The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 660 659 [Donate aircraft]

When Zhang Daofan, the representative of the Kuomintang Central Committee Party Headquarters, showed up, all the main officials had arrived, and Yang Jie calmly walked to the center of the rostrum and sat down.

According to the rules of the officialdom, Yang Jie should be in touch with Zhang Daofan at this moment. One of them represents the Central Military Headquarters and the other represents the Central Party Headquarters. Even if they feel unhappy, they still have to act like they are harmonious between the military and the government to show others.

But Yang Jie refused. He just didn't talk to Zhang Daofan, because Zhang Daofan was the backbone of the CC department and a confidant of Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu. Yang Jie had a conflict with the Chen brothers, and even the officials of the entire CC department were displeased. Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Jie believes that Zhang Daofan can only talk and has no real ability.

It's okay not to keep in touch with Zhang Daofan. Yang Jie also had a lively chat with Gu Zhenglun. It is true that Gu Zhenglun was Chiang Kai-shek's confidant, but he was also He Yingqin's mortal enemy. Yang Jie wanted to offend He Yingqin to death - well, the two had already fallen out completely, so there was no need to offend He Yingqin.

First of all, Yang Jie, as the director of the National Air Defense Committee, delivered an opening speech: "Today's grand meeting is the participation of the whole country in studying the issue of all-people combat. It can also be said to be a manifestation of the national defense work of the Republic of China. In the process of our country's national defense construction, , is a valuable new record..."

Then, Zhang Daofan spoke on behalf of the Central Party Committee: "Since the founding of the Republic of China, under the guidance of the spirit of the Three People's Principles of former Prime Minister Sun Yat-sen, and under the leadership of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, Mr. Zhongzheng, our country's national defense construction has made remarkable achievements..."

Then, it was Tang Shengzhi who spoke on behalf of the Training Directorate of the Kuomintang. He patted his chest and said: "Brother is a rough man, and he can't tell lies and empty words. What I want to talk about today is training. The army must train, and the people must also train. The people must train. What? When planes from other countries come to bomb, we need to know how to defend ourselves from the air, and we have to rely on training. Soldiers must be trained before they can be called good soldiers; only when common people are trained can they be good common people. Damn it, if you don’t train , when someone else's plane drops a bomb, all the young and old men in our city will be blown up, and they will be pissed without even bothering to lift their pants..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The speeches of the first two officials were relatively dull and serious, which made people want to doze off. But when Tang Shengzhi stood up and spoke, more than 20,000 people in the entire stadium were made to laugh by him.

Zhou Hexuan's face was gloomy when he heard this, and he wished he could kill Tang Shengzhi with one shot.

When the Japanese invaders were about to attack Nanjing, Chang Kaishen sought the opinions of the generals. Li Zongren, Bai Chongxi and others all advocated a strategic retreat. However, Tang Shengzhi shouted to defend Nanjing and fight the enemy to the end. Chiang Kai-shek was overjoyed and immediately appointed Tang Shengzhi as the commander of Nanjing City Defense, leading 110,000 soldiers to defend Nanjing, which wasted the effective strength of the Chinese army.

If Tang Shengzhi really chose to fight the Japanese invaders, it would be okay to say that 110,000 people clinging to the fortified city would not make the Japanese invaders pay a price and buy time for the transfer of supplies and people.

The results of it?

Tang Shengzhi actually ordered the seizure of all ships, saying that he was going to fight to the death, so that Nanjing citizens who wanted to flee had no way to retreat. The city of Nanjing held out for several days, and Chiang Kai-shek ordered Tang Shengzhi to take the opportunity to retreat, but Tang Shengzhi let all his ministries continue to fight to the death. Seeing that he could no longer hold on, Tang Shengzhi ordered a retreat, but he had already missed the best opportunity to retreat.

The most damning thing is that when Tang Shengzhi ordered a retreat, only senior officers knew about the order, and their respective troops were not notified at all. Moreover, they were afraid of being pursued by the Japanese invaders after crossing the river, so they ordered the ships to be burned, killing all the defenders and Nanjing citizens.

Then came the brutal Nanjing Massacre!

At this moment, Zhou Hexuan was listening to Tang Shengzhi talking nonsense on the rostrum, and listening to more than 20,000 Nanjing citizens laughing, he felt so aggrieved!

After Tang Shengzhi spoke for a long time, Nanjing Mayor Ma Chaojun began to speak again: "I am from the Tongmenghui. During the Revolution of 1911, I led more than 100 sailors to form a death squad and rushed from Shanghai to Wuhan to support the Wuchang Uprising. From Wuchang to Hankou, I and my brothers held fast to the Hanyang Arsenal and fought hard for eight days and eight nights with Feng Guozhang. We ran out of ammunition and food! I say this not to show off my qualifications, but to say that the revolution is hard-won and the Republic of China is hard-won. Aviation and I know a lot about air defense. I studied flying for two years in an aviation school and am a pilot myself. I also raised funds to establish an aviation school and trained many pilots. However, China’s aviation industry is very backward. If you can't defeat others in the sky, you can only choose to avoid them. So we need to build an air defense system, and everyone must learn air defense knowledge..."

Hearing that Ma Chaojun's speech was more reliable, Zhou Hexuan felt that he could have a chat with the mayor, such as organizing the transfer of citizens when Japan attacked Nanjing.

Historically, Ma Chaojun thought that the Japanese invaders did not dare to mess with Westerners, so he ordered all citizens to enter the "Nanjing International Safety Zone". This move did save some people, but it also left countless Nanjing citizens feeling lucky and not decisively choosing to flee Nanjing.

After the opening ceremony, Zhou Hexuan began to visit various exhibition areas along with the main officials and guests.

This air defense exhibition is also very well organized. The exhibits include 16 categories of aircraft, air defense weapons, bombs, air defense equipment, air defense surveillance, air defense intelligence, etc. There are also underground poison rooms, rescue rooms, camouflage rooms, etc., and there are even Many models of corpses that had been killed were thrown on the ground.

After visiting these exhibits, the next step was to watch the air show. Nanjing Mayor Ma Chaojun personally flew a plane up to the sky.

The Aviation Industry Association of China and the National Aviation Construction Association took the opportunity to call on everyone to donate money to buy airplanes. Officials including Yang Jie, Tang Shengzhi, etc. lined up to go to the donation box.

Zhou Hexuan, like representatives of various groups from various provinces, is a special guest. When they donate, reporters will take photos, and the donation amount will be recorded and published in the newspaper.

When Zhou Hexuan took Meng Xiaodong on stage, all the people in the audience suddenly burst into excitement:

"It's Mr. and Mrs. Zhou!"

"Winter Emperor, Winter Emperor!"

"Mr. Zhou, donate more!"

"If Mr. Zhou donates, I will donate!"


Zhou Hexuan smiled and waved to everyone, and then said to Meng Xiaodong: "You come first."

Since many guests donated relatively large amounts, and the Republic of China has not yet issued banknotes, they usually write the amount in the donation book and give the money later. People who default on their debts are shameless.

Meng Xiaodong wrote down the number with a smile, and the staff immediately shouted: "Ms. Meng Xiaodong pledged 500 oceans!"

"Winter Emperor, Winter Emperor!"

Many of Meng Xiaodong's theatergoers shouted at the top of their lungs.

When the staff saw Zhou Hexuan writing a few words, they gasped and said, "Mr. Zhou Hexuan has pledged to donate ten...ten aircraft!"

The audience fell silent for a moment, then burst into loud cheers, with some even shouting "Long live Mr. Zhou."

Chen Qingyun, the director-general of the National Aviation Construction Association, looked ugly because Zhou Hexuan donated airplanes instead of real money. It was obvious that he could not trust their aviation construction association.

Zhou Hexuan is not a fool, so he wants to donate the money for 10 planes to Soong Meiling for corruption?

Of course I would buy my own plane and donate it!

After Zhou Hexuan left the donation table, Yang Jie walked up to him and whispered: "Brother Zhou, you did a great job. Donate airplanes if you can. Don't donate money to feed the dogs."

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