The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 635 634 [Real Scavenging Vulture]

On the ship deck, Zhou Hexuan crossed his legs and drank coffee leisurely.

Song Ziwen was a little uneasy and had more things to consider. For example, before he left the United States, he received a secret message from Chang Kaishen. Chiang Kai-shek asked him to go back and take over the Bank of China and forcibly nationalize the bank to facilitate the smooth implementation of currency reform.

Historically, Song Ziwen's reputation came from this. His control of the Bank of China was so ugly that it could be described as plundering and plundering. From then on, Song Ziwen became the spokesperson of "bureaucratic capital".

The predecessor of the Bank of China was the "Great Qing Account Bank" and later became the national bank of the Beiyang government. From the beginning, it was stated that "government and businessmen each hold 50% of the shares." From the late Qing Dynasty to the Beiyang period, the power of the central government declined, and most of the shares fell into the hands of businessmen, with the official shareholding ratio being far less than 50%.

At this moment, the president of Bank of China is none other than Xu Zhimo’s former brother-in-law and Zhang Youyi’s fourth brother Zhang Jiayao.

From the time when Chang Kaishen first started the Northern Expedition until the Great War in the Central Plains, Zhang Jiayao helped raise a lot of military expenses, and his credit and hard work were very great. But, as long as Song Ziwen returns to China this time, Zhang Jiayao will be kicked out immediately, and the Bank of China will be "Song" from now on.

The silver crisis of 1935 was like a year for China's national capitalists, but in the eyes of the "four major families" it was nothing more than a gluttonous feast.

Countless banks have collapsed and countless factories have gone bankrupt, but the "four major families" can take this opportunity to easily seize those banks and factories and openly turn them into private or public property.

Perhaps Chang Kaishen and Kong Xiangxi were not aware of the trap set by Roosevelt. But they are willing to dive in head first. The Americans want to delay time, the British want to delay time, and the four major families probably also want to delay time. When China's economy continues to deteriorate, they will be able to take advantage of it and take control of many banks and factories.

Such insidious thoughts should have been something Lao Jiang had figured out recently, and perhaps Kong Xiangxi's instigation was behind it.

Because in Lao Jiang's view, now that the Japanese have entered the situation and the British also want to help, the Americans cannot ignore it. China's silver crisis will definitely be overcome, it is just a matter of time. Now that there is no danger and the overall situation has been decided, why not take the opportunity to do something else?

This is just like Roosevelt's New Deal. At first, everyone worked together, but when the U.S. economy slowed down a little, major financial groups immediately came up with other ideas.

Chiang Kai-shek must have been panicked at the beginning, and he was sincere in asking Zhou Hexuan to come to the United States to cause trouble. He really wanted to solve the silver crisis. But Zhou Hexuan did a good job and successfully brought Britain, the United States and Japan into the mix, so Chiang Kai-shek felt that he had no worries and could cut the wheat without haste.

If Zhou Hexuan's trip to England could persuade the British to help as soon as possible, Chiang Kai-shek would probably still be unhappy, feeling that Zhou Hexuan was meddling in other people's affairs.

Lao Jiang is really not a fool, he is very good at calculating. Zhou Hexuan could see Roosevelt's plan. How could Chiang Kai-shek really be fooled? It's just a push-over.

The current development of China's economic situation is very much in line with the interests of the U.S. government, and is also proceeding in accordance with the plans of the British government. It is more conducive to Chiang Kai-shek and Kong Xiangxi's use of power for personal gain. Everyone is really happy. Only the Japanese were fooled from beginning to end, while Chinese entrepreneurs, financiers and ordinary people also suffered terribly.

Song Ziwen asked Zhou Hexuan for a cigarette and lit it silently. He had never smoked, but he seemed to have become addicted to cigarettes recently.

Yes, Song Ziwen is struggling. He felt that the plan of Chang Kaishen and Kong Xiangxi was too dirty to be put on the table. It was more disgusting than ever before and even more disgusting than the random issuance of military debt before.

At the same time, Song Ziwen couldn't help but be tempted again. The demon named greed crawled out from the depths of his soul and began to gradually dominate his thoughts. According to the plan of Chang Kaishen and Kong Xiangxi, as long as nothing unexpected happens, the "four major families" will completely control the Chinese economy in the future, and they can easily occupy countless banks and factories.

There was no corruption in Song Ziwen's history, but his behavior was worse than corruption. It was called completely legal robbery.

Song Ziwen's conscience was throbbing, and a sense of shame filled his body. He wanted to slap himself a few times.

Why did Song Ziwen resign last year? Because he has no face to see business people.

Song Ziwen had lowered his face and made promises to get money from businessmen time and time again, but Chang Kaishen broke such promises time and time again.

He vowed: As long as I, Song Ziwen, am in office, the government will no longer borrow money from various business groups for civil war and government expenses.

After saying this, Song Ziwen went abroad for inspection. When he came back, Chang Kaishen was issuing bonds randomly again. This is tantamount to a slap in Song Ziwen's face and makes him use up his last ounce of credibility in China's industrial and commercial circles. No businessman dares to believe what Song Ziwen says.

Now, if Chang Kaishen's plan is followed, Song Ziwen must raise the butcher's knife to the businessmen he once betrayed.

Song Ziwen's dilemma is that he has to do this. Privately, he can't resist the temptation to lie down and pick up money; publicly, China's economy is in chaos, and he must come out to clean up the mess.

Well, having said all that, Song Ziwen actually fully agreed with Chiang Kai-shek's plan, but he was a little embarrassed because the method was so dirty.

Sorry, I'm sorry, but Song Ziwen didn't show any mercy when he took action, and he tricked countless businessmen to death.

1935 was the year when China officially entered the "Chiang Dynasty". From this, "bureaucratic capital" completely controlled China, and the "four major families" began to reach their peak.

Song Ziwen was smoking a cigarette, and while he was struggling, he was already thinking about how to drive away Zhang Jia'ao, the president of the Bank of China.

After putting out the cigarette butt, Song Ziwen asked: "Brother Mingcheng, how do you plan to convince the British Finance Minister?"

Zhou Hexuan asked: "Do you know anything about Montagu Clete Norman?

"That King of Finance?" Song Ziwen was a little surprised and said with a tone of reverence, "I was lucky enough to meet him once, but I was far away and had no chance to talk to him. I heard from friends that this Mr. Norman is a bit Neurotic, extremely conceited, and a die-hard economic conservative."

"Do you think I can convince him?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Song Ziwen smiled and said: "I don't know if you can convince Mr. Norman, but as long as you convince him, you will be able to convince the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. And as long as Mr. Norman does not agree, even if you convince the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, the UK may not be able to Will help China."

"Then I'll be relieved." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

Zhou Hexuan didn't know anything else, but he knew one thing. Historically, the currency reform of the Republic of China was initially promoted by the British government. According to Song Ziwen, Montague Norman must have been one of its supporters.

Zhou Hexuan said no more, only thinking about how to meet Norman.

When Song Ziwen saw Zhou Hexuan working hard for the silver crisis, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. He was really embarrassed. Zhou Hexuan was trying to solve the problem, but he was thinking about how to gain benefits.

Well, again, I'm sorry. Song Ziwen will never be soft when faced with huge interests. At most... he will give Zhou Hexuan some compensation.

Song Ziwen suddenly asked: "Brother Mingcheng, I have several good businesses. Do you want to join a joint venture and become a shareholder?"

Zhou Hexuan looked at Song Ziwen in surprise. Such an abrupt question gave him a very bad feeling - Song Ziwen was definitely hiding something from him, and Chang Kaishen was probably involved.

Zhou Hexuan smiled: "Okay, let's make money together."

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