The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 631 630 [One pot of porridge]

"Repeal the Silver Act, and bring down the capitalists!"

"We want to work!"

"Don't let the silver devil steal the bread!"

"We want racial equality!"


On the streets of Washington, Song Ziwen watched the parade quietly, and said to Shi Zhaoji, the Minister to the United States beside him: "Americans seem to like demonstrations more and more."

Shi Zhaoji said with a smile: "The parade we are seeing now should be planned by the American Communist Party."

"How do you know?" Song Ziwen asked curiously.

Shi Zhaoji pointed to the crowd and said, "Did you see that? Most of the people who participated in the parade were blacks. And this is Washington, and the only one who can gather them to march, apart from the gangs, is the American Communist Party."

Song Ziwen was even more surprised: "The Communist Party is very powerful among the black people in the United States?"

Shi Zhaoji nodded and said: "Black people are at the bottom of American society, and they are extremely vulnerable to incitement. The American Communist Party even blatantly shouted slogans to use 'red to attract black'. Especially after the 'Scottsboro incident', the American Communist Party They are very prestigious, and even some black gang leaders have joined the American Communist Party.”

"What about the Scorsboro incident?" Song Ziwen didn't know about it.

Shi Zhaoji explained: "Three years ago in Scotsboro, nine black youths were accused of raping two white women. After illegal interrogation, eight of them were sentenced to death. The youngest black, Only 13 years old. With the help of the American Communist Party, the truth of this case has been revealed, and one of the two white women admitted that he fabricated a lie."

Song Ziwen said, "Isn't it a big deal?"

"The commotion was so big that it almost turned into a riot," Shi Zhaoji nodded. "What makes the black Americans even more angry is that this case has not been resolved and the trial is still going on."

Song Ziwen asked: "How is Roosevelt's New Deal implemented?"

Shi Zhaoji said: "Roosevelt was very political. When the American economy was at its worst, almost no banks were open in the country, and checks could not be cashed in Washington. Roosevelt promulgated the "Emergency Banking Act", and it took only one week to make the More than 10,000 banks reopened. Immediately afterwards, he banned gold exports, stabilized gold reserves and gold bonds. Then he abandoned the gold standard and issued 3 billion US dollars of banknotes with national securities as guarantees, which made the US dollar depreciate rapidly and strengthened the the foreign competitiveness of U.S. goods."

"How did he mediate the conflict?" Song Ziwen asked.

"There is no need for mediation," said Shi Zhaoji. "The American people look forward to the arrival of a hero. Roosevelt is this hero. From the day he restored the banking industry, he has gained the trust of American capitalists."

Song Ziwen was puzzled and said: "However, the several large outside groups in the United States seem to be tearing each other down now, and there is a sign that it will trip Roosevelt."

Shi Zhaoji said with a smile: "Everyone had a hard time before, so naturally they could work together to support the President's New Deal. But now that they have breathed a sigh of relief, group conflicts have been exposed, and they all want to fight for more interests for themselves. Moreover, some of Roosevelt's The approach is too radical, which will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction among capitalists. For example, he set minimum wages and maximum working hours, which undoubtedly increased the production costs of factory owners. Also, he cracked down on monopoly, encouraged the development of small businesses, and let small businesses compete with big consortiums to seize the market , It’s tantamount to digging the roots of the big conglomerates. Those big conglomerates in the United States have already started to fight back, and some people even want to sabotage Roosevelt’s re-election.”

"It's not easy to be the president of the United States." Song Ziwen said with emotion.

"It's not just bad luck," Shi Zhaoji gloated. "Now some people are shouting slogans, saying that Roosevelt is a Soviet spy and a communist party that destroys the free world of capitalism."

"Roosevelt is a Soviet spy?" Song Ziwen almost laughed.

Shi Zhaoji nodded and said: "Roosevelt's New Deal, in some respects, is indeed similar to that of the Soviet Union. For example, he forcibly formulated rules, stipulating the production scale, price and sales scope of various enterprises. For example, certain commodities produced in New York State can only At a certain price, it is sold in some areas in the east, and once it crosses the border, it will be severely punished. Is this a bit like the planned economy of the Soviet Union?"

"Hiss!" Song Ziwen gasped, "No wonder the capitalists want to oppose Roosevelt. It's unimaginable for him to do this."

Shi Zhaoji analyzed: "This time, the public opinion created by you and Mr. Zhou can spread rapidly. There must be people who are helping on purpose. These helping people are not necessarily the enemies of the Baiyin Group, and they may just want to add to Roosevelt. No new decree can be issued."

Song Ziwen laughed loudly: "Interesting, the situation in the United States is very interesting."

Shi Zhaoji pointed to those marching people and said: "It is very possible that the American Communist Party is also involved. Because Roosevelt used the method of work-for-relief to solve many employment problems, which seriously hindered the development of the American Communist Party. The party also hopes that the New Deal will fail, and the more chaos the better, because their appeal is not as good as before."

"This is a mess." Song Ziwen sighed.

Shi Zhaoji said: "Roosevelt is still very powerful. When he first became president, people in the United States starved to death every day. But in only one and a half years, he has turned the situation around. At least the situation of people starving to death is rare. arrive."

Song Ziwen asked: "Then is there any chance for us to take advantage of the chaos and gain the support of some outside groups?"

"It's hard," Shi Zhaoji said, shaking his head. "Yankees look down on China. Unless we can import a large amount of American machinery and industrial products like the Soviet Union, we can gain the support of large American consortia."

Song Ziwen asked again: "Is it possible to bring in the British to disrupt the situation and force the United States to make concessions?"

"Britain?" Shi Zhaoji didn't understand.

"For example, China turned to Britain and joined the pound system." Song Ziwen said.

Shi Zhaoji's eyes lit up suddenly, and he clapped his hands in praise: "This idea is very good, why didn't I think of it?"

Song Ziwen said: "Is it really possible to do it?"

Shi Zhaoji said: "Mr. Song, you haven't been to the United States for a long time. Of course, you don't know the situation in the United States. The United States is now fiercely pinched with the United Kingdom, and it has to compete with the United Kingdom in everything. For example, the dollar gave up the gold standard because it was forced by the pound to give up the gold standard. Six months ago, the United States also promulgated the "Reciprocal Trade Act" to break Britain's "Imperial Preferences."

The U.S. "Reciprocal Trade Act" had a great influence on later generations. The principles of the act were even incorporated into GATT, the predecessor of the WTO.

Shi Zhaoji became more excited as he talked. He smiled happily: "Since the United States and the United Kingdom gave up the gold standard one after another, the dollar system and the pound system have been competing fiercely. China is a big country. As long as China shows signs of joining the pound system, the United States must not Sit back and ignore it. Mr. Song is such a genius, he can think of using Britain to check and balance the United States!"

Song Ziwen smiled wryly, he didn't come up with this idea. At the same time, I feel very frustrated. He is a majestic economic expert, but he is not as good as Zhou Hexuan, a guy who studies history.

After Shi Zhaoji was excited, he suddenly frowned again: "Is it really so easy for Britain to enter the game?"

Song Ziwen said: "It should be possible."

The United Kingdom has really entered the game, and there is no need for Zhou Hexuan to go to London. After hearing that China and Japan were about to launch comprehensive economic cooperation, British diplomats immediately contacted the Nanjing government, initially revealing that they wanted to "help" China.

However, whether it is the UK or the US, they all have a common scruple, and that is the "Tianyu statement".

In the "Tianyu Statement", Japan publicly expressed its opposition to European and American powers' meddling in the Far East, especially economic support to China.

It's not that they are afraid of fighting Japan. The fundamental reason why Britain and the United States don't want to anger Japan is that Japan is also a huge market. Japan has been importing strategic resources frantically in the past few years, and the United States and the United Kingdom have taken the opportunity to make a lot of money, and they don't want to cut off this source of income.

At this point, the United States is obviously the most scruples, because Japan is a super big customer of the United States.

On the contrary, the United Kingdom does not get so much profit in the Japanese market, but the interests in the Chinese market are greater, which is why the United Kingdom took the initiative to enter the game.

China's silver trend involves all aspects of Britain, the United States and Japan, and is mixed with various economic, political and diplomatic factors. No one dares to mess around, everyone wants to make a profit, and no one can sit idly by. Anyway, all parties are very entangled.

Only Zhou Hexuan, the shit-stirring stick, didn't care about so many, detonated the powder keg and let the three countries fight on their own.

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