
Ministry of Industry, Department of Commerce, Patent Registration Department.

A middle-aged official looked at the design drawing and frowned: "What a joke, women's bellybands also come to apply for a patent?"

Zhou Hexuan explained: "The West also has this patent, and the application was approved more than ten years ago. I have improved some styles on the basis of Western-style underwear. For example, look at the shoulder straps and tie straps, which are flexible and changeable. Yes, taking into account the woman's fatness and frame size."

"No, no, no, this kind of invention is not practical." The official shook his head again and again, but his eyes showed greed.

For patents in the early years of the Republic of China, you did not apply for them whenever you wanted. The "Patent Law" expressly stipulates that purely theoretical inventions, as well as impractical inventions that cost a lot and have little utility, are not granted patent certificates.

This regulation is too utilitarian, which seriously hinders the development of theoretical science and invention research. At the same time, it has also become a way for patent registration officials to earn money. If you do not bribe, he will say that your invention has no practical use and will not be approved according to the regulations.

Zhou Hexuan took out a check for 200 silver dollars, and took out Zhang Xueliang's handwriting, handed it over and said, "Look again, is it practical?"

The official looked at the check amount, and a smile appeared on his face. He saw Zhang Xueliang's handwriting again, and his attitude turned 180 degrees in an instant. He said enthusiastically, "It turns out that he is a friend of the young marshal. You should have said it earlier. Sir, are you applying for an invention patent or an improvement patent?"

"Improved." Zhou Hexuan said.

The middle-aged official immediately took out a blank improvement certificate, filled in the content, stamped it with a big seal, signed his name and said to Zhou Hexuan, "With this certificate, you can go directly to the next door to apply for the exclusive right to sell products."

After Zhang Zuolin became the commander-in-chief of the Anguo Army, he regarded himself as the head of state. When he returned to Beijing at the beginning of the year, the bureaucrats in the capital also greeted him as a head of state.

Now that he has become the "head of state" of the country, he naturally wants to give benefits to his subordinates, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, a big government office with a lot of money, is also facing the cake. Ever since, the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce was divided into two, becoming the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture.

Registered patents and trademarks are under the jurisdiction of the newly established Department of Commerce of the Ministry of Industry. The patent right was changed to a monopoly right by the newly established new yamen, extending from the previous five-year period to a maximum of fifteen years.

So there are people in the court who are easy to handle. Without Zhang Xueliang's approval note, it is estimated that it would be difficult to obtain a patent for the new underwear. The reason is very simple, this thing is too scandalous, the bureaucrats will not approve it. Even if a patent certificate is obtained, it is difficult for the exclusive right to reach fifteen years.

Now with Zhang Xueliang's note, Zhou Hexuan won the monopoly of the new underwear for fifteen years very easily.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Hexuan went to register the trademark without stopping, and this time it was much smoother. The brand name is "Mei Kou", and the pattern is the upper body silhouette of a beautiful woman.

Although the Beiyang government is a bastard and unable to manage the local area, it is the central government after all, and various national laws and regulations need it to formulate and promulgate. For example, the "Trademark Law" and "Patent Law" were promulgated by the Beiyang government, and local governments implemented them according to the regulations.

In the early years of the Republic of China, trademark management was extremely chaotic. There were not only the central government’s customs trademark registration system in Tianjin and Shanghai, but also the trademark registration of local governments, private chambers of commerce, and trade associations. Anyway, there are various ways to do it. Sometimes the original product is pirated, and you have nowhere to justify it. You don’t know which court to go to for a lawsuit.

Even the central government's right to register trademarks is in the hands of foreign customs officials in Tianjin and Shanghai, and Chinese manufacturers have to look at the faces of foreigners when registering trademarks.

Until four years ago, the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce of the Beiyang government established the Trademark Office. During the four years, seven directors were changed, and the trademark registration rights were gradually withdrawn from foreigners, and trademark offices were set up in Tianjin and Shanghai. Only then did the chaos turn around slightly, and trademarks were managed in a unified manner.

However, provinces controlled by warlords such as Huguang and Sichuan still act on their own. Although they also abide by the "Trademark Law" promulgated by the central government, the specific implementation still has the final say.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce belongs to the Yamen of Oil and Water, and it has attracted the jealousy of all parties since its establishment. It was able to set up a trademark office, promulgate the "Trademark Law", and withdraw trademark registration rights from foreigners. In fact, it was behind the push of big businessmen everywhere.

Nowadays, private chambers of commerce and labor unions are very powerful. If Zhou Hexuan wants to gain a firm foothold, he must choose a chamber of commerce to join, otherwise he will be secretly resisted and suppressed.

What is even more troublesome is that the Southern National Government has just established a business department. He also had to go to the south to re-register the trademark and patent, so that he could get legal support in the south.


Zhou Hexuan returned to Tianjin by train, and not long after arriving home, Wanrong excitedly ran to knock on the door, holding up the drawing as if offering a treasure and saying, "Look, Hexuan, this is the cartoon I drew today."

Zhou Hexuan, Cui Huifu, Cui Huimei and Lu Jingyan are drawn on the drawing, all of whom Wanrong is familiar with. There are also some small animals such as cats and dogs, which are mainly in the cute style, and each one is painted vividly.

In terms of technique alone, Wanrong's cartoons have actually surpassed Zhou Hexuan's teacher.

There is no way, his painting skills are there.

Zhou Hexuan smiled and praised: "It's very good, the painting is already better than mine."

"It's still a little bit worse." Wanrong was complacent, like a child praised by her parents.

"You wait a moment."

Zhou Hexuan took out the pencil and manuscript paper he bought a few days ago, and spent more than ten minutes drawing a series of brief continuous cartoons. He said, "Look at this."

"Your group of comics doesn't seem to be exaggerated and deformed." Wanrong said.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Comics are also divided into various styles, and they don't have to be exaggerated. I write a story, and you can follow the drawing, and then get it serialized in "Ta Kung Pao."

I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang Leping, let's borrow your "San Mao" first. I believe that with your talent, you will definitely be able to recreate a better story.

That's right, Zhou Hexuan wants to copy "The Wanderings of San Mao".

"San Mao" was originally a cartoon, which caused a sensation after being serialized in "Ta Kung Pao", and was eventually adapted into movies and novels.

Wan Rong is a very emotional woman. After reading the first episode of "San Mao" written by Zhou Hexuan, she said tearfully: "This child is so pitiful."

Zhou Hexuan sighed: "There are children like this everywhere in China. If you draw the story into a cartoon and serialize it in a newspaper, maybe it will attract attention and let caring people help those orphans."

"Well, I will draw it well." Wanrong suddenly felt a sense of responsibility, which was an unprecedented experience for her.

Historically, when Wanrong settled in Tianjin, she saw the news of the great famine in Hebei in the newspaper, and specially donated her jewelry to help the disaster. The heart is good, but it's a pity that she grew up with rich clothes and good food, and she didn't know the sufferings of the people.

Zhou Hexuan said: "I'm going to the south in a few days, and I may stay for a month or two. You can draw slowly at home."

"You want to go?" Wanrong was a little bit reluctant, she was used to being with Zhou Hexuan every day.

"Yeah, I'll be back soon." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Wan Rong lowered her head and said, "I will wait for you."

Zhou Hexuan patted the top of her head and said with a smile: "Silly girl, it's not about life and death."

Wanrong didn't know where the courage came from, and she suddenly approached Zhou Hexuan's arms, hugging this man tightly.

Zhou Hexuan was taken aback for a moment, feeling the soft jade's warm and fragrant body, and finally raised his arms to hug Wanrong.

Wanrong's body became hot, and she looked up at Zhou Hexuan obsessively. Suddenly, she stood on tiptoe, lightly pecked Zhou Hexuan's face with her lips, then pushed the man away with all her strength, turned around and fled out of the room quickly, her heart pounding.

Seeing that she was like a frightened deer, Zhou Hexuan couldn't help laughing.

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