The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0056 ending

Chapter 0056 ending

With the soul weaver in his hand, Li Xun had to face those hundreds of cavalrymen. First, the fireball ring on the handle was activated, and each fireball exploded to cover a radius of 2 meters. Seven or eight fireballs fell together, killing a total of 3 unlucky cavalrymen, but the continuous roaring noise was accompanied by The flying flesh, smoke and grass fragments shattered the cavalry formation, and the terrified horses ran around uncontrollably. Instead, the seven cavalrymen fell off their horses because of their own collisions, and all of them fell to the ground. Without shame, Li Xun gladly included these people in his own harvest. Relying on his magical protection, he started to fly low and use magic missiles and other level 1 spells to kill the enemies, and used spider web and greasy spells to interfere with the formation of cavalry so that they could not attack. The battle formation of the City Guards.

Siris was in charge of dealing with the small mercenary group on the left and the "spies" in the rear. Because the enemies were too scattered, the fireball technique flew slowly and was easily blocked by shields and other objects, so the gains were not great, so she had to use lightning and other Single-target spells silently kill, and often a bolt of lightning will be sent over, and a mercenary will fall down suddenly with a scorched face. Although it is not as tragic as Kasas's, it is still steadily reducing the number of enemies.

Although the enemy has been prepared for a long time, equipped with a large number of crossbows, and can rely on a large number of concentrated shots to destroy the protective arrows around the mage, they still cannot break through the final magic protection. . This also confirms the famous saying on the battlefield that has been passed down for a long time: the only enemy of a mage is the mage.

All kinds of people on the battlefield were seen by Zena who was hidden in the distant woods, and secretly cursed these incompetent allies in her heart. It was a bunch of trash to be able to make such a bad situation with a three-sided encirclement. I was even more vigilant in my heart. The battle on the surface and the underground are almost two different modes. I can't make this mistake again. In the dark area, due to environmental constraints, it is difficult for mages who have not mastered the teleportation technique to distance themselves from the enemy, so they are often killed by daggers or crossbow arrows protruding from the shadows. On the surface, only 3 middle-level mages, As long as you fly into the air, you will become an invincible god of the battlefield. Even a simple fireball technique can suppress a group charge of hundreds of people, and make hundreds of cavalry dodge left and right. This is really unimaginable in the past. things! But this is also due to the poor equipment of the allies. If they can be equipped with magic-breaking crossbows and magic-resistant armor, would mages dare to fly around at low altitudes so unscrupulously? If you fly to a high altitude and throw a fireball, the flight time in the air will take 4-5 seconds, and the soldiers on the ground can always have time to dodge, and there will never be such a situation where 4-5 people gather together and have to worry about it.

It seems that to fight mages on the surface, we must try to lure the enemies into a narrow area, compress their range of activities, and kill them quickly with a small team assault. But this is all for the future, how to solve the current situation?

He wanted to encircle him on three sides and force the opponent into his own jungle. The dark elf's magic-breaking crossbow arrows smeared with anesthesia would definitely be able to capture the target smoothly, but now that the frontal battlefield has been turned into mud, will the target enter his ambush zone? With the help of the mage, the more than 200 city guards had the upper hand in spite of heavy casualties, and did not flee as expected. On the contrary, the city guards near the gate of the village had already begun to gather their troops, which seemed like a sort of attack for reinforcements. When they intervene in the battle, it will be the turn of the encircled coalition of thieves to have a headache how to withdraw from the battlefield.

It can be said that the only failure in the entire battlefield is the gray wolf's 120-man cavalry. The whole battlefield was so sluggish because of Gray Wolf's cautiousness. If he didn't care about cavalry casualties, and the 120 cavalry were divided into multiple cavalry teams to charge the city guards, the city guards would have collapsed. Xun alone in the air cannot be blocked no matter what. It was because of his waiting and watching that more than 100 cavalry went around, only shouting and building momentum on the outside, but refused to enter the pincer area of ​​the two mages, so that nearly half of the city guards with more than 200 casualties Still being able to stalemate with Vulture's sword and shield soldiers gave Casas a chance to overturn the balance.

Several bandit leaders at the battlefield also noticed the change of the city guard at the gate of the village, and immediately had different reactions. The "city guard spies" who were wandering in the rear to prevent the mage and the Antok knights from reuniting saw the situation was not good early, and spontaneously aimed their arrows at the thieves. And the gray wolf is even more straightforward, with a whistle, there are still nearly a hundred cavalrymen who start to flee the way they came, causing the vultures who are fighting to shout and curse

. There are only 270 of Vulture's 400 sword and shield soldiers left, and they are fighting closely against the city guards. Under the threat of the mage overhead, it is difficult to withdraw completely. Gray Wolf, the bastard, let go and freed the other mage. At the thought of facing the bombardment of two mages, Vulture's blue face turned pale from anger.

Escape, must escape!

That bastard Gray Wolf doesn't know what's going on today, but Vulture knows it all. Today's target is not the Allied Forces of Dubin City, but the three mages flying in the sky, to be precise, the female mage behind. I expected that the encirclement on three sides would drive them to the jungle on the right, where there would naturally be other "people" to deal with them, but I really didn't expect this situation to be broken. Forget it, fleeing and leading them into the ambush area can be regarded as completing the mission in disguise, but the roles of chasing and fleeing have been switched!

Then an unexpected rout occurred, the remaining sword shield soldiers and mercenary group greeted each other, and fled to the predetermined jungle on the right at the same time. In the chaos, it was impossible for all bandits to be so unanimous. The battlefield was in chaos for a while, and many bandits began to flee to the nearest jungle, but the largest one was still firmly turning to the right under the leadership of the vulture.

The three of Kasas, who knew it well, regrouped in the air to repair their defenses, and led the city guards to hunt down the enemy. To be honest, since joining the city guard army, this guard unit, which has not seen any bloodshed, is not considered a qualified soldier, but today it is rare to persevere in the encirclement of the enemy. Encouraged by the great victory, he also let go of his courage to stick to the enemy's rear with his sword and axe. It is conceivable that the Viscount will surely gain a group of elite veterans who dare to fight and fight. Got it.

The Antok knights also completed their team at this time, leading people to join the pursuit queue, and poked a big gash in the enemy's scarred body. In the end, less than 150 bandits were able to escape into the jungle on the right. The murderous city guards couldn't control the military commandments of Lin Mojin, and swarmed into the jungle. Although the mature and prudent Antok knights wanted to gather troops back to the camp, they saw the three mages who followed without saying hello. Lin Shao chased him in, but he had no choice but to give up, and followed behind to kill the remnant soldiers. After all, this big victory was the result of the efforts of the three mages to turn the tide. I was too cautious in the early stage to achieve anything, and it would be a bit ignorant to stop it now.

Zena led the dark elf trial team to lie in ambush on a few big trees in the middle of the dense forest. With the dense leaves covering her body, relying on the exquisite concealment technique of the dark elves to stay still, she silently took out the carved Folding crossbows with exquisite patterns and special crossbow arrows with the effect of destroying demons and armor, let the troops below chase and flee, screaming and killing, and only focus on the flying along the forest tops. The three mages raised their bows and crossbows together, holding their breath and waiting for them to enter the best range.

The three mages flying in the forest shoot down fireballs from time to time, driving away the large group of bandits, and the route went straight to the ambush point of the dark elves. At the moment when he was about to enter the ambush point, three huge bursting fireballs slammed into the big tree where the dark elves were hiding, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally. It was too late when Zena realized the danger, and the three fireballs exploded loudly The entire dark elf team was swallowed in an instant. For a while, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and tree branches were broken. Only 2 of the 15-member team survived.

It stands to reason that with the dark elves' mithril chain armor and their own magic resistance, plus everyone's own magic scrolls, facing mid-level mages will never be so miserable. It's only because they only want to sneak attack each other and are afraid of blessings. After the magic protection, the opponent noticed the magic aura, so all the protection scrolls were not used, and the team was too dense. The three bursting fireballs exploded concentratedly, and their power superimposed on each other, killing most of the dark elves in one fell swoop.

The two surviving dark elves included Priestess Zena and the martial art chief. The high-quality black scale armor on her body and the absence of the central point saved Zena's life, and the martial art chief jumped out of the explosion purely by agility. Only then did the center survive, but the two were equally injured. The hair leaking from the body was all scorched black and yellow, and the back of the hand that covered the face was burned away by the magical flames. The severe shock caused the two of them to almost vomit blood, and it is estimated that their internal organs were also injured by the concussion.

The two who fell from the big tree slowed down their speed by using the floating technique, and immediately activated the talent "deep darkness technique". Two groups of dull black mist "bang bang" quickly covered a radius of ten meters, and continued to roll outward spread. After Casas managed to dispel the darkness, the two of them were nowhere to be found. This made Siris hate her. If Li Xun and Casas hadn't dissuaded her, she would have used fireballs to blow up the woods. A mess, to vent the depression of not catching the culprit.

The three of them greeted Antok, and then returned to the camp in a calm manner. When they left the woods, Li Xun looked back at the distance, smiled mysteriously, with a dark expression of a fox stealing an old hen .

Compared to Siris's depression, Zena was almost insane. She had just escaped from danger and treated the wound in a hidden place before she couldn't help but use the three-headed snake-headed whip to knock the martial artist to the ground. After a burst of almost frantic venting, Zena finally calmed down when the chief martial artist was already on the verge of death. Thinking of her complete defeat and everything she had sacrificed, Zena's body trembled like chaff. Bringing such a result back to the family, I will definitely be vented by the mistress in the most cruel way, and the goddess I believe in is not a tolerant person who can accept failure. Being a soul-bound corpse is the best treatment I can imagine. Thinking of the scariest spider elves, Zena collapsed to the ground and even lost the strength to stand up.

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