The Rise of the Cemetery

0722 The first chapter Mu Lanhe

Talanta Plain Country, also known as the country of mercenaries.

This is a completely free and undisciplined mercenary country, with hundreds of mercenary regiments, large and small. There are even more than a dozen medium-sized mercenary groups with more than a thousand people, and there are even more small mercenary groups with less than a hundred people.

However, it is three large mercenary regiments with over ten thousand members that are in charge of power in this vast land.

Tiger, Scarlet Banner and Inotia.

Each of these three large mercenary groups occupied a core city, and radiated to cover the huge surrounding territory. In the three core cities, the three major mercenary regiments took over all the business inside, and formulated their own unique rules and ruling order, managing the city in the mode of managing mercenaries.

As for the other large and small mercenary regiments, they could only crowd into the remaining dozen or so cities and maintain the city's operation through the co-governance of mercenaries. It can be said that the three major mercenary regiments are the role models for all the remaining mercenary regiments.

Fierce competition and infighting are going on in every mercenary city, and each mercenary group fantasizes that it can squeeze out all competitors like the three major mercenary groups, monopolize a city by itself, and then formulate its own laws.

So in Talanta Mercenary Country, a city is a country, and each region has its own unique laws and regulations. Walking here to do business, without a familiar guide, it is easy to fall into the trade trap laid by the locals.

However, doing business here, not only does not have those exorbitant taxes, but it can also avoid the ubiquitous belief tests of religious forces, so it is still the first choice for major business groups to conduct cross-border trade. Slave trading, shady thieves, contraband, and black market transactions that are banned in many countries are often unimpeded here.

Mulanhe, as a large city on the Senna Plain closest to the commercial road, is also the headquarters of the Scarlet Battle Banner large-scale mercenary regiment. Although there are more than a dozen affiliated mercenary regiments in the city, everyone knows that there is only one faction that can talk here, and that is the Crimson Battle Banner.

And as one of the three major mercenary regiments in the Tarata mercenary country, Scarlet Zhanqi has as many as four legendary powerhouses on the surface.

The head of the team, Nina, is a magic swordsman, a legendary rank, who shocks all the heroes with a lightning fast sword, and her origin is unknown.

The deputy head, Bi Suo, a doctorate (advanced career for scholars), legendary rank, is said to be a high-ranking member of the Secret Society (a loose organization of scholars).

Consultant mage Filizat, spirit contract master, legendary level, has a legendary level contract spirit, and his attack methods are strange and changeable.

Secret agent Warrens, Dusk Blade (advanced assassin class), legendary rank, with ominous attack methods and unknown background.

Due to the strong and high-pressure policies of the Three Kingdoms of Mage and the Four Kingdoms of Religion, most of the warriors could only stick together under the pressure of survival, and became free mercenaries in Talanta. It is precisely because of the existence of such a huge warrior group that the Talanta mercenary country was able to stand on the vast plain with a deformed way of survival.

Basically, in order to maintain a strong deterrent effect, the three major mercenary groups have spent a lot of money to hire legendary spellcasters. In order to win over these powerful spellcasters, the mercenary group even built majestic magic towers soaring into the sky for them.

The magic tower, this kind of magic building may not be too unusual in the mage guild, but it is a real killer in a group of warriors, assassins, barbarians, and bards. A magic tower presided over by legendary spellcasters can easily kill a team of melee-based legendary fighters.

That's why the three major mercenary regiments have built magic towers in their core cities and supported a legendary spellcaster, which has established the unshakable dominance of the three major mercenary regiments.

But the cost of supporting a legendary spellcaster is too high, and the cost of maintaining the magic tower is enough to bankrupt most medium-sized mercenary groups, so they are unable to support more legendary spellcasters. Otherwise, recruiting three or four legendary mages in one go, wouldn't it be possible to unify the mercenary world!

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they really can't do it.

As the most difficult profession to advance to, spellcasters are able to reach the legendary level, all of which have undergone extremely cruel natural elimination. Most of them are no longer enthusiastic about the rich and powerful in the world, and the only thing that can impress them is the precious knowledge that they have never seen before and the rare resources that help them in magic experiments.

If you want to recruit a legendary mage, you must at least build him a magic tower that matches his identity. This alone can block everyone's delusion. Therefore, even with the strength of the three major mercenary regiments and their daily income, they could barely support a legendary spellcaster.

One more is delusional!

So when Li Xun entered Mulanhe in a rickety dilapidated carriage, the first thing he saw was the soaring magic tower in the center of the city.

According to the usual practice, when entering the city gate, Li Xun paid the city entrance tax on a head-by-head basis, and then Li Xun was able to enter the city swaggeringly.

The dilapidated carriage was driving slowly on Mulanhe's spacious bluestone avenue. The entire street was full of traffic, crowds of people, all kinds of people yelling for buying and selling were also coming and going. Although it was a bit messy, it was also very lively.

The shops facing the street are even more eye-catching, with a variety of goods all over the shop, and the flow of people coming and going in and out of it, in an endless stream. Among the crowd, there were quite a few businessmen in a hurry, but there were more adventurers and mercenaries talking with swords and swords in their hands. Guys like them must be listed as dangerous elements in other countries, and they are strictly monitored by city law enforcement, but here, they are free and undisciplined as if they are at home.

Although fighting and killing are prohibited here, stealing is not prohibited, so there are quite a lot of thieves in the crowd. This place is simply a paradise for thieves and rogues. If you stay here for a year and a half, you can easily practice your theft skills to the full level.

Li Xun was still picking up the curtain on the side of the car with great interest to look around. Maggie, who was dressed as a coachman, had already reminded in a low voice: "Master, we are almost at the Blood Rose Mercenary Group!"

Li Xun collected his attention, and then noticed that as the old carriage turned left and right in Mulanhe City, it was getting farther and farther away from the central main street. The road ahead is getting narrower, shops are starting to be scarce, and the houses along the way already feel dilapidated and outdated.

At intervals, one could glimpse a large area of ​​tall and sturdy stone houses, which looked like large warehouses, and groups of fully armed mercenaries were guarding the door. And the equipment of these mercenaries is undoubtedly many times better than those of those wandering mercenaries, not only have neat standard leather armor and weapons, but also a unified chest emblem.

However, Li Xun had never been in Mu Lanhe before, and he was completely unfamiliar with these rare beast-like beast heads. Therefore, along the way, listening to Maggie explaining the mercenary regiments these badges belonged to, and the interesting unknown stories behind each mercenary regiment, was quite enjoyable.

It can be seen that the whole Mulanhe is a large loose market. Except for a few main avenues in the hands of the Scarlet Battle Banner mercenary group, the rest of the streets and residential areas were sold to different mercenary groups in the form of outsourcing, allowing them to use them as headquarters or warehouses. If you want to build commercial facilities such as taverns, hotels, casinos, and auction houses, that's okay, but you need to pay a lot of money to the Scarlet Battle Banner.

Therefore, along the way, every block is a camp belonging to different mercenary regiments, and the fully armored mercenaries coming in and out are very lively. However, this kind of freedom is only for their own people. Once outsiders enter their defense zone, they will be strictly checked and interrogated.

Perhaps it was the majestic magic tower that gave Scarlet Battle Banner its unparalleled confidence, and perhaps it was the four legendary strongmen who were strong enough to suppress all external thorns, which made them allow the various mercenary groups to blatantly attack in the city. Have your own independent armed forces.

This should be placed in a country with strict laws and regulations. I am afraid that all their weapons have been confiscated when they entered the city. How can they be allowed to yell and drink six times and form their own system.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the carriage stopped at the entrance of the Blood Rose Mercenary Group's garrison.

Li Xun got out of the car and looked around for a while, and couldn't help nodding secretly, it seems that his subordinates still know how to keep it secret!

What stood in front of Li Xun was not a common wooden building, nor an exquisite and gorgeous noble mansion, but a huge square fortress. The main building is made of huge stones, and there is a wide and thick wall on the outside. Below the wall is a dry moat. There are countless horses and pointed fences inserted in it. No one can pass through such a defense without paying any price. .

Seriously speaking, this is still a large warehouse with strong fire protection. It's just that compared with the warehouses seen along the way, it is closer to a military fort and a battle fort.

Passed through the heavily guarded patrol team, entered the interior of the building, and shuttled for a long time among the disorderly piles of huge wooden boxes and containers. Maggie, who was leading the way, flipped some mechanism on a pile of large wooden boxes in the middle of the warehouse. The wooden boxes that could not be moved just now were turned over and overturned, revealing a gradually sloping dark hole, and the bluestone steps were faintly visible.

After traveling underground for about half a mile, the two of them emerged from the ground again. In a gloomy room, three guys in noble costumes have been waiting here for a long time.

"I have seen the master!" Seeing Li Xun's appearance, three noble blood magicians knelt down on one knee at the same time.

These are the eyes, ears and sentries that the Gorefiend had planted in Mulanhe.

As a large cemetery, it has already upheld Li Xun's will and regarded the Klein plane as the main plane where he is rooted. Therefore, he is also working hard to control the basic development trend of the major countries. In order to obtain internal intelligence of various countries more conveniently, the Cemetery is also working hard to install strongholds and intelligence personnel in various countries.

Shadow Killers may be qualified as assassins and spies, but they want to establish strongholds and offices on the bright side, and their bodies that are too undead can't hide it at all.

So this task was contracted by Gorefiend.

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