The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 200 199 [Calm things down]

There were seven attackers, not Japanese, but Chinese patrolmen from the Japanese Concession.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the great powers established concessions in China one after another, and then the concession police agencies appeared. Since Chinese people did not have the concept of the police at that time, they called this concession police agency the Patrol Room.

In the beginning, the patrol room only recruited foreigners, and there were no restrictions. As a result, a large number of foreigners with unknown origins became police officers, causing public resentment. As a last resort, the Concession Patrol Office began to recruit Chinese, the purpose of which was to improve the police atmosphere—it was not because there were not enough foreigners.

At the beginning, the foreign concession had very high requirements for Chinese patrols, and no one with a criminal record was wanted, and at least one-third of them were highly educated (mainly students and staff of foreign firms).

But the situation has developed to the present, and it has become a mess. The composition of the Chinese patrols is extremely complicated, with all three religions and nine streams, corruption, bribery, extortion, extortion... There is no bad thing they dare not do.

The situation in the concessions of Britain, France, the United States, and Italy is slightly better. Basically, a batch of them will be dealt with every few years, and those with a bad reputation will be driven out of the police force.

But the Japanese Concession is an exception. Whether it is the Japanese Concession in Tianjin or Shanghai, it is the dirtiest and most chaotic of all the concessions. As long as those Chinese patrols are obedient, the Japanese don't care about their evil deeds, which makes the Chinese patrols in the Japanese Concession even more aggressive.

At this moment, after the seven Chinese patrolmen injured the staff of the department store, not only did they not admit their mistakes, but they showed off their power and said: "We wear this uniform to represent the Emperor of Japan!"

The Chinese onlookers were immediately filled with righteous indignation, and spontaneously blocked the entrance of the shopping mall, blocking the way of those Chinese patrolling.

The Chinese who can afford to shop in department stores are not low-level civilians, at least they are company employees with stable jobs. After thinking about it, it is clear that a ticket of Zhongyuan Amusement Park is 40 cents a piece, plus tea and drinks, at least 1 yuan for a half-day performance, which is enough for a family of three at the bottom of the family for a few days.

"Stop, you must apologize!" A fat lady shouted.

Someone took the lead, and other onlookers responded one after another. There was even a man with glasses in a suit and leather shoes who grabbed the skirt of a Chinese patrolman and said, "Wearing this dog skin is a Japanese? You traitor!"

At least dozens of people surrounded the seven Chinese patrols. Seeing the public outrage aroused, they immediately panicked. One guy suddenly pulled out an iron whistle and blew it with all his strength—calling for police support.


The whistle sounded.

Before the police arrived, Lin Ziyuan, the manager of the department store, had already arrived. He asked the staff present, "What's going on?"

The clerk who went to the mall in shock replied: "Manager Lin, these policemen secretly took a few pairs of British leather shoes from the counter while we were not paying attention. After we found out, they not only refused to pay, but even beat people. The Chinese arrester of the mole also fired a shot at the ceiling, and the bullet bounced back and injured the customer."

Lin Ziyuan was furious when he heard that Zhongyuan Department Store has Japanese capital as a shareholder, and even the Japanese Consul General in Tianjin attended the reception in person on the opening day. It's just a few Chinese arrests in the Japanese Concession, but they actually bullied Zhongyuan Company.

"Stop them, I'll call the Japanese Consulate!" Lin Ziyuan turned around and left after speaking.

Those Chinese patrols are already confused. If they really make trouble at the Japanese consulate, they will definitely be punished.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly, or I will shoot!" Several Chinese patrolmen wanted to slip away, as long as they were not caught on the spot, they could not admit it.

Seeing this, Zhou Hexuan suddenly yelled: "Kill the traitor!"

The onlookers, who were frightened by the gun, immediately rushed forward when they heard the word "traitor". Even those rich and noble ladies threw their handbags indiscriminately, and all of them teamed up to push those Chinese arresters to the ground and beat them up.

There is still hope for this country.

Zhou Hexuan smiled happily: "Let's go, don't watch the excitement."

Just like in history, the opening of the Zhongyuan Amusement Park caused a lot of trouble. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Japanese Consulate accepted the complaint from the Zhongyuan Company and arrested those troublemakers.

As for the ending, let it be nothing.

So the thinking of the Japanese is very strange. It's just a few gangsters who act as Chinese arresters. After being fired, they will be recruited again. However, they feel that the Japanese Concession's Chinese arrests represent the prestige of the Japanese Concession and cannot be easily compromised.

It must be maintained vigorously, so that only the Chinese will do their best for the Great Japanese Empire in the future!

As a result, those Chinese arresters were only locked up for a few days, and they were neither questioned nor compensated for their losses. In less than a week, he was patrolling the streets with guns on his back. They even went to the department store on purpose, mocking and threatening the staff of the mall when they paid for something.

The Central Plains Company was afraid of offending the Japanese, so they didn't pursue it anymore, and asked their staff to have a better attitude towards the Chinese patrolling, and anyone who caused disputes would be fired.


A few days later, a young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face came to China Broadcasting Corporation and asked to see Zhou Hexuan by name.

Liao Yaquan led him in. Before Zhou Hexuan could speak, the man cried and said, "Mr. Zhou, you have to make the decision for me!"

Zhou Hexuan was a little baffled and asked, "What's going on?"

The man complained and said: "My name is Lu Youfu, and I am a salesperson of Zhongyuan Company. I was the one who discovered that Huazhu was stealing things that day. Those **** Huabao took revenge on me and arrested me indiscriminately when I was off work. The patrol room said that I stole other people's things. Not only did I get beaten up, but I was also locked up for three days, and now the company has also fired me! The whole family is counting on me to make money for food, what should I do now!"

It was not easy to find a job in the period of the Republic of China, not to mention the intellectuals, and ordinary civilians had to have a guarantor even to be an apprentice. Once a crime is committed, basically no unit is willing to hire it, and those who are fired from the company will be even more discriminated against.

Zhou Hexuan smiled wryly, "I'm not a consular court, how can I help you decide?"

Lu Youfu said sadly and helplessly: "Mr. Zhou, you are a great benevolent person, and your broadcast has a great influence, and many people in Tianjin are listening to it. I have no other ideas. I just want to tell the truth on the broadcast, and return the truth." I am innocent, so I can find work elsewhere."

"Don't worry, let me think about it first," Zhou Hexuan comforted. He took out two silver dollars and said, "You can use the money to treat your injuries. Come back tomorrow, and I promise to help you get justice."

"Thank you Mr. Zhou," Lu Youfu said gratefully, "but I can't take the money."

Zhou Hexuan asked curiously: "I heard you speak in an orderly manner, and you have read books before."

Lu Youfu said: "I learned carpentry from my uncle since I was a child, and I know how to do arithmetic. I also studied in the common people's open-air school for a few days. By the way, I can also speak a few words of English, such as choking to death, hugging, Goodmorning, three grams of oil, etc. Goodbye, Maqi."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "My radio station is still short of a handyman. You can come to work tomorrow. Your Tianjin accent is too strong. If you practice Mandarin well and recognize a few more words, you might be able to be an announcer in the future .”

"Really?" Lu Youfu was overjoyed and said hastily, "Then don't offend the Japanese by helping me broadcast, so as not to hurt Mr. Zhou, anyway, I have found a job."

Alas, we citizens like to keep things quiet.

Whether it is Zhongyuan Department Store or this salesperson named Lu Youfu, they all think that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Zhou Hexuan waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, the radio is still going to be done, just listen to my news."

Zhou Hexuan wanted to use this incident to create a radio talk show, which was absolutely new in the Republic of China.

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