The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 656 655 [Fascists are robbers]

Zhang Xueliang showed a wry smile: "If I openly call for resistance against Japan, I will definitely have conflicts with Nanjing, and the situation will become even more uncontrollable. We have already fought enough civil wars."

"It's all about human effort," Zhou Hexuan said while sipping red wine. "You must first find a way to leave Wuchang. This is Chiang Kai-shek's territory."

Zhang Xueliang shook his head and said, "I don't want to break up just yet."

"Then just pretend I didn't say anything." Zhou Hexuan didn't intend to persuade him anymore, or maybe the time hadn't come yet.

When Chang Kaishen used the strategy of driving away wolves and devouring tigers and sent Zhang Xueliang to the northwest to "suppress bandits", Zhang Xueliang would naturally be out of trouble by then. Chiang Kai-shek made a good calculation and wanted the Northeastern Army, the Shanxi-Sui Army and the Red Army to consume each other. Who would have thought that these three forces would actually "alliance" to form a "Northwestern Alliance".

Speaking of the "Great Northwest Alliance", Du Chongyuan has to be mentioned again. This person has great reputation, financial resources, background and connections, but it is too suspicious to be sentenced because of an article.

There are two reasons why Du Chongyuan was imprisoned: first, he ranked among the top three among Zhang Xueliang's staff, and Chiang Kai-shek wanted to defeat Zhang Xueliang, so Du Chongyuan was the best candidate; second, after Du Chongyuan came to Shanghai, he, Shen Junru, and Zou Taofen , Li Gongpu and other progressive people, and also established relations with Zhou Gong and Pan Hannian. Lao Chiang Kai-shek was very dissatisfied with this.

Zhou Hexuan was happy to see Du Chongyuan go to jail, because it was so wonderful for this man to go to jail.

Du Chongyuan was initially confused about the current situation, but after he was imprisoned, Northeastern Army generals, progressive people, and representatives of various forces came to visit him one after another. After many exchanges with these people, Du Chongyuan finally formed a complete set of "Northwestern Alliance" ideas, which ultimately affected Zhang Xueliang's decision-making.

If Du Chongyuan had not been imprisoned, the "Xi'an Incident" might not have happened.

History is so strange. An accidental personal event can directly affect the development of the entire situation.

"Let's not talk about these troublesome things," Zhang Xueliang suddenly changed the topic, "Did Mingcheng come to Wuchang specifically to visit me this time?"

"That's right," Zhou Hexuan smiled, "My fifth brother and I set up a flying club in the United States to train pilots for the future Anti-Japanese War. Now the club has more planes than students. I would like to ask the sixth commander to help recruit pilots. Some qualified student pilots.”

Zhang Xueliang suddenly said happily: "This is a good thing. I will write a transfer order tomorrow. You can take the transfer order to Peiping, and you can choose the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army."

"That's it, thank you very much!" Zhou Hexuan said with his fists in hand.

Zhang Xueliang suddenly became silent again and asked: "Mingcheng, you seem to be against fascist dictatorship?"

"Of course." Zhou Hexuan said.

Zhang Xueliang was lying on the sofa, looking at the ceiling and said: "I have been inspecting Europe for more than half a year and found that the domestic conditions of the capitalist powers such as the United Kingdom and France are extremely bad. On the contrary, Germany and Italy, which practice fascism, have strong national strength and high public morale. ,why is that?"

"What you see is just the surface." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Zhang Xueliang's trip to Europe two years ago was accompanied by Mussolini's daughter and son-in-law. He met with Mussolini, Hitler, the King of Sweden, the French Aviation Minister and others. The scenes of massive support for Hitler and Mussolini shocked Zhang Xueliang infinitely. Comparing the current situation of various European countries, Zhang Xueliang immediately turned to fascism ideologically.

Zhang Xueliang even wrote to a friend: "The reason why Italy and Germany were able to revive was mainly due to the people's heartfelt support for their leaders. Therefore, they have sufficient strength to overcome the obstacles on the road to national rejuvenation... China cannot achieve it Renaissance means being unable to be absolutely loyal to one's own leader and fully support him... Civil war and foreign aggression all result from this."

After Zhang Xueliang returned to China, he immediately called on the whole country to support Chiang Kai-shek, hoping to make Chiang Kai-shek a figure like Hitler and Mussolini.

Lao Jiang was so happy that he quickly entrusted Zhang Xueliang with an important task and appointed Zhang Xueliang as the deputy commander of the "bandit suppression" in the southern region, while he himself was the commander-in-chief of the "bandit suppression". In Lao Jiang's view, he had done enough to make Zhang Xueliang "below one person and above ten thousand people", but he did not want to think that Zhang Xueliang hated fighting in the civil war.

This incident shows that Zhang Xueliang is extremely naive politically. At this moment, Zhang Xueliang was also in an extremely confused state of mind. He repeatedly compared communism and fascism. Sometimes he thought this was better, and sometimes he thought that was better. He was almost going crazy.

"What is the appearance? What is the truth?" Zhang Xueliang asked for advice.

Zhou Hexuan said: "We first need to know why Britain and France seem to be declining and weak."

"Because of the world economic crisis." Zhang Xueliang gave the answer.

"The answer is correct, but not entirely correct," Zhou Hexuan explained in detail. "Britain and France implement a capitalist system, and the existing free capitalism has major flaws. There are many related research articles, both domestic and foreign, from This issue has been discussed since the end of the European War (World War I). The Sixth Commander can find some information to read. The world economic crisis and the various severe consequences brought about by the crisis are all manifestations of the flaws of capitalism."

Zhang Xueliang asked again: "Then why can Germany and Italy rely on fascism to revive?"

"Two reasons," Zhou Hexuan raised two fingers and said, "First, Germany and Italy have strong educational, economic and industrial foundations. Including Japan, Japan's current militarism is also a kind of fascism, which is different from Germany's. It is not much different from Italy. And these are exactly what China lacks. Not only does China lack the foundation of a strong country, but it is also divided into pieces, so China has no prerequisites for the implementation of fascism."

Zhang Xueliang smiled miserably and asked: "What about the second reason?"

Zhou Hexuan said: "We need to understand the essence of fascism. Fascism is actually a centralized dictatorship implemented internally by the monopoly bourgeoisie. And its leader, whether it is Hitler, Mussolini, or the Emperor of Japan, is just a monopoly Spokesperson of the bourgeoisie.”

"Just a spokesperson?" Zhang Xueliang asked in surprise.

In Zhang Xueliang’s view, leaders represent fascists, and fascists are leaders. As long as a country has an iron-blooded leader who is loved by the people, the whole country can work together to eliminate internal and external contradictions and develop rapidly.

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Sixth Commander, you don't think that Hitler and Mussolini could come to power without the support of their own financial groups, right? China doesn't even have a monopoly bourgeoisie, so how can it implement fascism?"

Zhang Xueliang was silent for a long time and then asked: "Why do those monopoly capitalists support Mussolini and Hitler?"

"Let's analyze Hitler," Zhou Hexuan said. "Germany was completely defeated in the European War, owed countless foreign debts, and the domestic economy was dilapidated and depressed. Hitler's political ideas not only met the needs of the German people for revenge and improved lives, but also more It was in line with the interests of the German monopoly bourgeoisie. Hitler's default on the debt suddenly freed Germany from foreign debt and gave German capitalists a breather. Hitler expanded armaments and prepared for war, brought the entire economy under state control, and implemented forced production, which seemed to undermine the laws of economic development. , but it benefits the monopoly capitalist class.”

"How does the bourgeoisie benefit?" Zhang Xueliang asked.

"To expand the armament and prepare for war, we must build guns and artillery. Military industry and related enterprises can start operations, and they will not worry about sales, because the country and the army will step up to pay the bill. The prosperity of military industry enterprises not only saves the unemployment problem of some people, but also promotes It has promoted the development of a series of industries and allowed more workers to find jobs. When workers have income, they will consume, so more industries have been restored." Zhou Hexuan spread his hands, "The German renaissance you see is actually that simple."

Zhang Xueliang asked curiously: "Can't China do this?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Germany is expanding its armaments and preparing for war. All the country's money is used to develop armaments. How can the government have so much money? So Hitler will persecute the Jews and steal money from the Jews under the guise of nationalism. But There will be a time when all the money in the hands of the Jews will be robbed. At that time, Germany will have to expand externally and continue to develop by stealing money from other countries. After robbing one country, another country must be robbed. Hitler could not stop at all. Because once it stops, the country’s economic system, dominated by the military industry, will collapse.”

"I kind of understand." Zhang Xueliang suddenly realized.

Zhou Hexuan continued: "The same is true for Japan. They are now frantically expanding their military and preparing for war. They initially robbed the Northeast. When the money they robbed from the Northeast runs out, they will have to rob the entire China, and even the entire East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. In less than five years , Germany, Italy and Japan all want to expand abroad, because they have to expand abroad. As long as they stop, their domestic economy will collapse, and the people will have problems even eating. This is fascism. To put it bluntly, it is just one breath. Eat up the food at home, exchange all the money for swords, guns and sticks, and then go out to rob after being well-fed and well-armed.”

Zhang Xueliang smiled bitterly: "This metaphor is quite vivid."

"Do you think China can implement fascism now?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Zhang Xueliang shook his head and said: "China is just a weak patient. The money in its hands cannot buy good weapons and guns. It is lucky not to be robbed. How can it still have the ability to rob others?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Japan, Germany and Italy have embarked on a road of no return. China is now the sick and poor, and the United States, France and the UK are rich and strong men, but whether they are poor patients or rich and strong men, Their common enemies are robbers. There is no doubt that when the situation develops to a certain stage, countries all over the world will unite to deal with fascist countries. If fascism is implemented in China, it will be an enemy of the whole world. The Sixth Commander also wants China to Fascist?”

"Of course not," Zhang Xueliang said sincerely, he was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat. "Listening to what you have to say is better than ten years of reading. Mingcheng, you have analyzed fascism thoroughly, much better than my staff. Each of your big principles makes me confused." Dizzy."

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