"If there are more than 600,000 real revolutionary troops who can absolutely obey my orders and have unified command, I will definitely have a clever strategy to defeat this little Japanese pirate. To be honest, their arrogant and stupid soldiers have nothing to do with me. In my eyes, I must have a way to defeat them, and the most important condition is unity of command."

This was said by Chang Kaishen when he gave a speech at the "Lushan Officer Training Corps" half a month ago.

It can be seen that Chiang Kai-shek is very confident in his military command ability. He believed that Japanese soldiers were arrogant and stupid. As long as there were 600,000 elite soldiers who absolutely obeyed the command, he could easily defeat the small Japanese pirates.

It is really difficult for Zhou Hexuan to understand where Chiang Kai-shek's confidence comes from.

Although Chang Kaishen also studied abroad, he went to Zhenwu School (military technical secondary school) and was kicked out.

The reason for his expulsion was very simple. Chang Kaishen didn't like studying and spent money lavishly, so he got into trouble. He often pretends to be sick and is hospitalized. He can be reimbursed 35 yen for hospitalization expenses every day, and then uses the money to invite friends to play around.

As a result, Chang Kaishen was expelled from Zhenwu School because he did not return from sick leave, and only received a certificate of graduation. After graduating from school, Chang Kaishen was assigned to an internship in the artillery regiment. His main job every day was to bathe the horses that towed the artillery, and then lead the horses to drink and feed.

What military skills can this guy learn? He was actually so confident in his commanding ability that he performed various micro-operations during the war of resistance against Japan.

Chang Kaishen's speech at the "Lushan Officer Training Corps" was very nonsense. He first analyzed the international trend and said that Japan's invasion of China would offend the world's powers, so everyone should not panic. Then, he said that war with Japan should not be easily started. Japan's military power is too strong and it can occupy China's coastal areas in three days. The southwest is also unreliable. Japan can easily attack Guangxi and Sichuan. Immediately afterwards, he said that China should fight steadily and rely on willpower to resist the Japanese advanced weapons. Finally, he asked the officers to be loyal and patriotic. As long as hundreds of thousands of people obeyed his command, he could easily destroy Japan.

The content of the entire speech was inconsistent, without coherence and logic. It was full of nonsense when it came to professional aspects, but the key issues were all false and empty slogans.

In Zhou Hexuan's opinion, if this speech was written by someone else, then the person who wrote it can be dragged away and shot. If it was Chang Kaishen's impromptu speech, it would have deeply exposed the Chairman's true level - not as good as an ordinary military academy graduate.

Chang Kaishen even said this in his speech: "All our officers and soldiers can never buy Japanese products or use Japanese things. Although the nature of this matter does not fall within the scope of the military, it is very important, so I would like to share it with you all." Mention it.”

Nima, a head of state, called for a "boycott of Japanese goods" when giving instructions to future elite military officers, and said that this was an important means of economic resistance against Japan.

The painting style is strange!

Chiang Kai-shek was so funny and contradictory. While suppressing anti-Japanese activities in society, he promoted anti-Japanese ideas in the army.

Chang Kaishen seemed to be dismissive of Jiang Baili's response at this time, but in fact he had developed a love for talents: "Brother Baili, you are an expert in military strategy. What do you think of the power of the warlords in Guangdong and Guangxi?"

Jiang Baili said without reservation: "At a time of national crisis, China must unite as one, and local warlords must obey the central government. Chairman, you are the head of state, and you naturally have the power and responsibility to lead the Chinese army to resist Japanese aggression. As for the warlords in Guangdong and Guangxi, they are divided It can be disintegrated, but there must be no war. Every civil war will weaken China's national strength, and we must accumulate strength to meet the Japanese attack."

"very good!"

Chang Kaishen praised him most. What he was most worried about was Jiang Baili's profound influence in the military circles, and he was afraid that Jiang Baili would get involved with Chen Jitang, Li Zongren, Bai Chongxi and others. Now that he heard Jiang Baili's intention to support the central government, he immediately said: "Brother Baili, why don't you be my staff officer."

"That's what I wish for!" Jiang Baili agreed without saying a word.

In fact, Chang Kaishen had invited Jiang Baili to serve as a consultant several times, but Jiang Baili rejected them all. The reason why we agreed this time was entirely to resist Japan and consolidate China's national defense strength.

Unfortunately, Jiang Baili died of illness too early and died at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War.

At this moment, the Red Army, which has been "in trouble for many years", is about to be "annihilated", and the military wizard Jiang Baili has been included in the bag. Chang Kaishen already has some signs of being satisfied. He smiled and said to Zhou Hexuan: "Mingcheng, are you interested in becoming an official? If you are willing to become an official, the position of deputy minister of the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is yours."

Zhou Hexuan waved his hands repeatedly: "I can't do it. Being an official is too complicated, and unclear interpersonal relationships will make me exhausted."

This is the truth. It is not easy to be an official in the Republic of China. The involvement of various factions can drive the chief official crazy. Not to mention the deputy minister, even if Zhou Hexuan became a full minister, he would resign after only a few days.

Chang Kaishen stopped trying to persuade him and suddenly said, "Do you have a grudge against Wang Zhaoming?"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "There are no personal grudges, only public grudges. When it comes to dealing with the Japanese, I will fight and he will make peace. It's that simple."

"Wang Zhaoming is a man that, alas, is hard to describe in words." Chang Kaishen said with emotion.

It is hard to imagine that Wang Zhaoming was one of the few active militants against Japan in the early 1930s.

When the "Battle of Songhu" first broke out, Sun Ke hesitated and looked forward and backward. Chang Kaishen sat back and watched the 19th Route Army fighting alone. Only Wang Zhaoming stood up and called for resistance. He said, "(China) will never be subjugated by force, and will never give people a small amount of land." He presided over the Supreme Military Conference and decided to divide the country into four defense zones and a reserve zone, setting out the plan for active resistance. He also ordered troops across the country to reinforce the 19th Route Army, and even asked Zhang Xueliang to raise troops in the north to contain Japan.

Then, Wang Zhaoming turned into the Peace Party inexplicably, without any sign.

Zhou Hexuan suddenly said casually: "Dean Wang still has a very charming personality. Maybe he has his own considerations in advocating peace. A great scholar like Zhou Fohai is very supportive of Dean Wang. This time the two of them joined forces to attack And me."

"Zhou Fohai?" Chang Kaishen's face suddenly turned gloomy. He didn't expect that one of his spy leaders would actually get involved with Wang Zhaoming.

"Haha." Zhou Hexuan smiled and just clicked until then.

Chang Kaishen quickly returned to normal and suddenly said: "Mingcheng, I heard that you have an old relationship with President Roosevelt of the United States?"

Zhou Hexuan said: "It's acquaintance."

Chang Kaishen said: "Now the international silver price is soaring, and China's silver outflow is serious, which has endangered the national economy and people's livelihood. We have negotiated with the U.S. government several times, hoping that the United States can stop buying silver from China, but the U.S. government has not responded so far. I want I sent Ziwen to the United States, but the United States refused to issue a diplomatic invitation. Mingcheng, for the sake of the country and the people, I hope you can visit the United States in a private capacity and persuade Roosevelt to stop purchasing silver."

Zhou Hexuan smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it's difficult."

Chang Kaishen said: "If you can accomplish this, no newspaper will dare to smear you in the future, and I can always keep your "Fei Gong" magazine."

Transaction, Chiguoguo transaction.

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