Haig Road, Zhou Mansion.

Looking at the court summons in his hand, Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but swear: "What the hell is this!"

The staff of the Primary Criminal Department of the Shanghai District Court said in a very respectful tone: "Mr. Zhou, someone accused you of disturbing the family and committing (harmonious) adultery. We are just following the procedure. I hope Mr. Zhou will not be angry. Director Hu I was specially sent to deliver the summons in person, and I would like to remind you of some precautions. Mr. Zhou, you are now the defendant, and you need to "post bail" when you appear in court for the first time, that is, to find a store to guarantee that you will appear on time for the next summons. "

Zhou Hexuan said speechlessly: "What the hell is going on with your court? Ms. Ruan Lingyu has never been married, even if something happened between me and her, what qualifications does the surname Zhang have to sue us for disturbing the family and adultery? If you do it like this, if I don't like someone one day, won't I be able to sue the other party for harming the family?"

The staff explained: "Mr. Zhou, the national conditions are like this. After all, the rule of law in China is not as good as that of the great powers. Many couples in the civil society have not registered for marriage, so as long as they have a cohabitation relationship, the court will regard it as a de facto marriage. So, you know... But Mr. Zhou, don't worry, as long as you hire a lawyer who is qualified enough, you will definitely win this lawsuit."

Zhou Hexuan was too angry to speak, of course he can win the lawsuit. But one is an internationally renowned scholar, and the other is a nationally popular female star. Regardless of whether you win or lose, this lawsuit will inevitably arouse heated discussions in the public opinion.

Zhou Hexuan didn't want to be the butt of other people's jokes, and it was such a mess.

After the court staff left, Zhou Hexuan immediately called Wu Tiecheng: "Brother Zizeng, I would like to trouble you..."

Zhou Hexuan briefly explained the case. Wu Tiecheng is the mayor of Shanghai. He immediately smiled and said, "It's too serious to be honest. It's just a trivial matter. Why bother? Don't worry, I'll let the court dismiss the case immediately."

So progressives strongly appeal for democratic constitutionalism, because the Republic of China is too dirty. Take the judicial system as an example, as long as you have someone above you, even murder and arson can be perfunctory.

About five years ago, there was a huge case that shocked China and the world. Gao Ying, the Chinese vice-consul in San Francisco, actually smuggled opium on the way to his post. The amount involved in the case was as high as more than 1 ton, which was seized by the San Francisco authorities at the pier.

A country's vice-consul abroad went to his post with more than a ton of opium, and was seized by the host country on the spot. At that time, journalists from all walks of life in the United States came to interview one after another. American film companies also shot related newsreels with more than 7,000 feet of film, and more than 70 million copies of related issues of American newspapers were sold out.

Embarrassing enough?

It is simply an international joke, a major international scandal, and it has completely lost China's national dignity!

But what happened to the vice-consul and his wife?

The Nanjing District Court initially sentenced Gao Ying to seven years in prison, his wife to four years in prison, and imposed a fine. This is already a lenient treatment for running away from the relationship, otherwise, due to the bad influence it brings, it is possible to be shot directly.

But our vice-consul was still not satisfied, and he actually appealed to the High Court, and then there was a wrangling lawsuit. The case had been dragging on for several years, and Gao Ying and his wife had long been at large, so such a major international case was dragging on and on and on.

The bottom line of the Republic of China is that there is no bottom line, and everything is possible.

With Zhou Hexuan's current reputation and contacts, let alone the crime of harming the family and committing (harmonious) adultery, even if he really killed someone in the street, he would not be held responsible for any crime, it's just damage to his reputation.

The people at the bottom, their lives are like grass, if they are killed, they will be killed!

Take Miss Kong Er as an example. She is Chang Kaishen's cousin, Song Meiling's goddaughter, and Kong Xiangxi's own daughter. She is known as the "witch of the world".

Just next year, Miss Kong Er, who was only 15 years old, was driving for a ride and was reprimanded by the police for violating traffic rules. Miss Kong Er shot the policeman to death. During the Anti-Japanese War, Chongqing implemented blackout at night in order to prevent Japanese air raids. When Ms. Kong Er was driving home, although she heard the air raid siren, she still did not turn off the lights. She was stopped by the patrolling police, and she shot the policeman to death.

Awesome, right?

One of the most awesome things that Miss Kong Er did was to have a shootout with Mr. Long in the park. The cause was that Mr. Long's friend blew her a teasing kiss. At that time, there were many tourists in the park. These two lawless sons and daughters used rockery as a cover to shoot at each other, killing and wounding many innocent passers-by.

The police didn't dare to fart when they came, because if they dared to talk too much, they would definitely get a shot from Miss Kong Er.

Therefore, Zhou Hexuan is not afraid of going to court, what he is afraid of is damage to his reputation.

It's a pity that the development of the matter was beyond Zhou Hexuan's expectations. Before the Shanghai District Court had time to dismiss the case, several newspapers suddenly intervened.

"Zhang Damin Accuses Zhou Hexuan and Ruan Lingyu of Tong (Harmony) Rape"

"Zhou Hexuan and Ruan Lingyu Tong (Harmony) Rape Case"

"Back to Zhang Marriage Week is for Property"

"Counting Zhou Hexuan's Confidante"

"Three Men in Ruan Lingyu's Life"


The newspaper system in the Republic of China was very developed. Zhang Damin broke the news crazily. Those big newspapers and tabloids were like vicious dogs who smelled feces, and immediately rushed to add fuel.

In those reports, Zhou Hexuan became a villain who robbed love, and Ruan Lingyu became a gold-worshiping woman who was greedy for money and vain. Not only that, Zhang Damin also produced so-called evidence to sue Ruan Lingyu for illegal embezzlement and forgery of documents, and demanded that Ruan Lingyu return tens of thousands of yuan of his property.

This dog has gone crazy!


"Are you crazy?"

Tang Jishan yelled into the phone: "I told you not to get Zhou Hexuan involved, just make Ruan Lingyu bad, what the hell are you doing!"

Lawyer Zhao's aggrieved voice came from the phone: "Boss Tang, I really didn't do it. I only helped Zhang Damin draft the indictment against Ruan Lingyu for embezzlement and forgery of documents, and didn't mention Zhou Hexuan. .”

Tang Jishan held back her anger and said, "Don't talk so much, just let me go immediately and don't bother with this case."

"Then my lawyer's fee?" Lawyer Zhao asked.

"You fucking want legal fees?" Tang Jishan was furious, but still didn't attack, "It's only 500 oceans, shut your mouth!"

"Understood, I am very honest." Lawyer Zhao felt a little disappointed because the money he could get was too little.

Tang Jishan hung up the phone and said cursingly, "Damn it, trash, how dare you call yourself a barrister."

Tang Jishan's business can be so big, it is natural that he has a background, foreigners, high-ranking officials, gangs...he has poured money into everything. Even if he confronted him head-on, he was not afraid of Zhou Hexuan at all. But don't be afraid of returning home, Zhou Hexuan is not an ordinary person after all, Tang Jishan never thought of offending, after all, a conflict would be very troublesome.

With the current situation, Tang Jishan just wanted to get out of the matter as soon as possible, and he didn't want to go into this kind of muddy water.

Perhaps, Zhou Hexuan didn't know who was doing the tricks behind it at all—Tang Jishan was a little gloating, and he actually felt secretly happy to be able to have a dark rival.

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