The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 292 [Corruption investigation]

Two weeks after Liang Qichao was buried.

Streets of Tianjin.

A group of young men with red armbands, like hounds hunting for prey, rushed to smash the door of a closed shop when they saw it.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Open the door, open the door! If you don't open the door, the shop will be closed!"

After knocking on the door for several minutes, there was still no answer, because the boss, the shopkeeper and the shop assistants all went home for the New Year.

The leader ordered angrily: "Stick the seal! Go to the next one."

A young man carried a small bucket full of paste, and dipped a brush in the paste to smear it on the door. Another youth took out a seal and pasted it. The seal was signed—Tianjin Party Headquarters of the National Party.

After putting up the seal, these people immediately rushed to the next one, knocked a few times and finally knocked the door open.

"What's the matter? It's early in the morning," the store clerk rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened the door, asking, "Who are you?"

A young man replied: "The Nationalist Party's Tianjin Party Headquarters Action Team, this is our Captain Liu!"

Captain Liu questioned: "The government has issued repeated orders and repeated orders. Holidays are not allowed during the Spring Festival, and all shops must be open. Why don't you implement it?"

"Chinese New Year? Oh, you mean Chinese New Year." The store clerk finally came to his senses.

Before the Republic of China, there was no such term as Spring Festival.

After Yuan Shikai came to power, he moved the New Year's Day (New Year's Day) to January 1st in the Western calendar, which resulted in the traditional Chinese New Year's Day having no official name. In order to take care of the feelings of the Chinese people, the government created the word "Spring Festival".

But "Spring Festival" is not popular, and many Chinese people don't know what "Spring Festival" is.

It wasn't until this year that the Nanjing Nationalist Government legally designated the New Year's Eve as the "Spring Festival", which made the Spring Festival officially endorsed and gradually accepted by the Chinese people.

This is the first Spring Festival after the Nanjing government "unified" the whole country. The enforcement is very strong, and it is strictly stipulated that all shops must not be closed for holidays, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Captain Liu read out the government regulations, and said to the store clerk: "Your store violates the policy, and you will be fined 50 yuan. Call your boss or shopkeeper!"

The store clerk is also a smart ghost. He rolled his eyes and complained: "Oh, sir, our shopkeeper is sick, so let me open the store on time today. You see, I just sleep too much and delay all important events. I will open the store immediately ,immediately."

"Stop making excuses and pay the fine!" Captain Liu sternly said.

The store clerk argued: "The government only stipulated that the store should be open during the Chinese New Year, but it didn't say what time it would open. I just got up late and opened the store right away."

In any case, this explanation is very reasonable, and it can be regarded as taking advantage of policy loopholes.

But now is not a reasonable time, Captain Liu is too lazy to say much, and said directly: "Get arrested and contact their boss. Refuse to pay the fine, resist the central government's order, and impose an additional fine of 20 oceans!"

"Sir, I'm wronged!" The store clerk shouted loudly, but was dragged away indiscriminately by the Tianjin Party Headquarters Action Team.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Hexuan could only shake his head and sigh when he saw this scene. The Westernization in the Republic of China was too much, and it seemed that all traditional customs were backward and decadent.

Taking Chinese etiquette as an example, there is nothing wrong with abolishing the kneeling salute. What makes people dumbfounded is that even the bowing salute was also abolished. The bowing salute is equivalent to the handshake salute of the Chinese people. What is there to abolish? I haven't seen the Japanese abolish the bow ceremony either.

The government is a little too lenient.

Government officials are not allowed to call each other's "character" or "number", but must call each other's position. People generally call them "Sir" or "Jun", within groups they refer to each other as "Comrade", and women are called "Mrs", "Ms" and "Miss".

Corrupt titles such as lord, lord, and master are all abolished.

Of course, this kind of regulation is not strictly controlled, and even Yuan Shikai and Chang Kaishen call each other's name in various ways.

The car continued to move forward and stopped at the gate of the "Ta Kung Pao" newspaper office.

Zhou Hexuan took Liao Yaquan to personally distribute Spring Festival condolences to the members. As for the China Radio Station, Zhang Leyi took care of it.

"Happy Spring Festival!"

"May you be happy and prosperous!"

Everyone greeted each other cheerfully. Although there was no holiday during the Chinese New Year, they were full of joy.

However, some people showed evil spirits. Zhu Xiang came to the newspaper in the middle of the morning and said to Zhou Hexuan, "I hope the corruption case of the Education Fund will be investigated."

"What's the specific situation?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Zhu Xiang said with a cold face: "Those people did it very secretly. I hired an old accountant and a Western-style accountant. After checking for four months, I found that there was no problem with the account books. Guess how these moths got corrupted?"

Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile, "Tell me about it."

Zhu Xiangdao: "They colluded with businessmen to build school buildings, purchase teaching supplies, and purchase nutritious lunch ingredients. They shoddy high prices and lied about high prices. Not only that, they also fabricated teaching positions and earned money by eating empty wages. The few of us During the month, they visited 62 Hope Primary Schools and found that there were as many as 87 fake teachers. In addition, they also arranged relatives and friends to serve as the vice principals of the newly built schools, but these vice principals did not have to go to work and received empty salaries. According to my According to rough statistics, there was at least 180,000 yuan last year, which is an unreasonable expenditure. Although Wenxiu, the vice president, raised funds in many ways, he couldn't stand the consumption of those moths. Now the funds of the Hope Education Foundation are only 63,000 yuan diverse."

Zhou Hexuan asked: "What do you think should be done?"

Zhu Xiang's eyes showed a fierce brilliance, and said: "Report to the official to sue, I hope the Secretary-General of the Fund Committee will not be able to absolve himself of the blame, and he will have to spend at least 20 years in prison. There are also those responsible for purchasing and arranging personnel. They will be severely punished! All relevant personnel will be given a warning, and those who have stolen money will be automatically refunded, and half a year’s wages will be deducted. Hand it over to the court unconsciously!"

"How many people are involved in the case?" Zhou Hexuan asked again.

Zhu Xiang said: "The main beneficiaries are those from the committee. But there are at least 40 people who benefit from it!"

Zhou Hexuan frowned and threw away all kinds of temporary workers. The number of regular employees of the Hope Education Foundation is less than 70 in total. If Zhu Xiang's approach is followed, then the foundation will definitely be paralyzed, and it will not be able to operate normally in the short term.

"Catch the big and let go of the small," Zhou Hexuan sighed, "as long as the masterminds actively return the money, don't report it to the officials again. If things get serious, it will damage the reputation of the Hope Education Foundation for the public, and for the private, Young Marshal Zhang It’s not pretty there either.”

"President Zhou, you have disappointed me so much!"

Zhu Xiang couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, and he said angrily: "This is a charity donation from the common people, and every penny must be used in the right way. Those corrupt people are certainly hateful, but your actions are not selfish? As long as I return As a supervisor of the foundation, this matter must be severely punished to the end. Even if you dismiss me, I have evidence of their corruption, and I will report and disclose it in my own name!"

Zhou Hexuan finally understood why Zhu Xiang offended people wherever he went in history. In the end, he was destitute, his wife and children were separated, and he committed suicide with two poetry collections in his hand.

This gentleman doesn't care about human feelings at all, and only recognizes the word "reason".

But the problem is, sometimes you only talk about reason and the law, completely disregarding the overall situation, which will cause trouble.

Zhou Hexuan is now being roasted on the fire by Zhu Xiang, and there is no way out at all, so he can only say helplessly: "Do it according to your ideas, try to be gentle. From the young commander, I will send a telegram to explain the situation. It's his confidant."

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