The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 613 612 [Three Yang Line Decisive Battle Theory]

Just when Xiang Zhejun came to visit, Zhou Hexuan met Jiang Baili at home.

Jiang Baili offended Lao Jiang due to the Tang Shengzhi case two years ago. He was first imprisoned in prison, and later imprisoned in Xihu Jiangzhuang. Long-term imprisonment and confinement caused Jiang Baili's physical condition to seriously deteriorate, and even gave birth to many white hairs.

Zhou Hexuan suddenly remembered Qian Xuesen, whom he met two months ago. He was Jiang Baili's future son-in-law. The Jiang family and the Qian family were family friends. Since the Qian family had no daughters, Jiang Baili fostered his daughter Jiang Ying in the Qian family very early. Jiang Ying was even called "Qian Xueying" for a time.

Therefore, Qian Xuesen and Jiang Ying are childhood sweethearts and "brothers and sisters." Qian Xuesen often jokingly calls Jiang Ying his "child bride."

"Mingcheng, you are quite prosperous these days." Jiang Baili looked gloating.

Zhou Hexuan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know which Xiaoxiao I have offended. I have a headache now."

Jiang Baili suddenly said a name: "Wang Zhaoming."

"Wang Zhaoming?" Zhou Hexuan was stunned.

Jiang Baili nodded and said: "Cheng Zhongxing, the president of Central Daily News, is my junior. I called and asked. The editorial that criticized you was ordered by Wang Zhaoming's secretary."

Zhou Hexuan frowned and said, "There seems to be no grievances between me and Wang Zhaoming, right?"

"The difference between peace and war," Jiang Baili analyzed, "I carefully read the recent newspapers and found that among the literati who publicly wrote articles to slander you, more than 80% belong to the 'Zhuhe Faction'. Each issue of your "Fei Gong" magazine sells more than 150,000 copies, and it is the only main war publication that can be legally distributed in China. It has too much influence. Wang Zhaoming is the leader of the 'Peace Party', and he hates you even more than he hates the Communist Party."

"That's it." Zhou Hexuan laughed angrily.

Wang Zhaoming is a veteran of public and private use, so it is too normal for him to criticize Zhou Hexuan through the Central Daily News.

You see how many times Chang Kaishen was scolded by "Shenbao", but he did not dare to directly order the closure of "Shenbao" for fear of arousing more negative public opinion.

Chiang Kai-shek still cherishes his feathers very much. No matter how dictatorial he is, he still has to pretend to be democratic.

And what about Wang Zhaoming?

Just two months ago, Chengshewo's "Minsheng Daily" published a news article, revealing that Wang Zhaoming's subordinate Peng Xuepei accepted bribes and built a villa privately.

This incident made Wang Zhaoming ashamed, but he still endured it. Until a few days ago, "Minsheng Daily" published another news about the military, which offended Chang Kaishen and Wang Zhaoming at the same time. Wang Zhaoming immediately seized the opportunity, ran to Lao Jiang and complained, and then ordered the military police to arrest Cheng Shewo.

Cheng She I was even more unlucky than Zhou Hexuan, and I was still in prison at this time.

Wang Zhaoming had already sent someone to send a message to the prison, directly threatening: "If a journalist comes into contact with an executive director, the result will undoubtedly be a bloody head. It's up to you to decide what to do."

My answer is: "I can be a journalist for the rest of my life, but Mr. Wang cannot be the Executive Director for the rest of his life."

"Minsheng Daily" has now been forced to cease publication. Wang Zhaoming is still unwilling to release him. He put forward a condition to Cheng Shewo: he can be released from prison if he wants, but he is not allowed to run "Minsheng Daily" anymore.

Zhou Hexuan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. No matter how awesome he was, he would definitely not be able to defeat Wang Zhaoming.

At most, they can only deal with Wang Zhaoming's lackeys.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these troublesome things," Zhou Hexuan changed the subject dejectedly, "I heard that Mr. Baili just came back from Japan?"

Jiang Baili's expression became serious, and he said: "I am here just for this matter! In the past few months, I have visited many Japanese military and political figures, and also inspected the situation of Japanese society and business circles. The situation is very critical. ! From top to bottom, from the private sector to the cabinet, Japan is clamoring to annex China. What’s even more frightening is that they have begun to make preparations. A large number of factories have turned to military production, and many companies are quietly hoarding related raw materials. The Japanese government is also stepping up its efforts. Import strategic materials to the United States. I guess that within five years, no, three years at most, Japan will begin a full-scale invasion of China!"

"It was expected," Zhou Hexuan shook his head and sighed. "It's a pity that there are still so many 'peace advocates' in the country. Calling for Sino-Japanese friendship is too much wishful thinking."

Jiang Baili took out a stack of manuscripts and said, "Mingcheng, these are the coping strategies I wrote. Please see if there is anything that needs correction or addition."

Zhou Hexuan immediately discovered that Jiang Baili's response strategy was called the "Three Yang Line Decisive Battle Theory."

The "Sanyang Line" is a line drawn connecting Luoyang, Xiangyang, and Hengyang. Jiang Baili believes that China is vast but weak, while Japan is narrow but strong. This is the most critical national condition of China and Japan. Once China and Japan go to war, "the other party will benefit from urgency, and we will benefit from slowing down; the other party will benefit from cooperation, and we will benefit from division; the other party will attack, and we will defend." To put it bluntly, they will fight a protracted war, a war of attrition, and a comprehensive war, exchanging space for space. Time is dragging Japan to death.

Therefore, Jiang Baili drew Luoyang, Xiangyang and Hengyang into a line, which was a defense line related to China's life and death. In the area east of this line, China should use space to trade time, consume and exhaust the enemy, while accumulating its own strength and strengthening its strategic rear. The area west of this line is rich in resources and vast in territory, and China must use this to carry out a protracted war of resistance.

Jiang Baili also believes that once a war breaks out between the two countries, the coastal areas will be the first to be affected, and the industries in those areas should be moved inward as soon as possible. If a war breaks out and a temporary relocation occurs, it will definitely be too late, and productivity will not be restored even after the relocation. China's industry should be deployed in advance and focus on the mountainous areas at the rear to facilitate air defense and long-term resistance.

Jiang Baili also believed that Hunan was the key to China's war of resistance. It was the heart of China, with rich grain production, complex terrain and sufficient human resources. Hunan must be developed and constructed early and vigorously.

National scholar!

Zhou Hexuan looked at Jiang Baili in surprise, admiring this gentleman's strategic vision.

The direction of history was exactly as Jiang Baili expected. The Japanese occupation of China was fought most intensely in the Hunan region. The Battle of Changsha alone was fought several times.

In fact, Jiang Baili's "Three Yang Line Decisive Battle Theory" had a great influence on Chiang Kai-shek, and was almost the guiding ideology of the Nationalist Government in the middle and late stages of the War of Resistance.

"There are three points." Zhou Hexuan stretched out three fingers.

Jiang Baili said: "Please speak."

Zhou Hexuan said: "First, the relocation of industries now can only be said in words. The transportation in inland areas is underdeveloped and the infrastructure is backward, which is not conducive to the development of industry and commerce, so those capitalists and business owners cannot be obedient. No It pains me that no one is willing to move industries inland unless the Japanese troops come to the city. Even if Chairman Chiang Kai-shek personally orders it, he cannot command those capitalists. Therefore, your response strategy should be changed to recommending that the government move the new military industry Located inland.”

"That makes sense." Jiang Baili nodded.

"Second," Zhou Hexuan continued, "you have ignored the traffic situation in the inland areas. There are few railways in the inland areas and it is difficult to support the transportation of troops and materials during wartime. Moreover, China is in urgent need of international support, so it is necessary to build more repairs in the southwest as soon as possible. of railways and roads.”

Jiang Baili thought for a while and said, "I was negligent."

Zhou Hexuan added: "Third, you have ignored Sichuan. I think Sichuan is the real rear area... Well, let's not mention this until the Nanjing government pacifies the Sichuan warlords."

Jiang Baili smiled and said: "Fortunately, I came to Mingcheng. I will write your suggestions into the strategy."

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