The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0787 Dark Invasion

Subterranean creatures appear!

With the continuous expansion of the scope of investigation, in a short period of time, three underground troops under different banners have been discovered on the vast territory of the Altin states.

For a time, the states were shaken, and the highest alarms were sounded in major cities. The messengers even blocked the roads to communicate the latest situation, and all kinds of rumors were clamoring, which shocked the residents of various states three times a day.

For the inhabitants of the surface, the so-called subterranean creatures should only appear in chivalrous novels as downed monsters. They are all ugly and ferocious, holding daggers smeared with venom in their hands, hiding in the deep shadows, ready to attack every human being who dares to enter the dark region at any time.

In the middle of the night, it is the time when these terrifying monsters go out to hunt.

They ran to the surface through zigzagging maze-like underground passages, preying on humans in nearby villages. All humans who run around in the mountains and forests late at night may encounter them.

In every remote village and town, there are legends of these "midnight monsters". Almost every human being on the surface has been indoctrinated with such terrible concepts by adults all the time.

Subterranean organisms are specialized in eating people. They are all monsters. They cannot coexist with surface humans.

This kind of concept can be said to be the inherent cognition of surface humans to the strange underground world. Although there is a taste of demonization, but in essence, there is not much deviation.

Although there are many native aborigines living in the underground world, if you really want to check carefully, you will find that most of the powerful clans that dominate the Underdark are losers in political struggles who were driven from the surface world to the underground. Whether it is a dark elf, a mind flayer, or a beholder, a gray dwarf, or a gnome, they are all outsiders.

Therefore, in a broad sense, the underground world generally holds deep malice and hatred towards the surface world. Any surface human strayed into the underground world usually ends badly. And the drow elves, the powerful underground clan, still maintain the bloody ritual of killing surface races as a coming-of-age ceremony for the descendants of the family.

Most of the frightening legends about underground creatures circulated among the people are based on this.

Under such a background of mutual hatred and mutual hatred, a large-scale underground creature rushed out of the surface. How could this not arouse the attention and tension of the relevant countries?

Due to the unique geographical characteristics of the Underdark region, the entrance and exit from the underground world to the surface is a rare resource, so most of the drow cities on the shallow surface have one or two such safe exits. Those drows in the deep regions who want to go up to the surface to complete the coming-of-age ceremony need to pay them a lot of tolls. This is also an important income for shallow drow cities.

However, the blood sacrifices of the drows in recent years have also allowed the approximate locations of these surface entrances and exits to be mastered by the human kingdom. Therefore, kingdoms with such entrances and exits in many countries will also station elite troops near them to protect the human villages on the left and right. And some wandering strongmen and organized mercenary groups who want to hone their combat skills will also squat near these entrances and exits for a long time, trying to ambush those lone drow who slipped out late at night.

Most of the drow elf slaves in the human kingdom are obtained in this way.

Perhaps because of the theft of the "Dragon Heart", the underground world unexpectedly merged after experiencing a sharp turmoil. They chanted the resounding slogan of "break out of the surface", and launched a propaganda offensive to attack the surface in the entire area of ​​the Underdark, which directly triggered a riot in the entire underground world.

It was the powerful clans who had previously fought underground that provoked this all-field war. They seem to have secretly reached some kind of agreement, no longer attacking each other, but separately looking for a shortest road near their lair, and directly set foot on the surface world.

And the Altin states are obviously very unfortunate. The most powerful drow elite troops among the dark people are pouring out of the entrance and exit of the area where it is located. Moreover, Menzoberranzan City took the lead, uniting a joint force composed of seven or eight drow cities. What was even more frightening was that the drow team was accompanied by an underground black dragon with terrifying combat power.

You know, after thousands of years of hard work in the human world, Klein Continent has completely become a main continent dominated by humans. The giant dragons that used to be active in the sky have gradually retreated into the background with the rise of human beings, and they can no longer be seen in Klein Continent.

The Klein Continent has been without the shadow of the Dragon Clan for thousands of years. But today, the underground black dragon is here!

Therefore, when all the United Cities of the Altin States were panicking, some strong human beings who wished to slay the dragon were applauding and celebrating. This "Dark Invasion".

But this kind of "welfare" is not an isolated incident exclusive to the Altin states, but a comprehensive underground counterattack. Therefore, in several other countries, there have been successive reports of the discovery of traces of underground creatures.

Many beholders have appeared in the wilderness of Elam in the Talanta Plain, and it is said that a small city has already fallen because of this. This can't help embarrassing the country of mercenaries that has the most free legendary professionals. The three major mercenary regiments are working hard to negotiate and jointly send troops to wipe out these hateful invaders.

And in the Kingdom of Xilarg, terrifying mind flayer troops also appeared, and many human villages and towns near the entrances and exits became the rations of monsters. The Kingdom of Xilarg is the Diocese of the Morning Light Church. If they cannot extinguish these dark creatures as soon as possible, then this will definitely shake their powerful image in the hearts of the people of the country and reduce the religious piety of the congregation.

Therefore, a vigorous and massive jihad against the people of darkness is being waged there.


With the rampage of dark creatures, the entire Klein Continent showed signs of turmoil.

The more it comes to this kind of time, the more the major forces must hold on to their own territory, trying hard to stabilize their territory in the coming turmoil, and try their best to devour the defeated.

And in such an atmosphere, Li Xun also summoned many dracolich think tanks, and began to simulate the development of the situation in Klein Continent for a period of time in the future.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that the situation is deduced. Seriously speaking, it is the efforts of many dracolich to sort out the information collected from various places. The more reliable information was directly added to the deduction parameters, and some piece of information about Linzhiclaw was handed over to the dracolich team led by Farina for spell verification.

For this reason, a huge prophecy circle was specially erected in the Undercity Mage Tower.

This is a 12-ring mystic prophecy circle, which requires at least 12 high-level dracolichs to drive it every moment, and the center of the circle is presided over by the witchcraft master Farina. The prophecy circle was born out of mysticism, but after tens of thousands of years of continuous improvement by spellcasters, it has gradually developed its own complete operating system.

Take the 12-ring mystic prophecy circle in front of me as an example! You're saying it's a pile of rubbish. Because this extravagant magic circle, which is purely made of gold, with mithril woven rune lines, and magic gemstones, is both powerful and small. Its strength depends entirely on the talent of the person who presides over the magic circle in divination.

If the host uses a ninth-level wish technique to ask about the future development of Klein's plane, the powerful force of fate will instantly drain the life of all the casters who participated in the prophecy, and no information will be returned.

As for the reason? Hmph, because the vitality required to push the "Wheel of Fortune" to complete this deduction is too great, and you can't support it at all, so you can't get the result. And what caused all this is not that the prophecy circle is not effective, but your delusion to control the grand world of the plane with your small personal power, this is the end of your overreaching.

So experienced prophets understand a truth, the more illusory you ask, the more illusory the feedback you get. Of course, fate can never be wrong, only your understanding is wrong. An ant lying on top of an elephant should never picture a complete elephant in his mind, because that is beyond your comprehension.

Therefore, wishing is the most powerful but most elusive spell, as long as the wishes made are slightly wrong, it is likely to cause unexpected magical effects. In fact, there have been many mages who were not bright enough to suffer from it. Their ill-conceived words had dire consequences, even costing their lives.

For example, you cast a wish on a person who died of poisoning, asking time to go back to the moment before his death. Then when the wish spell is successful, you are very lucky to see that your dead companion is resurrected under the power of the spell. But before a smile blooms on your face, the poison of synchronous backtracking will take his life again.

As a result, an expensive high-level wishing technique was missed.

This is the horror of the wishing technique.

It does answer your prayers and make your "wish" come true. But whether the final result can meet your expected requirements can only be resigned to fate. Of course, if you are not afraid of a wish spell draining your life, you can also pray for him to return to the best life state a year ago. Then the usual result is that you as the petitioner are drained of life and die, and he fails the petition due to insufficient vitality to promote the petition.

This is actually the most common result of the wish spell.

Reversing cause and effect, the cost of violating the rules is often so great that individuals cannot bear it at all.

How could Farina, who has the reputation of "Death Prophet", make mistakes that only rookies would make. Every time she gets information that needs to be verified, she will carefully and carefully choose her own language, choose the appropriate level of wishing, and strive to suppress the prophecy backlash within the range that the magic circle can bear.

Even with such care, Necropolis still lost 3 dracolich in the 2 hour prophecy.

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