The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 627 626 [Beautiful Tomorrow]

(PS: Regarding Huang Xing’s daughter, it has been changed to Huang Zhenhua. At this time, Huang Zhenhua is studying for a master’s degree in the United States. According to the information that Lao Wang checked, it should be that someone misheard when listening to the dictation, so others spread the rumor. Thanks to the book friends Reminder. In addition, Song Ziwen seems to be drinking, it has been corrected.)

As Zhou Hexuan stepped onto the stage slowly, many audience members couldn't help standing up, stretching their necks and looking forward. They want to see with their own eyes whether the famous Mr. Zhou Hexuan has three heads and six arms.

Two theater workers brought over the latest microphones.

"Bang bang bang!"

Zhou Hexuan knocked on the microphone a few times and said with a smile: "I am very happy to come to San Francisco again. I have met many old friends and new friends here. First of all, I would like to thank the mayor of San Francisco, Mr. Luo Shi, for his busy schedule. I would also like to thank Mr. Situ Meitang of the Zhigongtang, who gave me a lot of help regardless of repayment. I would also like to thank the friends of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, and thank you for caring about me. Overseas Chinese friends, thank you friends from the American cultural and art circles and news media who welcomed us this time..."

Zhou Hexuan came up and said a lot of words of thanks, and everyone laughed and gave applause.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Hexuan began to get to the point: "Eight years ago, I wrote a book called "The Rise of Great Powers", in which I predicted the outbreak of the world economic crisis. Many people asked me, how do you know there will be an economic crisis? ?Some people call me a 'Far Eastern Wizard' and think my prophecies are witchcraft and mysterious divination."

The theater became quiet, no matter if they were white or Chinese, they were all listening to Zhou Hexuan's explanation.

"Many economists have analyzed the causes of the Great Depression in the United States in the past few years," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile. "In the field of economics, I am a layman. There is a Chinese idiom called 'seeing the micro to know the work', which is to learn from some small things. Let’s speculate on the big direction.”

"The economy of the United States developed too fast in the 1920s. I looked at the output of industrial and agricultural products in the United States over the years, and compared the number of unemployed people who have been rising in the United States year after year, and the wage income of ordinary American families. I feel that the situation is very bad. Said To put it simply, the United States produces more and more commodities, but the income of the American people has increased too little. The capitalists are still expanding the scale of production, resulting in a backlog of products that cannot be sold. And two years before the outbreak of the economic crisis, the capitalists They also discovered this problem, so they poured a lot of money into the stock market and property market. The entire American economy became extremely deformed, and the crisis was detonated in advance..."

"Everyone present here, I think they are all victims of the economic crisis. Years of savings were wiped out in an instant!"

Zhou Hexuan's words made people feel empathy. The Great Depression in the United States has not passed yet, and talking about the economic crisis can always arouse resonance.

Zhou Hexuan continued: "The world economic crisis has caused the great powers of various countries to abandon the gold standard one after another, thereby increasing the competitiveness of their currencies and commodities. This is understandable, but I want to point out a shameful behavior, that is the current silver policy of the US government!"

The people in the audience were confused and didn't know what Zhou Hexuan was doing when he mentioned the US silver policy. Most people didn't even know that the US had introduced a silver policy.

Zhou Hexuan said: "The economic crisis caused the price of silver to drop sharply, and the American Silver Group suffered heavy losses. Therefore, they kidnapped the President of the United States politically, forced Mr. Roosevelt to introduce a silver policy, and artificially promoted the skyrocketing price of silver. Ordinary people in the United States cannot benefit from silver. The only ones who benefit from the policy and make money are the capitalists of the silver group. And China, which was not affected by the world economic crisis, is now experiencing an unprecedented financial crisis because of the US silver policy!"

"Shanghai, Tianjin, and Beiping are the three most important cities in China. Now money is tight, factories are closed, workers are unemployed, and the market is depressed... The US silver policy is no less harmful to China than Japan's occupation of the three eastern provinces!"

Zhou Hexuan made a loud noise, which surprised the overseas Chinese present. Situ Meitang's eyes widened suddenly, but those white Americans were indifferent.

Zhou Hexuan began to talk: "This kind of behavior of the US government is harmful to the American people. Perhaps, the appreciation of the Chinese silver dollar will make American products more competitive in China. But this kind of competitiveness is In contrast, the competitiveness of products including Britain, France, Germany, and Japan in the Chinese market has increased. Among them, the British have benefited the most, because Britain occupies most of the Chinese market. Americans, including American factory owners, cannot Therefore, only the vampires of the Baiyin Group can benefit from it."

"But behind this small benefit, there is a bigger disadvantage. The more the British earn in exporting products, the more they lose, because China's normal economic order is disrupted, and the purchasing power of the Chinese people is also reduced. It is declining rapidly. This is destroying a huge market in the world and the most important market in the Far East! The United States will lose more. The silver policy of the United States has aroused the Chinese people’s hatred of the United States. Now, the Chinese people are already Boycott American products!"

"You, all of you here, the ordinary American people, are paying for the capitalists of the silver group. They have made money, but the price is to make the United States lose the Chinese market, make American products more unsalable, and make American exports worse. Ordinary Americans are losing their jobs!"

"The only profit is Japan. Japan took the opportunity to illegally smuggle Chinese silver, destroy China's financial market, destroy China's economic system, and thus achieve their goal of controlling China. And Japan is the biggest competitor of the United States in the Far East."

"The U.S. government is looking for death. They are feeding the hungry wolf of Japan. Once this situation continues, the U.S. will completely lose its influence in the Far East. And all of you here, as well as countless Americans, will be for the Silver Group His greed pays for it!"

"Don't think I'm scaremongering, all of this really happened in China."

"Although the United States is in the Great Depression, the United States is not poor. The United States has a backlog of countless products. China is just the opposite. Although China is poor, it needs to import a large amount of industrial and agricultural products. It is entirely possible to use Chinese money to buy American goods. As long as American goods can be sold, American factories can reopen, and the economic crisis in the United States can be resolved step by step, and everyone here will benefit from it.”

"China and the United States, both economically and politically, have huge complementarities, and the two countries should be natural cooperative partners."

"But today, because of the interests of a small group of capitalists in the Baiyin Group, the great prospects of the two countries have been ruined, the friendly relations between the two countries have been destroyed, and more job opportunities for Americans have been destroyed!"

"The capitalists are too greedy. They single-handedly created the economic crisis, but they still live a life of luxury. Now, they are showing their greedy face again. In order to make more profits, they push China, the United States, and the people of the two countries to A more sinister abyss!"

"Friends, the capitalists are taking out your pockets, the capitalists are overdrafting your money, and the capitalists are destroying America! Destroy China!"

"My visit to the United States this time, in addition to conducting friendly exchanges, I only want to promote cooperation between China and the United States. This is beneficial to both countries. As long as China and the United States work together, we can overcome the current difficulties together. China needs the United States and needs American products. And the United States needs the Chinese market, needs to sell the backlog of goods, and needs to create jobs to get out of the economic crisis.”

"Let us work together, and don't let the people of China and the United States suffer more poverty and suffering because of the interests of a small group of capitalists! As long as we can work together, China and the United States will usher in a better tomorrow!"

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