The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 662 661 [Recruiting students]

Hangzhou, National Zhejiang University.

College of Engineering, student dormitories.

There are three students in the dormitory, two of them are reading newspapers and one is sleeping on the bed. They have all attended the graduation ceremony, but they have not left school yet.


A student suddenly slapped the table and cursed: "This is totally unreasonable. With such a government and such a leader, how can China survive?"

This man's name was Song Baoguo, whose original name was Song Qian.

When the "September 18th Incident" broke out, Song Baoguo was still a freshman at Fengyong University. Later, he entered Zhejiang University and changed his name to "defend the family and the country."

Hearing Song Baoguo's scolding, the student on the bed opened his eyes and asked, "Old Song, what's going on?"

"Come and see for yourself." Song Baoguo waved the newspaper angrily.

The student who was sleeping was named Yang Huaiyuan, who was from Guizhou. He slowly came over to read the newspaper. He only glanced at it for a few years before his face turned red and his neck was thick with anger. He said angrily: "Chiang and Wang are traitors and deserve to be killed!"

It turned out that what was published in the newspaper was the "Good Neighbor Order", which roughly stated: The legations of China and Japan have been upgraded to embassies at the same time. In view of the diplomatic trend of adjusting diplomatic relations and promoting harmony, the government officially issued the "Good Neighbor Order", prohibiting the publication of patriotic speeches against Japanese aggression and the organization of anti-Japanese groups. From then on, the words "anti-Japanese" were no longer allowed to appear in newspapers and publications, and could only be expressed as "anti-X".

The remaining student is Li Su, a Hunanese and second-generation rich man. He smiled bitterly and said: "The national policy is like this, what can we do?"

Song Baoguo was the most angry and cursed: "The Northeast has been taken over by others, and yet we are still friendly with our neighbors all the time! I am as friendly as my mother. One day I meet a man named Jiang and a man named Wang. I will make a bomb to kill them." Kill them all if they are worse than a pig or a dog!"

Yang Huaiyuan said bitterly: "I really don't know what the officials in the government are doing. They are giving in, giving in, and giving in all day long. If they continue to retreat, there will be no way to retreat!"

Li Su did not follow the scolding, but continued to read the newspaper. Suddenly he said: "Huh? Look at this advertisement!"

Song Baoguo and Yang Huaiyuan looked at it together and saw several bold and bold characters on the advertisement page - a solicitation order for aviation service to the country.

Yang Huaiyuan read the advertisement:

"Today's China is technologically backward, has a stagnant economy, and has been repeatedly invaded by foreign powers. The first priority is national defense construction, and aviation and air defense are the top priorities... On September 18 and 128, China suffered tragic air attacks. , This sincerely illustrates the principle of 'without aviation, there is no national defense'..."

"The former Prime Minister, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, understood the advantages and disadvantages of aviation as early as the beginning of the Great Revolution and pioneered the construction of aircraft factories and flight schools. Today's great leader, Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, Mr. Zhongzheng, also taught us to build a comprehensive aviation and air defense system..."

"The purpose of the establishment of the China Aviation Association is to patriotism and save the nation. At this time of national crisis, we should actively work for the cause of aviation and defense... Mr. Zhou Hexuan, a lifelong member of our association, has established a personal flying club in the United States and is committed to cultivating outstanding aviation talents. , is currently recruiting 50 pilot students. As long as they pass the health examination and basic literacy test, they can go to the United States to learn flying skills. The association will be responsible for the fees and procedures for going abroad. Those with excellent training results can be recommended to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to audit aviation. course……"

"Another 10 senior students will be recruited to study aviation knowledge systematically at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. Those with excellent results will receive a formal bachelor's diploma issued by the university. If there are those who obtain a master's degree in aviation from the university on their own, the association will bear all the expenses. . Note: Advanced students must have a high school diploma or above and have excellent English scores to register. Students majoring in science and engineering will be given priority. Interested parties please go to No. xx, xx Road, Shanghai to register and take the exam."

The three students looked at each other, and they all saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

"I've decided, I'm going to apply for the advanced student exam!" Li Su said suddenly.

Song Baoguo smiled and said: "Brother Li, didn't you say you wanted to go back to your hometown to manage the factory? Don't argue with me about this kind of thing."

Li Su laughed loudly: "What's the point of managing a factory? A good man has his ambitions everywhere, so I'll just go to MIT!"

"Hey, then go and sign up too." Yang Huaiyuan said.

Song Baoguo and Li Su stared at him at the same time, because Yang Huaiyuan had already found a job as a physics teacher in a high school in Hangzhou.

Li Su scratched his head and said, "If the three of us sign up, the competition will be fierce. They only recruit ten people."

Song Baoguo chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter to me anyway. When I was at Fengyong University, I also learned daily aircraft maintenance, and my basic skills are more solid than yours."

Two weeks later.

Three classmates appeared at the Shanghai Public Stadium and were immediately stunned by the scene. A total of only 60 ordinary students plus advanced students were recruited, but there were thousands of people who came to register for the test.

"Look, that's Mr. Zhou!" Song Baoguo pointed toward the stadium auditorium with sharp eyes.

Yang Huaiyuan looked over and said happily: "It's really Mr. Zhou. It's a pity that I didn't bring two books with me, otherwise I could have asked him for his autograph."

Li Su smiled and said: "I estimate that all the money for recruiting pilot students this time was sponsored by Mr. Zhou. The flying club in the United States is also run by Mr. Zhou. He will definitely inspect it in the future. As long as we pass the screening, we will There are so many opportunities to sign autographs.”

Song Baoguo sighed: "If Chinese people are like Mr. Zhou who are dedicated to the country and do not care about personal interests and money, why worry about the country's failure?"

"Yes," Yang Huaiyuan agreed, "I heard that Mr. Zhou donated 10 airplanes some time ago, which are worth 1 million oceans!"

Li Su, the rich second generation, was obviously much more lively. He did not stare at Zhou Hexuan, but carefully looked at the other candidates. Suddenly his eyes lit up, he patted Song Baoguo on the shoulder and said, "Old Song, look, there are two more women over there to sign up."



Song Baoguo and Yang Huaiyuan asked excitedly. Although they were full of enthusiasm for serving the country, they were not cold robots. The boy's instinct to admire the opposite sex took over, and he immediately became extremely active, standing on his feet and looking into the crowd.

Suddenly, an aviation association staff member shouted: "Ordinary students, please go to my left to sign up, and senior students, please go to my right to sign up."

Thousands of applicants were immediately divided into two groups. Song Baoguo found that there were hundreds of people on his side and couldn't help but exclaimed: "There are so many competitors!"

Yang Huaiyuan smiled mischievously and said: "Those two women are also applying for high-level students, and maybe they can be classmates in the future. Look, the one with longer hair has such a cute little face and long legs. Very much."

"Well, the butt is still very up." Li Su commented.

"Indecent." Song Baoguo and Yang Huaiyuan despised it together.

After Yang Huaiyuan finished scorning her, he winked and said, "It's really perky and her breasts are so big. I heard that such a woman can have children, and her husband will be very lucky in the future."

Yang Huaiyuan never expected that the person he was teasing at this moment would be his future wife, who would bear him four sons alone.

The two women were already signing up, and Yang Huaiyuan sharpened his ears and listened carefully.


"Zhou Pengjuan."


"21 years old."




"I am currently studying in my second year of law school at Soochow University."

Hearing this, the applicants next to him burst out in ridicule and cheers: "Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

During the Republic of China, except for specialized women's universities, the proportion of female students in other universities was very low. Sometimes there were only a few in an entire department, and their rarity was comparable to that of giant pandas.

In the society, if you say that you are a female college student, you will be respected by ordinary people.

A bizarre news story happened two years ago. The chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Committee (equivalent to the director of the Provincial People's Congress) was sued by a female college student and her cousin for taking a female college student as a concubine. The woman's family had no power, but after she made the matter a big deal, it aroused widespread sympathy from the society. In the end, the court ruled that the marriage contract was invalid, and the woman only had to return half of the man's bride price.

What was even more hilarious during the Anti-Japanese War was in Yunnan, where a rich man took a female college student as his concubine and was sentenced to donate an airplane to the country.

In these two cases, if the woman did not have the identity of a college student, she would never have attracted social attention. It can be seen that female college students during the Republic of China were treasures.

Zhou Hexuan was sitting on the sidelines and said to Li Dachao with a smile: "Brother Li, if those two women fail the assessment, we will expand the number of senior students to 12."

"Understood." Li Dachao smiled.

A female college student stood out and went to the United States to learn aviation knowledge. What a great promotional material, how could she let it go?

Besides, these senior students are here to systematically learn aviation knowledge, not to fly planes on the battlefield themselves. In the future, they may become aircraft designers, air force staff officers, or ground logistics personnel. Anyway, they cannot be sacrificed easily. Zhou Hexuan is not afraid that the two women will die because of this.

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