The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 223 222【Change the sky】

Zhang Zuolin has experienced many assassinations in his life.

More than ten years ago, the Japanese had assassinated him and bombed him with grenades so that he fled all over the alley.

Two years earlier, the Soviets had assassinated him, too. A landmine was buried in Zhang Zuolin's official residence, but it was discovered and removed in advance. The Soviet agents who participated in the assassination were also immediately declared as white bandits by the Soviet government.

Whether it is the Soviet Union or Japan, they are all determined to get rid of Zhang Zuolin.

Later generations of Russian historian Prokhorov believed that Zhang Zuolin's death was caused by the Soviet Union. It was the Soviet Union who blamed Japan, and the Japanese Kwantung Army admitted it in order to start the war.

Of course, the mainstream view in the historian circle still thinks that the Japanese are the real culprits.

No matter who killed it, Zhang Zuolin is already dead anyway.

Zhang Zuolin has long felt that this trip is dangerous, coupled with Zhang Xueliang's reminder, he first released the news that the departure will be on June 3. Then, Zhang Zuolin postponed the date to the 6th. While confusing the Japanese spies, he secretly left Beijing by train on the 4th.


There was an explosion in Huanggutun, and Zhang Zuolin was seriously injured and dying.

No matter when Zhang Zuolin leaves, what awaits him is death, because the Japanese know his whereabouts like the palm of his hand.

In fact, even Zhang Xueliang didn't know when his father would leave, but the Japanese knew it very well. It can be seen that the news came from Zhang Zuolin's relatives everywhere.

Who is the spy?

Some people say that Yoshiko Kawashima pretended to be an actor in the Tianbao troupe and approached Zhang Zuolin's sixth concubine as a sister in the same class, so as to obtain Zhang Zuolin's specific departure time.

But this argument is untenable. With Zhang Zuolin's vigilance, it is impossible for Aunt Six to know about this kind of thing.

Not only that, Zhang Zuolin deliberately wrote the words "VIP" on the No. 10 compartment of the train, but he himself sat in the No. 8 compartment, also in order to confuse the Japanese spies.

But when it exploded, the bomb blew up the No. 8 carriage without any delay, and the other carriages were not seriously damaged. The sixth aunt was sitting in the No. 10 carriage at that time, and only suffered some minor injuries.

It can be seen from this that which carriage Zhang Zuolin sat in and passed the bomb site in a few seconds, these have long been mastered by the Japanese - some people think that it was the Japanese consultant Takeshi Machino who leaked the secret, but Takeshi Machino got off when he sat in Tianjin. It was impossible to know exactly which carriage Zhang Zuolin was in.

Who is the spy next to Zhang Zuolin?

This is an unsolved historical case.

Zhang Zuolin, who was seriously injured by the bombing, was sent to the hospital by the escort, and died that morning.

Zhang Xueliang was leading the Feng army to retreat at that time. After receiving the news of his father's death, he did not return to Fengtian immediately, but stabilized his troops first. Together with Yang Yuting, Zhang Xueliang led Fengjun's third and fourth armies to withdraw to the Luanzhou area, and at the same time secretly ordered Fengtian to block news of Zhang Zuolin's death.

After stabilizing the morale of the army, Zhang Xueliang was afraid that he would also be assassinated by the Japanese, so he disguised himself as a cook and secretly returned to the northeast by train alone.

Zang Shiyi, chief of staff of the Fengtian Supervision Office (later a traitor), and Mo Dehui, the governor of Fengtian, were extremely sophisticated in the follow-up operations. They first claimed that Zhang Zuolin was undergoing treatment, and deceived the Japanese. Then, in the name of Zhang Zuolin, they appointed Zhang Xueliang, who had not yet returned to the Northeast, as the acting supervisor of Fengtian, and naturally completed the handover of power in the Northeast.

It wasn't until three days after Zhang Xueliang returned to the Northeast that he stabilized everything, and finally released the news of Zhang Zuolin's death to the public.

The Japanese attempted to assassinate Zhang Zuolin to trigger a major incident in the Northeast, and then used the pretext of calming down the chaos (protecting overseas Chinese) to send troops to occupy the Northeast in a grandiose manner.

But their plan fell through. Although Zhang Zuolin was successfully killed, the three eastern provinces were not in chaos.

The Japanese were a little confused, because the assassination of Zhang Zuolin caused a great uproar, not only the Chinese public opinion was in an uproar, but even countries such as Britain, the United States, France and the Soviet Union paid close attention to it, and exerted huge international diplomatic pressure on the Japanese government.

The "anti-war faction" in the Japanese government (to be precise, the cannibalism faction) took the opportunity to attack the main war faction and made a fuss in front of the emperor. The Emperor of Japan didn't know about this in advance, and it was all done by the Kwantung Army on its own initiative. Now that this has happened, he is very angry. He called the relevant personnel to scold him, and announced that he would severely punish the murderer.

Of course, severely punishing the murderer is just a joke and should not be taken seriously.

Anyway, because of Zhang Xueliang's proper handling, the Japanese Kwantung Army's plan failed, and the Northeast finally maintained temporary peace.

The Kwantung Army failed in one plan, but made another plan.

They frequently caused troubles in the Northeast, and secretly contacted Yang Yuting, intending to support Yang Yuting to fight against Zhang Xueliang.

Yang Yuting was quite sober-minded, and declined the "good intentions" of the Japanese over and over again. However, his ambition continued to expand. Although he did not blatantly rebel, he gradually became arrogant, thinking that he was a hero of the Northeast, and gradually ignored Zhang Xueliang.

This is where Zhang Xueliang guesses the front and back of the silver dollar to decide whether to kill Yang Yuting.

Of course, this is something that will happen next year.


Northern Expeditionary Army.

On the fifth day after Zhang Zuolin was assassinated, Yan Xishan captured Beiping without bloodshed, and then took over Tianjin.

Tianjin finally changed the sky.

Zhili Province is now called Hebei Province, and Tianjin, the capital of Zhili Province, has become a special city of Tianjin. Nan Guixin is the mayor of Tianjin, and Fu Zuoyi is the commander of the Tianjin Police.

Nan Guixin, the current parent officer in Tianjin, is not an ordinary character.

This person failed in the imperial examination, failed in university studies, failed in studying abroad, and doesn't like reading very much, but he is alert and courageous, and is good at "vertical and horizontal skills".

During the Northern Expedition, Nan Guixin lived in Beiping and acted as Yan Xishan's plenipotentiary representative. He made friends with the Feng Clan, the Zhi Clan, the Anhui Clan, the Northwest Army, the Southern Revolutionary Army, and even the Japanese. He was extremely close to all parties, but kept a relative distance.

As a result, Yan Xishan became the target of all forces, and he was invincible from the very beginning.

The people of Tianjin are blessed. The new mayor, Nan Guixin, is a political official who can and dares to do things. The police commander, Fu Zuoyi, is honest and upright. Finally, he does not have to live in fear every day.

After Nan Guixin became the mayor of Tianjin, she went to visit Liang Qichao the next day.

Well, when these two were young, one was a revolutionary and the other a royalist, and they used to fight.

To be precise, it was Nan Guixin who beat Liang Qichao up. This visit can be regarded as a reunion with old friends, and the chat atmosphere is quite harmonious.

What left Zhou Hexuan speechless was that Li Shoumin suddenly came to ask him to resign.

"What? Are you going to be Fu Zuoyi's secretary?" Zhou Hexuan asked in surprise.

Li Shoumin smiled proudly and said, "It was recommended by a friend. Commander Fu took the initiative to summon me. He saw my outstanding writing skills and beautiful calligraphy, so he decided to hire me as secretary on the spot."

Zhou Hexuan was sweating profusely. Once Li Shoumin left, he had to go back to manage the supplement of "Dazhong" by himself.

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