Nanjing, No. 8 Xiliuwan, garden villa.

Under the flower shop of the villa, there is a huge basement. This basement is not only spacious, but also airy and dry, with gorgeous decoration, including sofas, lamps, fans, tables and chairs, coffee tables and other items, and even a large bookcase and a large wine cabinet.

The owner of the villa, Zhou Fohai, personally poured wine for the guests, and said warmly: "Come here, red wine imported from France, authentic 21-year-old Bordeaux."

"That's really good wine!" Mei Siping immediately praised. This gentleman has a broad forehead and long face, high cheekbones, small eyes, and a sly look when he smiles, and a sense of humor when he is serious.

Unlike later generations who pretend to be 82-year-old red wine, the top-grade red wine at this time is 2000-year-old, and the next level is 21-year-old red wine. One sip is equivalent to a year's salary of an ordinary worker.

Tao Xisheng took a sip from the wine glass and said with a big smile, "I can't taste this taste, but Chinese baijiu is more suitable for my taste."

Yang Zhaoyu is a doctor of law from the University of Paris. He smiled and said, "Brother Xi, this foreigner's red wine must be tasted slowly to get its taste. You drank it too hastily just now."

"Slow tasting is too boring, a man should drink it all in one gulp!" Tao Xisheng raised his neck and poured half a glass of red wine into his stomach as he said, making Zhou Fohai's heart ache for his master.

What a waste!

Zhou Fohai covered his bleeding heart, and said along the way: "This national affairs is like drinking red wine, don't be too hasty, if you are in a hurry, you will have no taste, and if you are in a hurry, something bad will happen!"

Mei Siping echoed: "Brother Zhou is right. Now the whole country is clamoring for resistance to Japan. Those who shout anti-Japanese slogans are either reckless or have ulterior motives. They are extreme, stubborn, presumptuous, childish, and more There was no progress in the Boxer era. In my opinion, China is not well prepared to resist Japan. Once a war breaks out, it will be the end of the country. Anyone who shouts to resist Japan is a national traitor!"

"What Siping said is really the words of gold and stone!" Zhou Fohai clapped his hands in praise.

To put it bluntly, the four present here all belong to the "Peacemaker".

China's "Pebble for Peace" emerged after the failure of the Great Wall War of Resistance. They believed that the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army was low, and fighting the Japanese army was purely hitting a stone with a pebble, almost a meaningless sacrifice.

This faction, headed by Wang Zhaoming, initially advocated "negotiation and resistance at the same time"; after the signing of the "Tanggu Agreement", they advocated "waiting for help" and hoped to get the support of European and American powers; Japan establishes friendly relations.

There are many people who hold this point of view, not only Wang Zhaoming, Zhou Fohai and other big traitors in the future. Hu Shi and Zhang Junmai, who had a good friendship with Zhou Hexuan, and Gu Weijun, who had an excellent reputation, all belonged to the "Peacemaker" at this time.

They are pessimistic about the prospects of the Sino-Japanese war, and they see no hope of victory. Especially in the early days of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, these people often met in Zhou Fohai's basement to exchange their views on the war and politics.

Later, Hu Shi nicknamed them the "low-key club" to show his difference from those radical high-profile elements.

However, when the "Battle of Songhu" ended, Japan's arrogance of "destroying China in three months" was extinguished. As a result, Hu Shi, Zhang Junmai and others regained their confidence and actively advocated resistance to the end, while Wang Zhaoming, Zhou Fohai and others became traitors.

At this time, Tao Xisheng was flipping through the newly released "Fei Gong" magazine, and said with disdain: "This kind of publication is misleading the country and the people, and will lead China into the abyss of eternal doom. It should have been banned long ago!"

Mei Siping sighed and said, "I don't know what ecstasy soup Zhou Hexuan poured into the chairman of the committee to endure him until now. If the country's thieves are not eradicated, China will perish!"

"Haha, Zhou Mingcheng has suffered a lot this time, and his reputation will definitely be ruined," Zhou Fohai said with a smile, "It's also thanks to Brother Zhaoyu."

Yang Zhaoxuan said modestly, "I just did it conveniently, I can't afford Brother Zhou's ridiculous praise."

Yang Zhaoyu, the brother-in-law of Zheng Yuxiu, a powerful woman in the political arena, became the president of the Shanghai District Court because of nepotism. There are some problems with this person's character. Hu Shi has already broken up with him. You must know that Hu Shi is a good man, and he will not break up with others easily.

By the way, Yang Zhaoyu's brother-in-law (Zheng Yuxiu's husband) Wei Daoming was also a "peacemaker", and Wei Daoming later became Taiwan's first provincial chairman.

Zhou Hexuan was quickly issued a subpoena by the Shanghai court this time, and it was Yang Zhaoxuan who did it. When the court received Zhang Damin's indictment, he was uncertain whether the case should be filed, but Yang Zhaoyu happened to know about it, and immediately intervened in person, urging his subordinates to issue a summons to start the court session as soon as possible.

Did Zhou Hexuan and Yang Zhaoxuan have any festivals?


Zhou Hexuan even met Yang Zhaoyu's sister-in-law, Zheng Yuxiu, when they all attended the salon of the foreign wife - that was when Soong Meiling appeared. Although they are not familiar with each other, they have a very good impression of each other. Both Zhou Hexuan and Zheng Yuxiu admire each other.

Then why did Yang Zhaoxuan want to entrap Zhou Hexuan?

The reason is very simple, because Zhou Hexuan and his "Fei Gong" magazine have become a banner of China's "Main Warfare", and the radical "Mainly Peace Faction" must defeat him!

Many "Peacemakers", including Zhou Fohai, Yang Zhaoxuan, Tao Xisheng, and Mei Siping, all feel that they are serving the country and the people, while Zhou Hexuan is a national traitor who has led China into the abyss. They believed that China could not afford to lose, that the Sino-Japanese war could not be fought, and even if it was to be fought, it would be better as late as possible.

Therefore, they want to tarnish Zhou Hexuan's reputation and let the people of the country know Zhou Hexuan's ugly face, thereby reducing the credibility and reputation of "Fei Gong" magazine.

To say a thousand things and ten thousand things, the positions and ideas are different.

This is more terrible than a personal enmity. It is a life-and-death struggle that will never be missed when the opportunity arises.

Mei Siping said: "Mr. Zhou, the newspaper office has to work harder. Many major newspapers don't want to offend Zhou Hexuan, and even the Central Daily has not intervened."

Zhou Fohai smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dean Wang (Wang Zhaoming) has already communicated with him. As early as tomorrow, "Central Daily" will publish an editorial to severely criticize Zhou Hexuan's inferior character."

"Not only do we want to bring down Zhou Hexuan, but we also need to create our own core publication," Tao Xisheng said, "Hu Shi founded "Independent Review" and Zhou Hexuan founded "Feigong". The former's political articles are still objective, while the latter blindly advocates Anti-Japanese, how can this be tolerated? We also want to create a publication to publicize our ideas, so that those reckless people who clamor for anti-Japanese will calm down! Only by forbearance can China have a bright future. Gou Jian has been able to suffer for ten years, and now China How can you be in a hurry?"

Zhou Fohai frowned and said, "But now the mainstream public opinion is advocating resistance to Japan. If we run a publication that advocates peace, I'm afraid we will face criticism."

Tao Xisheng said: "We should not directly oppose the Anti-Japanese War, we can discuss Chinese culture, discuss the Chairman's New Life Movement, and slowly infiltrate our thoughts of saving the nation into it."

"That's a good idea!" Mei Siping applauded applauding.

Tao Xisheng and Mei Siping are enemies who don't know each other. They used to fight each other for several years, but now they come together because of the same political views.

Historically, the magazine "Cultural Construction" sponsored by Tao Xisheng was about to be launched in two months. He claimed in the magazine: Under the impact of foreign culture, the Chinese nation has lost its basis for existence. Therefore, in order to make China rise in the cultural field, and to make China's politics, society and ideology have Chinese characteristics, we must engage in China-based cultural construction.

This point of view is not wrong, but Tao Xisheng is too conservative and belongs to the staunch old school. He later founded the "Art and Literature Research Association" with Zhou Fohai to analyze and discuss international and anti-Japanese issues. After discussing and analyzing, his thinking became more and more pessimistic, so both of them became traitors.

Whether it is Tao Xisheng or Zhou Fohai, they are not wholeheartedly selling the country, but think that they are saving the country. To save the country, one must endure and not provoke Japan, so Zhou Hexuan, who is actively fighting, must be defeated!

To defeat Zhou Hexuan, a world-renowned university student, he can only choose to start with personal morality, and it is best to make a bad one at once, so that everyone knows that Zhou Hexuan is a hypocrite.

Zhou Fohai raised his wine glass again, and shouted enthusiastically: "Come, let us drink this cup together for the future of China and the rise of the nation!"


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