The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 183 182【Recommend you a good book】

It took Henry three days to finally read "The Rise of Great Powers: America".

In the original version, "America Chapter" spends a lot of space analyzing and describing the economic crisis and the impact of World War II and its post-war period. It is obviously impossible for Zhou Hexuan to do so, because those are things that did not happen.

"The next presidential election in the United States will surely end with Hoover's victory and Smith's defeat. These two presidential candidates are both civilians. One has worked as a salesman and the other has worked as a miner. But Hoover's advantage The reason is that he is a Protestant, while Smith is a Catholic. We look at the successive presidents of the United States, from Washington, Lincoln, and now Coolidge, all the presidents have three things in common, that is, male, white and Protestant. Although American law There is no rule on what kind of candidate can become president, but traditional Americans, it seems, are not ready to vote for a Catholic...

If Hoover can be elected as the next United States, he will be extremely lucky. He was born in a poor working family and lost his father and mother when he was young. Only with the support of his uncle did he have the opportunity to go to university. He started from a low-level miner, grew up to be an engineer step by step, and then succeeded in business, and successfully entered the political arena. This kind of inspirational story of going from a poor person at the bottom to the pinnacle of life through self-struggle, I call it the American Dream..."

Henry couldn't help laughing as he read this, loving the phrase "American Dream." He is living his own American dream. He needs to rely on his own efforts to support his mother and younger siblings, and he will have a wonderful career in the future.

But when Henry continued to read, he suddenly frowned:

"Hoover is lucky, but he is destined to face tragedy. I dare to predict that he will become the unluckiest president of the United States, bar none.

The world war ten years ago reversed the European-centered world structure, and the international status of the United States rose rapidly. American industry was also promoted. Taking advantage of the European war (there was no such thing as "World War I" at this time), American businessmen made a lot of money and developed in an all-round way from light industry to heavy industry. But the war in Europe has ended, and European countries have redeveloped. Coupled with the competition from Japan, the supply of industrial products in the United States has begun to exceed demand.

In recent years, the value of industrial output in the United States has experienced stagflation, and the number of unemployed Americans has continued to increase. In stark contrast to this, is the deformed prosperity of the stock market in the United States. According to my prediction, by 1929 at the latest, there will be an economic crisis. Like the economic crisis of 1857, this economic crisis will be worldwide, originating in the United States and affecting the whole world...”

World economic crisis?

Henry is not yet 30 years old, and he has no memory of the world economic crisis decades ago. But he admires the author of the book "The Rise of Great Powers" very much, and according to the analysis in the book, it seems very reasonable.

Is the US stock market really going to crash next year?

Henry found various financial newspapers to read, but the newspapers were full of good news. There are even various short stories of a funny nature, such as a certain housewife who used her pocket money to speculate in stocks and bought a car in half a year.

In the past, Henry would definitely be stimulated by these news and rush into the stock market even more frantically. But now they are extremely calm, and even feel scared. When the whole people are in a frenzy, this in itself is a dangerous signal.

However, the huge profits in stocks still attracted Henry, and he was reluctant to quit now.

Half a year, yes, buy stocks for another half a year. Within half a year, the stock market should still be safe, Henry comforted himself in this way.

At this moment, in an office in New York, Jesse Lifemore was flipping through "The Rise of Great Powers" and said happily to himself: "It's really an interesting book, but the author is too familiar with the U.S. stock market." pessimistic."

Lee Fermore is a legendary figure. He started as an apprentice cleaning the blackboard in a shop, and gradually grew into the most active speculator in the U.S. stock market. 20 years ago, he shorted U.S. stocks and made a huge profit of 3 million U.S. dollars. As a result, the U.S. stocks crashed. Even the financial giant J.P. Morgan sent someone to beg him not to short again.

To make a lot of money does not depend on stock price fluctuations, but on market fluctuations - this is the most reasonable saying of Li Fei Moore, and he is now waiting for a major fluctuation in the US stock market.

Just as Zhou Hexuan predicted in "The Rise of Great Powers", Li Feimore also feels that the US stock market will collapse in the past two years, and he is always ready to play a big deal.

Of course, Li Feimore only believes that the US stock market will crash, but he does not believe in any economic crisis. What he said about the so-called economic crisis was regarded as nonsense and delusion. After the stock market crash came, he would use the money he earned from short selling to buy potential stocks on a large scale.

Well, Lee Fermore in history made more than 100 million US dollars when the US stock market crashed. Then he bought stocks at the bottom, thinking that the stock market crash would end within a year, and after this period of time, the potential stocks in his hands could make a lot of money again.

Ever since, he was locked up and ended up bankrupt.

"Jessie, have you read the book I recommended?" Marcus walked into the office.

Lee Fermore said with a smile: "I saw "The United States", and I agree with some of the author's views. But he said that the United States will have an economic crisis in 1929. I think it is a big joke. When the author wrote the book, he must have a bad head." wide awake."

Marcus is a professor of history at Harvard University. He was invited by the publishing house to write a preface to "The Rise of Great Powers". He said with a serious expression: "I think Mr. Zhou Hexuan's narration in the book is very reasonable. You still have to be careful."

"Haha, I'm just waiting for this stock market crash," Li Feimore said cheerfully, "Don't worry, you are my old friend, and the money will definitely bring you along."

Marcus shrugged his shoulders. He would only play with Li Fermore until the stock market crash came, and he would retreat and leave after making a small amount of money.

The big stock market crash in the United States was anticipated by many insightful people. Even they are still working hard to promote it. The US government keeps urging shareholders to calm down, but these guys claim that the US stock market can continue to prosper for another four years, just to entrap shareholders to make a lot of money.

But no one expected that the stock market crash was accompanied by an economic crisis, and these greedy vampires eventually pushed themselves into the grave.

Professor Markus still has classes tomorrow. He came to New York to give an academic lecture this time, and he took the train back to Harvard University in Massachusetts that night. He walked into the classroom with "The Rise of the Great Powers", and said to his students after the main lesson: "I recommend an after-school reading. It is written by a Chinese scholar and the name is "The Rise of the Great Powers". I hope everyone can read it." After finishing this book, choose one of them to write a post-reading testimonial. This is considered an assignment and can be completed within this month.”

As soon as Marcus left, the Harvard history students were talking:

"World history works written by the Chinese? Haha, I heard right."

"Professor Marcus must be crazy to ask us to read a work without any reputation."

"That is, what good things can the Chinese write? They can't even read a map of the world."

"I know China, where people have pigtails on the back of their heads."

"This is an assignment assigned by the professor. Do you dare not read it? Let's go and buy books together."


Facing the cynicism of the American students, Chen Rongjie left the classroom with a livid face. He is a graduate of Lingnan University. He just got his master's degree from Harvard last year and is now studying for a Ph.D. Although he majors in philosophy, he often attends history courses.

Americans have no understanding of China and are full of discrimination in their hearts. This kind of discrimination deeply hurt Chen Rongjie's heart. He had already made up his mind to introduce Chinese schools of thought in English and conquer Americans with traditional Chinese ideas.

Chen Rongjie went to an off-campus bookstore to buy "The Rise of Great Powers", but was told that the book was not available. He went to three bookstores to get it. It seems that the circulation of this book is not large, and the distribution is not wide.

After buying the book and returning to the dormitory, Chen Rongjie couldn't wait to open it and read it. As a result, it was dawn when he read it, and he actually read it all night.

"It was actually written by us Chinese, what a masterpiece!" Chen Rongjie couldn't help but sigh.

At the Chinese alumni gathering of Harvard University on the weekend, Chen Rongjie specially took "The Rise of Great Powers" to attend. When he entered the door, he met Liang Sicheng, and he couldn't wait to recommend him: "Brother Sicheng, I got a masterpiece a few days ago, written by us Chinese! Take a look."

Liang Sicheng couldn't help laughing when he saw the title of the book: "I know this book. My father mentioned it in his letter. The author, Zhou Hexuan, is still the principal of Peking University."

"Really? When I graduate and return to China, I must visit Peking University for advice!" Chen Rongjie said.

At this time, Jiang Zehan also came in with a book in his hand, and when they met, he said: "Brother Liang, Brother Chen, I recommend a good book to you, called "The Rise of Great Powers", written by a Chinese. I read it in China last year. , I didn’t expect the United States to publish an English version.”

Liang Sicheng and Chen Rongjie looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

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