It seems that without Zhou Hexuan's disclosure of the "Tanaka Memorial", only the "China Policy Outline" is enough to make Chinese people of insight filled with righteous indignation.

Just when Zhou Hexuan was about to leave Fengtian and return to Tianjin, tens of thousands of anti-Japanese demonstrations broke out in Fengtian City.

This parade was definitely planned and led by over a hundred female students as the leaders, and the parade team was neat and orderly. They waved various flags and slogans, and even a band played tragic songs, singing "Song of Joining the Army", "Su Wupu" and "Song of Dislike of Japan and Breaking Up Friendship". Every time they passed a Japanese store or clubhouse, they stopped to shout slogans and sing dirges, and when they reached the provincial council mansion, they stopped to give impassioned speeches.

The whole process of the parade was orderly, with consistent steps, no panic, and no excessive behavior.

Instead, they followed the spectators, and after being aroused with anti-Japanese enthusiasm, they insulted the Japanese and smashed the windows of Japanese shops.

The Japanese immediately negotiated with the Fengtian authorities. The Fengtian authorities were terrified. They immediately arrested several leaders of the demonstrations and ordered all girls' schools in Northeast China not to allow female students to cut their hair short. Otherwise, they would be regarded as rebels.

The students were aggrieved, and all schools in Fengtian City, except Northeastern University, went on strike unanimously.

Zhang Zuolin specially sent a telegram back to Fengtian, ordering the principals to ban student activities, and this patriotic anti-Japanese parade finally came to an end.

Zhou Hexuan was timid and spared his life. In the Northeast where the Japanese power was rampant, he didn't dare to show the slightest intention. But as soon as he returned to the Tianjin Concession, he immediately handed over the full text of "Tanaka Memorial" to Hu Zhengzhi, and "Ta Kung Pao" published it on the front page the next day.

As soon as the news came out, readers rushed to buy it, and the sales volume of "Ta Kung Pao" even soared to 60,000 copies.

Even the officials of the News Censorship Office were very angry. Instead of ordering Ta Kung Pao to rectify immediately, they submitted the newspaper to Zhang Zuolin for review.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Zuolin believed it the moment he saw "Tanaka Memorial", because the content was all true, and it matched the recent series of actions of the Japanese. He really thought that some patriots entered the Japanese imperial palace at night to steal books, and cursed: "These bastards have been planning to take over my territory all day long. Mom, please wait for me to free up my hand, so that you little Japan will look good!" "

"Generalissimo, this it going to be ordered to rectify and apologize?" The official of the news censorship office asked anxiously, saying worriedly, "The Japanese have protested, saying that "Ta Kung Pao" distorted the report and that "Tanaka Memorial" is really fake news. "

"Apologize for the fart, mother, please," Zhang Zuolin yelled, "Let them report it, report it vigorously, and let the whole country know."

Zhang Zuolin is full of anger, but an old fox like him will not be arrogant.

Now that the Feng Clan is being besieged by various armies, Zhang Zuolin happened to use the "Tanaka Memorial" to make troubles, calling on all parties to stop the civil war and unite with the outside world. What a good tool of public opinion, he raised himself to the righteousness of the nation in an instant, and all the forces that attacked him were traitors.

Zhang Zuolin not only allowed "Ta Kung Pao" to continue reporting, but also asked all the newspapers in the Fengjun area to reprint it unanimously. Soon the "Shenbao" and "News" in the south also reprinted, and the contents of "Tanaka Memorial" spread all over the country in an instant.

The Fengtian anti-Japanese demonstrations that had just subsided directly spread to the entire Northeast, and many Japanese shops were smashed to pieces.

"Extraordinary, Chinese martyrs entered the Japanese imperial palace at night and stole secret memorials!"

Streets of Shanghai.

The tram was full of employees who went to work in the morning. Some people read the newspaper and cursed: "If you want to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria. If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China... The Japanese are really ambitious. They actually want to swallow The whole of China is not afraid of being choked to death!"

"Not only the whole of China, they even want to occupy South Asia and Southeast Asia." Another person answered.

Some people's attention was also tilted, holding a newspaper and exclaiming: "It's really a righteous man who risked his life to enter the palace to steal a memorial. I don't know what is the real name of this patriotic hero?"

"Of course you can't say your real name, otherwise you will definitely be killed by the Japanese."

"That's right, heroes don't just want to be famous, they just want to live."

"It's a pity that the Japanese are about to invade China, and the warlords are still fighting endlessly."


The impact of "Tanaka Memorial" was terrific. It seemed to pierce the hearts of the Chinese people. Anti-Japanese demonstrations broke out in succession all over the country.

Merchants took the opportunity to push behind the scenes and called for a boycott of Japanese products. In particular, the textile industry is the most active. The competition in textile products has been too fierce in recent years, and domestic products have been overwhelmed by foreign products. How can such a great opportunity be missed?

Not to mention, the boycott of Japanese products was really effective. For several months, the sales of Japanese textile products in China dropped sharply, and the market share was taken by domestic and Western products.

This is probably a side effect of Zhou Hexuan's announcement of "Tanaka Memorial", and he has also contributed to the revitalization of national industries.

Immediately afterwards, newspapers across the country called for an end to the civil war, hoping that all parties would sit down for peace talks, and it would be best if they could unite to form a democratic government.

However, it is not the same, how to fight, and how to fight.

Western powers, including the Soviet Union, reacted fiercely to the "Tanaka Memorial" and severely condemned Japan's wolfish ambitions. Their thinking should be like this: Mommy, if you want to occupy China, you can occupy it, but you are still thinking about our colony, you fucking Japan wants to rebel!

Among them, the Americans reacted the most, because the United States originally wanted to squeeze out Japan's influence in China.

As soon as the memorial incident came out, the United States immediately started negotiations with the three Chinese governments (Peking, Nanjing, and Wuhan) at the same time to discuss how to cancel the US tariff privileges in China and return China the autonomy of tariffs. This move is a full earlier than in history. Year.

Seeing the United States flirting with China, Britain, France and other countries couldn't sit still, and joined the negotiations one after another. The countries unanimously decided that as long as China has a unified and legal government, it will immediately return the autonomy of tariffs.

Well, people want to return the tariffs, but unfortunately they don't know who to pay them back to. China has to finish the battle on this matter.

Zhou Hexuan once again became the focus of national attention, to be precise, it attracted the attention of the world, because the influence of "Tanaka Memorial" is world-class. People couldn't find the righteous man who entered the palace at night to steal books, so they focused their attention on Zhou Hexuan who disclosed the memorial.

Northeast, Kwantung Army secret service agency.

A Japanese chief slapped the table and shouted: "The emperor is furious. Zhou Hexuan must be caught. Remember, he must be caught alive. Ask him who is the one who stole the files!"

Although "Tanaka Memorial" is fake, the content of that document is true, and it is an absolutely confidential document.

Zhou Hexuan is dead!

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