The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 640 639 [Follow the trend]

After Montagu Norman entered the negotiation state, his whole body was filled with an aura that no strangers should enter. He possesses at the same time the cold arrogance of a British gentleman and the aggressiveness of an American banker, like a lion lurking ready to pounce.

By the way, although Montagu Norman was British, his family bank was an American-style bank, and he himself was deeply influenced by American ideas.

However, Zhou Hexuan seemed calm and said with a smile: "I don't need to repeat the importance of the Chinese market to the UK. The UK is the country that invests the most in China and makes the most profits. Once the Chinese market collapses, the loss will be The worst-hit country is the UK."

"Why?" Montagu Norman remained calm.

Zhou Hexuan said confidently: "After the silver crisis broke out in China, Japan was the most active and took the initiative to propose all-round economic cooperation. The second was the United Kingdom. More than a month ago, the United Kingdom expressed its willingness to borrow 20 million pounds to China. I heard that the United Kingdom The cabinet has also set up a special 'Committee on China's Silver Issues', is that true?"

"You are well informed." Montagu Norman could only shrug.

In fact, Montague Norman is a member of the "China Silver Issue Committee" and has held two consecutive meetings from New Year's Day to now to analyze China's economic situation. In two days, they will hold a third meeting, which shows how urgent they want to "help" China.

Zhou Hexuan said: "It is inevitable that the UK will provide assistance. I am here this time just to hope that you will take action as soon as possible."

Montague Norman asked curiously: "Zhou, you seem to be very anxious about this?"

"Yes, I am very anxious," Zhou Hexuan chose to tell the truth. "China's economy has been messed up, but those in power in China want to take advantage of the opportunity to benefit themselves. China's leader Chang Kaishen, as well as finance minister Minister Kong Xiangxi, they want to use this opportunity to embezzle China's private capital. I am one of the participants invited by them. I can get great benefits, but I don't want to see my country suffer greater harm. …”

Zhou Hexuan told Chiang Kai-shek and others' plan exactly. Montague Norman was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh: "China's leaders are really geniuses. Their plan is so perfect. I must applaud them."

"Do you know what this means?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Montagu Norman said: "This means that China's economic situation will further deteriorate until it becomes a level that satisfies those people. Zhou, I want to thank you. The news you just brought has made me more optimistic about China's economic situation." The situation is clearer, which helps me plan accordingly.”

Zhou Hexuan said: "I know you want to delay time. Is the UK afraid of Japan?"

"The UK is certainly not afraid of Japan, but it must consider the impact on international diplomacy," said Montagu Norman. "Neither the UK nor the US wants to cause a violent reaction from Japan. Therefore, our attitude is different from that of China's leaders. Like Mr. Chang Kaishen, China’s economy must be allowed to deteriorate. If we take action at that time, Japan will have nothing to say.”

Zhou Hexuan shook his head and said: "This is purely unnecessary. No matter when you stand up, you will ruin Japan's plan, and Japan will definitely be dissatisfied." After saying that, Zhou Hexuan began to stir up trouble, "The United States can only benefit by doing this. . You should know that most of China’s leaders are pro-American. If the UK remains on the sidelines, China will inevitably turn to the United States in the end. In fact, the United States will further expand its market in China and erode Britain’s interests in China. Also, If the UK doesn’t take action as soon as possible, China is likely to join the US dollar system. Doesn’t the pound want to compete with the US dollar?”

Montagu Norman fell into thinking. As Zhou Hexuan said, the United Kingdom was most concerned about the United States and did not take Japan into consideration at all.

Today's situation is actually very complicated. The United Kingdom and the United States want to join forces to attack the Japanese yen, but the British pound and the U.S. dollar are competing with each other, which feels like a three-nation struggle for hegemony. Moreover, Japan and Britain were already at war at this time, and only the United States stood by through the "silver trade" and used the word "drag" to watch the fight between Britain and Japan.

A world currency war without gunpowder has begun. The UK really wants to bring China into the Sterling Group, and thereby restore the UK's peak power in China, and gain greater political and economic benefits.

The British government has a unanimous view and has decided to assist China.

But the British people are divided into two groups on how to do it. One group believes that it is necessary to cut through the mess quickly and stabilize the situation as soon as possible. This group is dominated by the financial department; the other group believes that they must continue to wait and see because the situation in the Far East is too complicated. This group is dominated by the diplomatic department.

As the head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman is undoubtedly in a key position. Whichever faction he leans towards will have the upper hand.

Unfortunately, although Montagu Norman also belonged to the Treasury, he was a conservative. He temporarily supports the opinion of the foreign ministry and believes that it should act prudently and not rush to make substantive commitments to China.

After thinking for a moment, Montagu Norman said: "Since China's leaders want to delay, how can you guarantee that China will soon accept British assistance?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "It's very simple. As long as a piece of good news is released: that is, the British Bank in China will provide loans to large Chinese companies and banks, it will inevitably disrupt the plans of Chang Kaishen and others, and they will panic and fight with Negotiate with the UK. This is beneficial to you, otherwise the UK will be a wedding dress for the US."

Historically, Britain appeared as a savior and successfully helped China complete its currency reform. China's legal currency was also pegged to the pound. But it was the United States that came out to pick the fruits in the end. China's legal currency became pegged to the US dollar. Eventually, an international monetary system was formed in the Far East with the US dollar as the mainstay and the British pound as the supplement, jointly attacking the Japanese yen.

So Roosevelt was very powerful. The United States did nothing, but used a "silver deal" to stall the situation and let the Silver Group make a huge fortune. Britain and Japan worked hard to create detailed plans. Both countries spent a lot of real money, but the biggest winner became the United States.

Zhou Hexuan kept telling China's "inside story" and helped analyze the American plan. In this way, Montagu Norman understood the situation thoroughly and no longer had the doubts he had before.

Montague Norman was very depressed to find that all the arrangements he had made before were to open the way for the US government. He, the king of finance, had become Roosevelt's younger brother.

This is Zhou Hexuan's advantage. He knows the situation in China, the situation in the United States, and some future developments. Although Zhou Hexuan's professional knowledge is insufficient, he can provide Montague Norman with a reference and wake up the British from his dream.

According to historical development, the Japanese danced the most joyfully in this Chinese silver crisis, but in the end they became complete losers. The British followed closely, but acted as the pioneer for the United States. Americans wait and see what happens, but in the end they get fat.

Now, Montagu Norman is somewhat convinced by Zhou Hexuan, which will inevitably bring huge changes. At least the United Kingdom and the United States will compete happily, and the United States will enter the game early, and China can gain more benefits from it.

"Zhou, you are such a bad lobbyist," Montague Norman laughed. "You shouldn't reveal all China's trump cards. This can only benefit British negotiations."

Zhou Hexuan also smiled and said: "So, you were convinced by me?"

"Maybe." Montagu Norman said noncommittally.

As Montagu Norman said, Zhou Hexuan's performance this time was very poor, and he did not have the demeanor of a top strategist at all. But he succeeded. He explained all the situations and just went with the flow.

Because the interests of Britain and China are the same in this case, and they have a common enemy - Japan and the United States.

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