said: "That seems to be the car of the Mayor of London."


Guo Taiqi took a breath and said: "Not only the Mayor of London, but also the car of the British Minister of Culture and Sports! Hey, okay, okay, it's just the minister's secretary, otherwise it would be too scary."

Not only Guo Taiqi and Li Siguang, but all the Chinese people on the dock, as well as the British media reporters, were all shocked by the grand welcoming scene. Zhou Hexuan's influence seemed to have far exceeded imagination.

The ship arrived a little early and had already appeared on the sea before 11 o'clock.

When the ship docked, the thousands of British people hired to pick it up reacted fastest. They suddenly held up a banner and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Welcome Mr. Zhou, welcome the sage of the Far East!"

The Chinese on the dock were immediately startled, and then they felt proud and shouted: "Welcome Mr. Zhou, welcome Mr. Zhou!"

Zhang Leyi and Yu Peichen, who were waiting in line to get off the boat, were shocked and speechless when they saw the horrific scene on the pier. They looked at Zhou Hexuan next to them.

As a wife, Zhang Leyi is proud and proud, with pride and happiness on her face.

Yu Peichen had deep admiration and looked at Zhou Hexuan with an almost admiring look. She didn't know it until she went abroad. Now that she's in London, she really understands Mr. Zhou's international status.

Zhou Hexuan had a weird smile on his face, thinking: Those guys from Sassoon are very good at playing, and they actually caused such a big scene!

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