The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 620 619 [The debate resumes]

Due to Zhou Hexuan's timely reminder, Shi Liangcai left Shanghai at the end of July and hid in the French Concession in Tianjin to have tea and watch a movie with friends.

Before leaving Shanghai, Shi Liangcai hoped that Lu Xun could write an article to help Zhou Hexuan speak out and rectify his name.

Lu Xun did not refuse at that time, but he also did not agree. He did not want to get involved in such nonsense. It wasn't until the "Central Daily News" published an editorial praising Zhou Hexuan that the direction of public opinion suddenly changed. Lu Xun suddenly wrote an article with a big bodyguard, and the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

The original text is as follows——

"Lace Talk"

"Zhou Mingcheng has encountered trouble recently. Chinese newspapers are clearly divided into two factions. One faction is slandering, and the other is praising... Before Shi Jun left Shanghai, he invited me to write an article to cheer for Zhou and do my part. My friend’s thoughts.”

"I met Mr. Zhou once in Peking. He doesn't like to drink bean juice, which shows that he is not from the same group as me. He has his own ideas and is optimistic about China, but I am just the opposite... I am optimistic about China. I don’t care about Zhou’s personal life, but I can’t help but admire his articles, and I must say that he is the most self-thinking scholar in China…”

"The results of this newspaper debate are surprising. In just a few days, the west wind and the east wind joined forces to criticize each other fiercely and suddenly. It was like newspapers all over China forgot that there was a scolding war overnight. They all sang hymns together..."

Lu Xun began to tell stories in his articles, telling some stories that made people confused. Every sentence was insinuating that the unscrupulous media was only trying to flatter others. He was not trying to put in a good word for Zhou Hexuan at all, but was taking the opportunity to criticize the Kuomintang's public opinion control policy.

After this article was published in the supplement "Free Talk" of Shenbao, Lu Xun worked overtime to write a second article——

"Comparison between Zhou Family and Tai Family"

"There was an Indian poet named 'Zhu Zhendan' who once caused a big stir in China. He was Rabindranath Tagore. He came to China and gave a speech. He was given a harp and a burner of incense. On the left was Lin Changmin. , there is Xu Zhimo on the right, each wearing an Indian hat. Poet Xu began to introduce: "Jili Gulu, white clouds and breeze, silver pan... Dang!" He said it like a living god, so our young people on earth were disappointed and left. How can gods and mortals not leave?”

"But this year I saw his article on the Soviet Union, and I declared: 'I am an Indian under British rule.' He knew it clearly. When he came to China, he would not be still confused. If we If the famous poets and princes had not made him a living god, the young people would not be so alienated from him. Now it is the boss's bad luck..."

Although Lu Xun had always been indifferent to Tagore, he did not criticize him openly. He only often ridiculed those Chinese people who endlessly boasted about Tagore.

But this time, Lu Xun took advantage of the topic and directly criticized Tagore. He also made fun of Tagore's Chinese name "Zhu Chendan" because Tagore publicly said that he was "an Indian under British rule." It goes without saying that Lu Xun was mocking those who surrendered to Japan and those who advocated peace, and by the way, he made Xu Zhimo very uncomfortable.

Let’s continue watching——

"Someone was ordered to rectify Zhou Mingcheng's name, saying: 'Mr. Mingcheng can be said to be China's greatest literary giant since the late Qing Dynasty, and an Asian sage comparable to Tagore.' Apparently he had never heard of Tagore's words of surrender. Unexpectedly, he had never heard of Tagore's words of surrender. Tai Shi has become a loyal British dog and slapped the horse's leg by mistake."

This passage goes around in circles and scolds Chen Bulei. It is extremely sarcastic, and it is almost as if Chen Bulei is a villain who flatters the horse and flatters the wrong person.

Lu Xun continued to write——

"Why do we have to compare Chinese people with foreigners? Have we set a rule in our minds in advance that foreigners must be nobler than Chinese people - even if the foreign country is India? It seems that there is a Chinese who can compete with foreign countries. When people are on par with each other, we will all be happy and prosperous."

"The Tai family has the yellow robe of 'Nobel', so they became immortals in China. The Zhou family was only nominated for the 'Nobel', so they are naturally lower than the Tai family?"

"If you ask me, Zhou's achievements have long surpassed Tai's. At the literary level, Zhou's novels are very popular and created a new school in the world. Although Zhou only wrote a few poems, he also has a promi... The significance of Hughes. At the academic level, Zhou's history is the first to establish a sect, and there are his disciples and grandsons in Europe, America and Japan."

"Perhaps, just because of Zhou's Chinese identity, we consciously look down on him. Even when we praise him, we have to say 'on par with Rabindranath Tagore'. Don't be so ashamed that you lose your mind..."

Lu Xun praised Zhou Hexuan in all aspects. To put it simply, Zhou Hexuan beat Tagore. Then he used this to lash out at the Chinese people's self-esteem. Chen Buley bore the brunt of the scolding. There was not a single curse word in the entire article, but every sentence was like a knife, analyzing the Chinese people's lack of self-confidence incisively and vividly.

If Chen Brai reads this article, he will probably vomit three liters of blood and shout in his heart that he is selling it.

Okay, just kidding. Mr. Chen Bulei was still very generous, and most of the time he just smiled and praised Lu Xun's well-written articles.

In any case, Lu Xun's article once again set off a debate, causing domestic fans of Zhou Hexuan and Tagore's fans to fight each other.

Tagore has countless fans in China, and Xu Zhimo is the first to bear the brunt. They have already touted Tagore as a god. Tagore's status in the ideological circles of the Republic of China is on par with Bodhidharma, Zhenya, Buddha and other ancient Indian sages.

Now some people dare to say that Zhou Hexuan can crush Tagore into scum, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of those fans.

Qian Zhixiu, Chen Yinke's classmate and secretary of the Nanjing Government Supervisory Yuan, jumped out first and directly criticized Lu Xun's nonsense. Then he said that although Zhou Hexuan had great academic achievements, he still could not be compared with Tagore. He said that Tagore is "a person who devotes himself to eternal perfection", that is, "a person who devotes himself to the country and the welfare of mankind." Tagore's thoughts have inspired countless young people in backward countries to continue to strive and move forward. This is Tagore's contribution to the world. A huge contribution to the world.

Then Mr. Bing Xin also stood up and analyzed Tagore's great achievements purely from the perspective of poetry and literature. It is believed that although Zhou Hexuan has made amazing historical and academic achievements, he cannot keep pace with Rabindranath Tagore in the field of literature.

Xu Zhimo was in an awkward situation. He was not easy to criticize on both sides, so he quickly wrote an article to appeal to everyone to calm down.

But I can't calm down at all. Although Tagore has many fans in China, he also has many negative fans. When he visited China that year, he started a verbal war. The scolding war was so loud that Tagore was so frightened that he did not dare to publicize it when he came to China for the second time. He only stayed at Xu Zhimo's house for three days.

The publication of Qian Zhixiu and Bing Xin's articles in praise of Tai's family sounded the clarion call for battle, and countless Tai's anti-fans emerged. As more and more fans and anti-fans joined in, the two sides fought fiercely in newspapers and magazines. The scene was like the "primary school student scolding war of the century" between TFB fans and EXO fans in later generations.

In order to attack Tagore, the anti-fans praised Zhou Hexuan crazily, and our Mr. Zhou soared into the sky in the daytime.

Lu Xun, who started the scolding war, once again stood aside, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, Zhou Hexuan's various achievements were repeatedly mentioned in this scolding war. In the past, many people only knew that Zhou Hexuan was good at writing articles. After reading this scolding article, they finally realized that Mr. Zhou is so awesome in the field of history and has become a leading figure in the international new school of historiography.

This inexplicable debate was called the "Zhou-Tai Controversy" by later generations.

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