The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 287: 286 [Wonderful Writer]

When the two founders of the Annals School were busy publishing their first magazine, "Goddess" and "Dog Officer" quietly became popular in France.

There is no need to do too much publicity, because Hachette Press has monopolized the station bookstores all over France.

Passengers usually buy a book to pass the time before boarding the train. As long as they walk into the bookstore, they can see "Goddess" and "Dog Officer", and the words "magical works from the Far Eastern world" on the cover are enough to attract these people to buy.

However, several academic monographs by Zhou Hexuan were not placed in the station bookstore. The reason is simple, of course you have to read recreational books when you take the train, who the hell buys historical and academic works.

André Malraux was at the station at this time, looking at the French versions of "The Goddess" and "The Dog Officer" in surprise, and said to himself: "These two great Chinese novels are finally published in France. People feel exhilarated."

That's right, this future famous French writer has already read Zhou Hexuan's original Chinese novel.

Five years ago, André Malraux traveled Asia with his wife, visited Vietnam, China and the Soviet Union successively, and settled in China for several years. It wasn't until the KMT-CPC cooperation failed and Chang Kaishen raised his butcher's knife against the Red Party that Andre left China in disappointment.

This is an avid oriental fan, and he began to learn Chinese when he was a teenager.

Last year Andre's novel "The Winner" won the Joint Literary Award, which made him a little famous in the European literary circle. The content of this award-winning work is actually a description of the 1925 provincial and Hong Kong strike in China.

What really made Andre famous was his novel "The Fate of Mankind" a few years later, for which he won the Goncourt Prize for Literature and was listed as a "classic work of the 20th century". The beginning of this novel is very exciting. The story also takes place in China. It describes the conflict between Chang Kaishen and the Red Party. The Red Party did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives to fight against Chang Kaishen.

I have to say that the French Goncourt Prize for Literature at this time is very clean. As long as your work can impress the judges, it will definitely win the award, and there will be no disgusting mess.

Take Goncourt's award-winning work "Batuala" eight years ago as an example. It was a book written by a black author about the colonialists' plundering of Africa and calling for opposition to black slave traders.

You know, this was the 1920s, and black people didn't have any political status.

It is unbelievable that a work written by a black writer and exposing the black slave trade can win the highest award for French novels.

Even the French authorities couldn't tolerate it. After the book "Batuala" won the award, it was immediately banned by the French colonial authorities, and the author was also severely persecuted.

As an avid Oriental fan and Zhou Hexuan's hardcore fan of novels, Andre bought the French versions of "Goddess" and "Dog Officer" for collection. He boarded the train with the book, only to find that the passenger next to him was also reading "The Goddess", and had already read dozens of pages.

It was a young man in his 20s. Seeing Andre holding "The Goddess" in his hand, he smiled familiarly: "This is an incredible book, and it is worth reading."

"Of course I know," Andre said proudly, "I've read the original Chinese version."

"Really?" The young man was very surprised. "Then you are really good. Chinese is like a magic spell. I can't understand a single word."

Andre said with a smile: "I started learning Chinese in middle school and lived in China for four years."

"I am very interested in your experience," said the young man, holding out his hand. "By the way, my name is Jean Faial."

Andre shook hands with him and said, "My name is Andre Malraux."

Faial was surprised: "Mr. Malraux who wrote "The Temptation of the West" and "The Victor"?"

"Have you read my book?" Andre asked.

Faial said with some embarrassment: "In fact, I am also a writer, but I am not well-known. I wrote "Oxford and Margaret" and "Three Quarters of the World."

Seeing his colleagues, Andre said happily: "It's an honor to meet you."

The two chatted about the East, and Faial suddenly asked: "Mr. Malraux, you have lived in China for a few years. You should have met Mr. Zhou Hexuan, the author of "The Goddess", right?"

Andre shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, I have lived in Guangzhou and Hong Kong for a long time, while Mr. Zhou lives in Tianjin, the distance is very far away. China is a big country, and it takes a long time even by train."

"Is Chinese society really as dark as "Goddess"?" Faial asked curiously.

Andre took the initiative to speak for the Chinese: ""The Goddess" mainly describes China ten years ago. In the dark country of cannibalism, there are also a few bright lights. Those are the pioneers in China. Revolutionary."

This product is not only a Chinese fan, but also a fanatical leftist.

After becoming a great writer in France, Andre actually dropped his pen and ran to Spain to join the International Column, and also served as the commander-in-chief of foreign air forces. During World War II, he led several guerrillas in France, and served as the commander-in-chief of the Alsace-Lorraine column in the battle to liberate Alsace.

"Are you...revolutionary?" Faial asked curiously.

"If there is a need, I will become the most determined revolutionary, but I am a patriot first," Andre laughed. "Let's not talk about revolution, let's talk about literature."

Faial touched the "Goddess" in his hand and sighed: "This novel is too great. I have never seen this kind of novel writing. It makes me indulge in the mysterious and wonderful oriental world. To be honest, my The writing style tends to be humorous and playful, and I don't like such heavy works, but this "Goddess" is an exception."

Andre said: ""Goddess" also has a lot of humor, and there is a cold irony in the humor."

"I am contributing to "Avant-Garde Literature," Faial said, "I decided to recommend this good book to more literature lovers."

Andre said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou's works are not only "Goddess", "Dog Officer" is also very interesting, with the mysterious oriental Buddhist thought of reincarnation. Do you know Buddhism?"

"I know a little bit, it seems to have originated in India." Faial said.

Andre proudly said: "Haha, the year before last, together with my friends, I launched an attack on the French colony in North Africa and took away the head of Buddha that the colonists had snatched from Pamir."

"..." Fayal was speechless for a moment.

Damn, are you a writer or a terrorist?

Andre made a bet and said: "Believe it or not, "The Goddess" will definitely win this year's Goncourt Prize for Fiction, and I will bet on the head of the Buddha."

Faial wiped his sweat and said, "I'm not interested in Buddha, but I believe it will win the prize."

While the two were chatting, "Goddess" and "Dog Officer" were already sold out in bookstores in many train stations in France.

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