The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 604 603 [Naishan Bookstore]

In July 1934, Zhou Hexuan set off a wave of modernist craze in the Chinese poetry circle. Countless young poets enthusiastically joined this faction, and the whole country talked about "modernism" for a while.

At the same time, "Thunderstorm" was officially published in "Literary Quarterly" by Ba Jin's recommendation, and Cao Yu pierced the night sky of the literary world in the 1930s like a lightning bolt.

This play not only caused great repercussions in China, but was soon staged in Tokyo, Japan, and the Japanese translation was released by the Kanda Hitotsubashi Education Center, which quickly became a bestseller in Japan. It took five years to conceive and create "Thunderstorm", and it was locked in a drawer for more than half a year before submission, but it only took half a month to become famous.

Guo Moruo watched the performance of "Thunderstorm" in Tokyo and was very excited. He personally wrote the preface for the Japanese translation of "Thunderstorm", praising "Thunderstorm" as a rare and excellent masterpiece.

Lu Xun was very excited after reading the Japanese translation of the script of "Thunderstorm", and said to the American reporter Snow: "The best dramatists in China include Guo Moruo, Tian Han, Hong Shen, and a new left-wing dramatist Cao Yu."

Lu Xun and Guo Moruo, who can make each other hate each other all the year round, praised at the same time, which shows how excellent the quality of "Thunderstorm" is. Cao Yu has also become a rising star in the theater world well-known in China and Japan from an unknown young man.

Throughout July, Zhou Hexuan and Cao Yu became the focus of attention.

Naturally, EMI would not let go of this good opportunity, and released Zhou Hexuan's two albums following the trend -- the promotional fee can be saved a lot.


Shanghai, the Japanese Concession.

Uchiyama Bookstore.

Ouyang Yuqian adjusted her glasses, and greeted the bookstore owner with a smile: "Brother Wu Qi, long time no see!"

"Mr. Ouyang, please sit inside!" Uchiyama Wanzo stood up to greet him.

Ouyang Yuqian walked in slowly, and said to Lu Xun who was reading a book: "Mr. Zhou, you came really early today."

Lu Xun said in a calm tone: "The Kuomintang agents are arresting people again. I'll hide in the bookstore."

The two chatted for a while, Tian Han and other progressives, seven or eight came one after another, and everyone began to chat about modernist poetry and "Thunderstorm".

Uchiyama Wanzao arranged for two clerks to watch the wind, and he himself ran in to listen, interjecting a few words from time to time.

Decades later, many well-known people often spread rumors on the Internet, saying that Uchiyama Wanzo was a Japanese spy, which proved that Lu Xun was also a traitor, and he was able to deceive countless netizens to repost and like it. The basis for this rumor came from last year (1933 Lu Xun’s "Pseudo Freedom Book·Postscript" also recorded in an article written by Lu Xun in 1999, which reads as follows: "The Uchiyama Bookstore was opened by the Japanese wanderer Uchiyama Kanzao. He appeared to be a bookstore, but in fact he was almost a spy for the Japanese government. Every time he had a conversation with a Chinese, he immediately reported it to the Japanese consulate. This has become an open secret, and anyone who is even a little close to Uchiyama Bookstore knows it.”

But what about the truth?

Just two months before the rumour-mongering article was concocted by the imperial literati of the Nationalist Party, Uchiyama Wanzo was suspected by the Japanese military of being a communist party because of his repeated actions of protecting the Chinese.

Uchiyama Wanzo was in an embarrassing situation. He was Japanese and Lu Xun's best friend. On the one hand, he was slandered as a "Japanese spy" by the literati of the Nationalist Party, and on the other hand, he was suspected of being a "Japanese Communist Party" by the Japanese military.

In fact, Uchiyama Wanzo is nothing. He was a businessman first, and a humanitarian Christian second. He sympathized with Chinese revolutionaries when he was young, and leaned towards Tolstoy’s non-resistance in his later years.

Uchiyama Wanzo's personality is not great, and it is absolutely impossible for him to shed his blood for the Chinese. For example, during the Japanese invasion of China, Uchiyama Wanzo actively cooperated with the Japanese army and took over some book industries in Shanghai. Therefore, there is no doubt that he was first and foremost a businessman, and a Japanese businessman at that.

But Uchiyama Wanzo is a Christian who believes in humanitarianism, so he can give Chinese friends as much help as possible while ensuring his own safety. Moreover, he also sympathized with the Chinese revolutionaries, and his Neishan Bookstore almost became a contact point for left-wing literati in Shanghai. The Chinese clerks in his bookstore are all progressives, and two clerks were arrested by spies next month.

Including the report and suicide note written by the revolutionary martyr Fang Zhimin to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, they were also sent to Neishan Bookstore for safekeeping, and then handed over to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China by Lu Xun.

"Brother Wu Qi, can I borrow your phonograph?" Tian Han asked.

Uchiyama Wanzo immediately said: "Of course, please wait a moment."

When Uchiyama Wanzao brought the record player, Tian Han said mysteriously: "Shouxin (Nie Er) gave me two records, which will be officially released in a few days, let's listen to them first!"

Lu Xun smoked a cigarette and said, "Shouchang (Tian Han) recommends it so solemnly, it seems to be the best progressive song again."

"Listen first, comrades." Tian Han gently put down the stylus.

The prelude to the song soon sounded in the house, followed by a child's voice: "My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast..."

The singing voices of Zhou Hexuan, Zhou Xuan, and the children's accompaniment team combined with a perfect sense of layering, making the song's emotions progressive. The complex emotions mixed with grief, sorrow, depression, desolation and anger infected everyone in the room .


Uchiyama Wanzo sighed first, at such a time, as a Japanese, he seemed embarrassed. Morally, he felt that Japan's invasion of China should not be done, but emotionally, he could not oppose the behavior of the Japanese government.

"I've heard the song written by Zhou Mingcheng." Lu Xun said.

Ouyang Yuqian said with emotion: "When I heard this song for the first time, I was about to cry. Now it is re-mastered by EMI, and the emotions are fuller, which makes people angry and helpless. We sit here and talk empty talk. Tens of thousands of compatriots are displaced and homeless!"

Ouyang Yuqian, a famous dramatist, dramatist, film artist, and one of the founders of modern Chinese drama. He used to sing Peking Opera, and later devoted himself to the drama business. He is as famous as Mei Lanfang in the theater circle, and he is called "Northern Mei Nanou".

Lu Xun walked to the phonograph, picked up the cover of the record, and said in surprise, "Hey, Zhou Hexuan actually recorded the song himself, but why is the name of the record called "The Great Wall Never Falls"?"

Tian Han said, "You'll know when you turn the record over."

Lu Xun immediately pushed aside the needle, turned the record over and put it down again, and Zhou Hexuan's voice came immediately: "This song is made to commemorate the 'Great Wall Anti-Japanese War', and I encourage you all!"

"Sleeping for a hundred years, the people of the country are gradually waking up. Open your eyes and look carefully. Who wants to admit himself? Because of shrinking and forbearance, people's arrogance is growing... The Great Wall will never fall down, and the Yellow River is flowing for thousands of miles. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, Diecaifengling, ask me how does my country look like it is suffering from a disease? Break through the bloody road, wave your hands, and devote yourself to the rejuvenation of the country. How can we let the land be trampled on again, and everyone should take on the mission..."

The heavy drum beats on the hearts of the people, and every progressive person present has an expression of righteous indignation on their faces.

Lu Xun lit another cigarette and took a deep breath. Although he didn't like this kind of majestic style, it was undeniable that he was really excited by this song just now.

Ouyang Yuqian slammed into the table: "This is the voice of the times, and singing is like this. A song is worth a hundred thousand elite soldiers!"

Lu Xun reminded: "The goal of our generation is not only to resist foreign aggression, but also to transform this country. Zhou Mingcheng's song really makes people excited, but we must always keep our responsibilities in mind."

Lu Xun has always believed that reforming the country and its people is far more important than resisting invaders. As long as China is on the right track, it will not be afraid of any enemies at all. Just like Japan and Germany, the land is small and the people are not many, but the super high quality of the people can bring the prosperity of the country and the nation.

Lu Xun's sorrow is that he has no hope at all, especially in the past two years, he has been so exhausted physically and mentally that he is about to collapse.

On the one hand, it comes from the outside, and the high-pressure politics of the National Party is becoming more and more terrifying. Lu Xun had to delete a large number of articles when he wanted to publish "The Collection of Two Hearts" during this period, because anything even slightly related to politics could not pass the censorship. In his original words: "...In the daily newspaper, I have no place to publish. It is extremely dark and unreasonable. This is the first time I have encountered..."

On the other hand, from within the Left League, adventurism brought many contradictions, and even Yu Dafu was forced to leave by the Left League. While Lu Xun was under pressure, he had to appease the members at the same time. Without his efforts, the Left Federation would have collapsed long ago. The first thing he said when he saw Feng Xuefeng later was: "In the past two years, I have been manipulated by them (adventurists)." ——During the Long March, Lu Xun almost single-handedly supported the Left League.

Lu Xun's status in New China is not for nothing.

Lu Xun even said something like this to Feng Xuefeng: "When you come (referring to the establishment of a new China), I will flee, because I am afraid that I will be the first to be killed." He has a clear view of the future, but he still chooses to persist in the struggle because He knows that it is impossible for China to remain unchanged, and only the Communist Party can successfully change China.

After listening to these two songs, Ouyang Yuqian asked excitedly: "Why don't you invite Zhou Hexuan to join us (Left League)? Patriots like him should be recruited!"

Lu Xun said with a smile: "He won't agree. I can understand his thoughts, because I thought the same way a few years ago."

Tian Han suddenly said: "Zhou Mingcheng has influence in the United States and Nanjing, why not ask him to rescue Ms. Ding Ling!"

Ding Ling was arrested by secret agents in May last year. It has been more than a year now. People from all walks of life have actively participated in the rescue, but so far there has been no progress.

"He is wise and safe, so I'm afraid he won't agree." Lu Xun said.

Ouyang Yuqian said: "How will you know if you don't try?"

Lu Xun smoked a cigarette and thought about it seriously: "American reporter Snow, who happens to be in Shanghai at this time, why not ask him to contact Zhou Mingcheng."

"That's a good idea." Tian Han nodded.

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