The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 643 642 [The Inflated Movie Emperor]

Clark Gable already knew from others that Zhou Hexuan was the original author of the novel "Titanic". But he didn't take the initiative to say hello. Instead, he frowned with an impatient expression on his face - he hated people coming to visit the team and hated having unimportant people affecting the filming progress.

Historically, Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh were unhappy because her husband often visited the set. It just so happened that that guy, like Clark Gable, was a big Hollywood star, and he seemed to come to the crew to steal the limelight.

So Clark Gable avenged his personal vendetta, deliberately lost his temper during filming, and found various reasons to drive Vivien Leigh's husband away, causing the relationship between him and Vivien Leigh to become increasingly tense.

While Zhou Hexuan, Meng Xiaodong, and Vivien Leigh were chatting, Clark Gable walked to the side alone and lay on his special chair to sleep, without even bothering to look at Zhou Hexuan. If it were a great American writer, Clark Gable would definitely not dare to show off, but Zhou Hexuan is Asian... haha.

At this time, Hollywood was extremely xenophobic and discriminatory against yellow people, and this discrimination was even written into American law. According to the Anti-Miscegenation Law passed in 1850, relevant regulations were derived: Asian actors are not allowed to kiss European and American actors in movies.

Absolute racial discrimination!

As early as ten years ago, Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong had already become famous. She was widely loved by American audiences for her supporting role. Her name was even given a poetic meaning by an American magazine - "The Frosted Yellow Willow".

It's a pity that Anna May Wong is Chinese and Asian, so no matter how famous she is, she can only play supporting roles. She couldn't even get regular supporting roles, and was gradually reduced to playing roles such as beggars, prostitutes, thieves and stowaways.

Perhaps in the eyes of Hollywood filmmakers, Asians should be beggars, prostitutes and thieves - including the Japanese.

"William, come here!" cried Charles Brumby.

Clark Gable had no choice but to walk over impatiently, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and asked: "Director, what can I do?"

Charles Brandby introduced: "Mr. Zhou, this is Clark Gable, who plays the male protagonist. William, this is Mr. Zhou Hexuan, the original author of "Titanic"."

"Hello, Mr. Gable," Zhou Hexuan said very politely, "I have watched your movies in China."

Clark Gable acted a little surprised, shook hands and said: "Really, China can actually show movies?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled, raised his eyebrows and said: "China can not only screen movies, but Chinese people can also make movies and write novels. The film you are making now was made by Chinese people."

"That's really my honor." Clark Gable's tone was a little sour.

After saying a few words without speculation, Zhou Hexuan was no longer interested in chatting with this guy. He even thought rather vindictively: My publisher has already acquired the novel "Gone with the Wind". When the movie is adapted, what the hell are you doing? Don’t even think about playing the leading role again!

The filming continued. Zhou Hexuan and Meng Xiaodong sat in the corner and watched with the staff.

At six o'clock in the evening, Clark Gable's assistant suddenly stood up and waved to Clark Gable, who was filming.

Clark Gable immediately broke away from the performance state and said to the director: "It's time for me to get off work. See you tomorrow."

Seeing the actor leaving the studio alone, Charles Brumby cursed in a low voice: "This bastard!"

In Hollywood in the 1930s, there was no eight-hour working day. It was normal for actors to work overtime day and night. Getting off work at six o'clock on time was a sign of great disloyalty.

But big stars are different, they have special treatment.

Clark Gable used to be a simple hooker. Due to family difficulties, he had to drop out of school and work in the city. He worked in more than ten occupations such as newsboy, shoemaker, electrician, salesperson, and extra.

Four years ago, the popular Clark Gable starred with the big star Greta Garbo, and he saw the superstar's extraordinary treatment, such as finishing work and going home on time every afternoon. All this made Clark Gable envious and jealous. When he got the actor's contract, he immediately wrote various privileges into the contract terms, including getting off work on time at 6 p.m.

Clark Gable has the confidence to be a big name. The movie "It Happened One Night" he starred in last year won five Oscars for Best Director, Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actor, and Best Actress. . His appearance in the film was wildly imitated by American audiences. Wide coats, V-neck shirts, and wide-brimmed hats have become American street fashion.

Some media have even described Clark Gable as the "Hollywood Movie Emperor."

The emperor should do whatever he wants.

After Clark Gable left, the crew continued filming, but changed the scene without the male protagonist.

Zhou Hexuan watched their filming with great interest and asked the staff a few questions from time to time. He felt that the film industry in Hollywood was much more advanced than that in China.

I was busy until nine o'clock in the evening when the director finally called it a day.

Zhou Hexuan secretly complained: He is indeed an unscrupulous capitalist, filming so late and not caring about the lunch box!

"Where to eat?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Vivien Leigh held Zhou Hexuan's arm and said: "I know there is an Italian restaurant, and many celebrities eat there."

Meng Xiaodong also held Zhou Hexuan's other hand. The scene of these beauties surrounded by women on the set aroused exclamations from everyone on the set. Especially Zhou Hexuan's Asian face made them feel incredible.

When she came to the restaurant and sat down, Vivien Leigh couldn't wait to start complaining about Clark Gable: "Brother Xuan, I used to admire this man so much. I thought Gable in the movie was handsome and graceful. But after meeting him, I realized that this man is really It’s so annoying, it’s almost disgusting.”

"What's wrong with him?" Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile.

Vivien Leigh said: "In the beginning, it was relatively normal, just a little arrogant. He was very serious when filming, and he also taught me some acting skills. But on the third day of filming, he started to touch me and asked for help in a giving tone. I ate. You don't know, but he spoke as if it was an unprecedented honor for me to dine with him. I have never seen such an arrogant man, and I even ate with a British prince. , who is he?"

When Zhou Hexuan heard that his woman was being harassed, his face turned dark immediately. He sneered and said, "This man is so swollen."

Clark Gable has indeed expanded. From a slingshot to a movie emperor, it would be strange if he did not expand. Moreover, this guy is also very lecherous. He has been rumored to have affairs with countless female stars, and he can hook up with one every time he is filming.

If the rumors are true, Clark Gable at this time had already raped the female star Loretta Young and made her pregnant - the female star is currently pregnant.

Historically, there were also rumors that Clark Gable attempted to rape Vivien Leigh, which was said to have been said by Vivien Leigh herself. Clark Gable's response was: Vivien Leigh has a mental problem and she is talking nonsense.

Zhou Hexuan was really worried and said to Vivien Leigh: "I will hire an assistant for you and be your bodyguard by the way."

"Okay, I just need an assistant." Vivien Leigh said.

Zhou Hexuan added: "I would suggest that the director cancel the kiss scene, or shoot it at a different location."

"Is this okay?" Vivien Leigh didn't want to kiss the person she hated.

"It must be possible, otherwise I will refuse to hand over my works to MGM in the future, including works from my publishing houses." Zhou Hexuan said with a confident smile.

As for whether there was a nude scene in "Titanic", Zhou Hexuan was not worried about it because the Hollywood atmosphere in the 1930s was conservative. No director would dare to shoot such an outrageous scene. Even the film company would be unable to withstand the attack of public opinion and would even be subject to interference from government departments.

It would be normal for female stars to have children out of wedlock in the United States a few decades later, but if it were the 1930s, such female stars would no longer be able to take on roles. This is also the reason why Zhou Hexuan dare not disclose his relationship with Vivien Leigh in the United States. An actress who marries a Chinese man as his concubine will definitely be criticized to death in the United States.

Haha, Zhou Hexuan suddenly thought of something.

Maybe we should find a private detective to check the dirty information about Clark Gable. Once it is made public, the movie emperor's future will be ruined.

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