The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 180 179 [The hero saves the beauty]

Hachiro Arita, the Japanese Consul General in Tianjin, ignored Chu Yufeng. After having a friendly conversation with the Chinese businessman, he walked towards Zhou Hexuan with a smile on his face, raised his glass and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Zhou Hexuan didn't dare to be careless. The Japanese Consul General in Tianjin are all militarists at their core, and they are also big intelligence leaders.

A few years ago, when Funatsu Tatsuichiro was the Japanese Consul General in Tianjin, he sent people to secretly investigate the files of famous people in Tianjin. Including Beiyang political leaders, military and political officials from various provinces, old and young survivors of the former Qing Dynasty, and even the details of lawyers, scholars, and celebrities in business circles, all were compiled and compiled into detailed questionnaires for filing.

This questionnaire was not made public until 1994.

It can be said that all Chinese who have lived in Tianjin for a long time and are somewhat famous are all under the surveillance of the Japanese.

Of course, this kind of monitoring also has a focus.

For general celebrities, only name, nickname, occupation, place of origin, address, etc. are registered. The key people focus on monitoring, trying their best to find out all kinds of relevant information, and even secretly bribe people around you.

Zhou Hexuan was just an ordinary celebrity before, but now he has been upgraded. Even Liu Wu, the maid of Zhou Hexuan's family, was contacted secretly by the Japanese side, and asked some irrelevant questions, such as what Zhou Hexuan liked to eat, what special hobbies he had, and so on.

Tianjin is the most active city of Japanese spies, because there are too many warlords, politicians and celebrities who are living in apartments.

Take Hachiro Arita in front of you, he will be the foreign minister of Japan in a few years, and he will become a special diplomatic adviser to Hideki Tojo after resigning.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Mr. Consul speaks Chinese really well."

Arita Hachiro said modestly and politely: "I have been in China for five years. I admire Chinese culture very much and I like China very much. I hope that China and Japan can live in harmony forever."

Believe you are a ghost!

Zhou Hexuan put on an expression of admiration, and praised: "Mr. Consul is really a noble character. Come, let us toast to the friendship between China and Japan!"

"For the friendship between China and Japan!" Hachiro Arita raised his glass and laughed.

Zhou Hexuan took a sip of red wine and said, "Mr. Consul, I would also like to thank you for supporting the Haihe River renovation project, which will benefit the people of Tianjin and the disaster victims in Shandong."

"This is what I should do," Hachiro Arita said, "I have been transferred to Tianjin for less than a year, and I am not very familiar with the celebrities in Tianjin. If there is a chance in the future, everyone can walk around more. I am very willing to communicate with China. Scholars exchange."

"Where is it, I am flattered." Zhou Hexuan said with sincerity and fear.

Well, he went a little too far.

Arita Hachiro said with a smile: "I have read Mr. Zhou's work "The Rise of Great Powers", and I admire it so much. If I have the opportunity, I hope Mr. Zhou can give lectures in Japan, so that Japanese students can listen to Mr. Zhou's teachings."

"I don't dare to teach, just communicate with each other." Zhou Hexuan said.

Arita Hachiro inquired: "I heard that Mr. Zhou has traveled around the world?"

"It's just wandering." Zhou Hexuan said.

"I also went to England to study, but I learned German in Japan," Hachiro Arita said. "I prefer Germany to England. Zhou Hexuan's discussion of Germany in the book is very suitable for me."

"Heroes see the same thing." Zhou Hexuan thought to himself: I like Germany, no wonder I am a militarist.

The two began to talk nonsense, talking about Germany and England. Anyway, everyone has their own opinions. When Hachiro Arita was studying in the UK, Zhou Hexuan was still a kid (assuming he was 29 years old).

Zhou Hexuan was chatting with Hachiro Arita, and Yoshiko Kawashima was also pretty in every way. Her identity at the moment is the fourteenth style of the Qing Dynasty, plus she has a beautiful face and a decent conversation, and she is unanimously sought after by Chinese and foreign people.

This woman has not officially joined the Japanese secret service yet. All she did was to help the Qing Dynasty restore the country, so as to make contributions to prove her worth, including marrying the Mongolian royal family last year.

Zhou Hexuan is not yet qualified to enter Yoshiko Kawashima's eyes. She is now making friends with rich people or politicians, and she doesn't bother to waste time on Zhou Hexuan, a literati.

After chatting for a while, Zhou Hexuan felt that it was not interesting, so he left in advance.

When Zhou Hexuan moved, Liao Yaquan immediately gave Chu Yufeng a wink, and the two quickly went downstairs through the back door.

The heroic show of saving the beauty is about to debut!

"Sir, are you going back so soon?" Sun Yonghao ran over from the side hall, chewing on a steak.

Sun Yongzhen glared at his younger brother, and scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, all you can do is eat all day long!"

"What's the matter?" Sun Yonghao retorted, "It's hard to come to a big restaurant, of course you have to eat enough."

"Idiot!" Sun Yongzhen said contemptuously.

Zhou Hexuan smoothed things over with a smile: "Okay, okay, it's normal to eat something, as long as you don't drink."

Sun Yonghao immediately said: "Don't worry, I understand very well in my heart, and I will definitely not cause trouble by drinking."

The three of them talked and laughed and took the elevator downstairs, walked not far from the hotel gate, and suddenly saw a group of guard soldiers standing by the roadside. There was a car behind those soldiers, shaking slightly from time to time, and there were sounds of shouting and struggling.


"Bastard, let me go!"


Zhou Hexuan had recognized Liao Yaquan's voice, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

If you want to act, then I will play with you.

Zhou Hexuan instantly turned into a righteous knight, and shouted sharply: "What are you doing? Let him go!"

The soldiers immediately took aim and shouted: "Don't mind your own business, Second Master Chu is doing business, if you don't want to die, get out."

"This is the Japanese Concession, and the Japanese Consul General in Tianjin is in the hotel, why don't you try to shoot?" Zhou Hexuan stepped forward with dignity.

The soldiers did not dare to shoot, and the leader said: "Put away the guns and kill this short-sighted man."

Zhou Hexuan pointed at the other party and said with a smile: "I remember you, the last time you were at Erye Chu's mansion, you were beaten by the young commander's soldiers until you cried for your father and mother."

These soldiers didn't know Liao Yaquan's plan, they were really helping Chu Yufeng. At this moment, hearing Zhou Hexuan mention the unbearable past events, those personal guards suddenly showed anger, but they were also afraid of the reputation of the young commander, neither advancing nor retreating, standing there dumbfounded at a loss.

"Go away!" Zhou Hexuan walked straight forward.

"Don't go there." The soldiers blocked the way.

The Sun family brothers admire Zhou Hexuan's "chivalry and courage". They have been influenced by Zhou Hexuan's martial arts novels for a long time, and they also dream of becoming chivalrous heroes. Seeing the injustice at this moment, and Zhou Hexuan being threatened, the two brothers rushed forward immediately.

Sun Yongzhen has already mastered Baguamen's body technique and Xingyiquan's boxing technique, looking for vulnerable places to attack, almost knocking down one of them with one punch. His punching posture is ugly, but the way of punching is extremely vicious. Several soldiers who were injured to internal organs and muscles had to lie down for at least two or three months to recover.

Although Sun Yonghao's kung fu is much worse, it is enough to deal with a few soldiers. He drew out his gun to protect Zhou Hexuan, and specially checked the fish that slipped through his brother's punches, and the three of them rushed to the side of the car very quickly.

"Alas!" Chu Yufeng cried out in pain from inside the car.

Liao Yaquan fled out of the car in disheveled clothes, and threw himself into Zhou Hexuan's arms crying, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... Mr. Chu Yufeng is a bastard, he wants to molest me!"

Chu Yufeng was holding his crotch with both hands in the car, wanting to cry, but Liao Yaquan hit him so hard that he wanted to hit the wall and commit suicide in pain.

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