Today's leader is the corpse king, and the aura blessings that can be brought to hatred are defense and resilience. It's a pity that the initial defense of the abomination is too low, even with the defense blessing, it still can't withstand the piercing attack of the horned demon.

But today's main combat force is not the abomination, but the death knight.

These are a group of icy figures holding giant sabers, all wearing horrifying black full-body armor, with black cloaks inside red fluttering behind them, and the purple flames unique to high-level undead burning in the narrow viewing holes under the helmets. There is an indescribable elegance in the posture of sitting on the tall skeleton war horse.

Although it seems that there are not many of them, there are only a dozen or so, but when they stand quietly in front of the Lich, even if the first line of meat shield defense has been broken through, even if most of the demons stepped on the fallen The abomination had already rushed within 50 meters, and they couldn't move their bodies perched on the skeleton horses.

The cold aura emanating from them put heavy pressure on the oncoming demons, causing them to unconsciously slow down their running pace.

The ground was trembling, and when the stern wind from the abyss blew across the battlefield, it also became more and more violent, making a sharp whining sound.

It wasn't until a hidden spiritual fluctuation echoed in the air that these silent statues made of steel made a slight movement. The clear and crisp sound of "choking" the sword was drawn, and more than a dozen black lightning bolts suddenly lit up on the battlefield, lifting and chopping down...

The skeletal war horses under the death knight's crotch stood up one after another, neighing high and sharply, and the huge bony horseshoes fell together with the light of the knife, just in time to meet the first wave of long-horned demons rushing forward.

The horned devil's thick and tough devil's hard skin has become a parchment that can be broken at this moment, and it can't compete with the nearly 2-meter blade in the death knight's hand. The huge heads are accompanied by the blue-purple devil's blood. Flying in mid-air. When the huge horseshoe fell, there was a dull "bang bang" sound from the scene.

Dozens of gray clouds of death shot out from the gap between the death knights, and repeatedly exploded in the demon vanguard, closing the gap between the hatred and the death knights into a thick dead air.

Such a degree of negative energy attack is simply not something the anti-magic skin of these low-level demons can bear. They clutched their own throats one by one, pushed away their companions who were blocking the way, and desperately escaped from the range shrouded in death. The all-pervasive dead air stained the demon's body, like a thick strong acid splashed on it, and black smoke rose directly, and the indigo-colored skin was suddenly infected with gray, and countless dark spots emerged.

When these dark spots began to connect into pieces, the surface skin had already begun to fall off automatically, exposing the red flesh and bones that were constantly wriggling underneath.

Those demons who ran out of the range of death energy in time were better, but their skin fell off here and there, like a mangy dog. But for those who didn’t come out in time, the exfoliated skin became a breakthrough point for the erosion of death energy, and the sound of death energy eroding the flesh and blood from the red alder fruit resounded all over the body, and these demons in pain wailed and rolled all over the ground .

As a result, the demon strikers who were still excited just now were immediately knocked out of their bravery, and their crazy consciousness was frightened by the continuous death, and they realized for the first time the ferocity of the undead in front of them.

When the death knight urged his horse forward to charge, a few extraordinarily tall figures floated out from the group of corpse witches. These guys seem to be a full 4 meters tall. The dark purple light bands and the green undead flames form a set of gorgeous robes on their bodies, and the hoods hang down to cover their faces. Holding an especially terrifying death scythe in his arms, a dark red light flows on the blade of the scythe, which looks like countless dried blood coagulated.

When the main forces of the two sides collided and fought at the foot of the mountain, Li Xun was looking around, not even taking a look at the bloody battlefield. Today's main target is still on the mountain. Putting the undead into the battlefield at this time can easily scare away those snake demons who are still on the sidelines. Therefore, the five undead just showed their faces and stayed behind the Lich. In front of the group, they did not charge with the death knight.

The snake demons on the top of the mountain couldn't help getting restless.

Unexpectedly, among the undead who attacked today, there are such a large number of spellcasters. Although the spells cast were very simple, the range of the spells and the frequency of the spells still surprised these fighters who mainly depended on their bodies for food. Judging from these two indicators alone, almost all of these undead spellcasters have reached the mid-to-high level.

This realization couldn't help but make the six-armed snake demon frown beautifully.

A large group of... middle and high-level spellcasters...

Such excellent subordinates, not to mention ordinary small lords, even the subordinates of big lords who bully thousands of miles are rare. Could it be... Could it be that they are the direct subordinates of a certain plane lord, wanting to plot this plane?

Unlike his simple-minded subordinates, Naka has understood a lot of things ignorantly since she advanced to the six-armed snake demon. While the sultry abyssal wind of the past chilled her body, it also brought her some scattered memory fragments. The reason why she chose to place her lair here was to be closer to the River Styx and have a higher probability of capturing these memory fragments that were blowing with the wind.

Perhaps, these memory fragments are just a very small part of a broken soul, but as long as they are captured, a certain period of life experience of an unknown object can be extracted from them.

These memory fragments are too broken, messy and unsystematic, which often give her headaches and confusion. But memory is knowledge, knowledge is ability, and it is another means for her to gain ability growth besides honing her body. In addition, it may also contain some emotion that made her palpitate, which made her fascinated.

Originally, she didn't have a name, at least her real name hadn't yet manifested, so she chose Naka as her name. It's a pity that only she knew this name, and she didn't even tell her closest relatives, because it was the name of the hostess of a memory fragment she had absorbed.

At least in the past, these so-called planes, lords and other knowledge did not exist in her brain, but now through the absorption of memory fragments, she has learned a lot of inexplicable knowledge.

At least Naka can tell that the undead in front of her are too different. They don't have the clumsiness and dullness of ordinary undead creatures. Instead, they appear flexible and changeable, and they are disciplined... yes, they are disciplined.

Although the undead creatures will show a certain degree of coordination under the drive of high-level undead, it is a kind of order in chaos. The whole shows order, but the individual is still chaotic. But in front of them, these undead are forbidden, well-equipped, and well-organized, which is obviously the characteristic of the army!

Plane invasion?

A strange word suddenly came to mind. Although she didn't quite understand the word, Naka instinctively felt that her homeland could not be kept.

The devil doesn't have any natural affiliation, and she doesn't have a so-called superior to ask for help, so Naka has already used all the strength she can show. If she really couldn't keep her homeland, she would rather fight bloody battles with the enemy and paint her body with the enemy's blood.

Although the undead have no blood.

Seeing the cannon fodder that she had enslaved so hard crowded between the abomination and the death knight, being strangled by the continuous cloud of death, Naka couldn't help hissing and scolding. She tried her best to straighten the snake's tail, making herself taller, swung the sharp long knife in her arm, pointed downward, and rushed down the mountain with many tribesmen.

An extremely chaotic battlefield suddenly entered a new force, which was oppressive to the direction of the battle.

Originally, it was the abomination and the death knight who were trapping the demon cannon fodder, but now, instead, the remaining 6 abominations were surrounded by the demonic forces.

Most of the horned demons, quasi demons, and little demons are naked and unarmed, relying on their strong bodies and great strength to fight against the enemy, but this group of snake demons are all brandishing shiny metal long knives, The sharp and cold knife array cut into the battle situation.

The abominations who were already scarred and scarred almost met each other, and they were cut into pieces. The huge body and excellent resilience are not helpful in fighting against the rolling sword array. Hate's powerful attack is too slow for the slender and nimble snake demon... so slow that they can bend down and sneak under the big guillotine, and write a few words on the hate belly by the way The point, of course, is to write with a knife.

The billowing array of knives, the dazzling blade light, and the indomitable momentum, these are the intuitive feelings brought to Li Xun by the snake demon in charge.

Looking at the destroyed front line of human shields, Li Xun also felt a lot of emotion. As its enemies become stronger and stronger, the unit of hatred has shown a certain decline. It is difficult to continue to shine in large-scale battles, and it is time to find ways to improve.

"Aren't we going yet?" Xi Lisi, who was standing beside her, frowned all the time. The bloody and brutal battlefield made her feel uncomfortable in every way, and her stomach was upset, but she still stood here firmly, without trying to avoid, let alone Let yourself spit it out. In addition to persistence, she still has time to carefully observe the evolution of the battle situation between the enemy and us, and timely remind her sweetheart who is obviously in a fugue.

"This is the way the cemetery clan fights, Siris. The cemetery is not afraid of sacrifice, as long as it can win!" Li Xun finally had a little look in his eyes, which indicated that he had returned his thoughts to the battle in front of him. Middle: "Fighting with demons is a bit annoying. Almost all high-level demons have mastered the teleportation technique. It is difficult to distinguish the front line from the back line in front of them."

"Are you worried about them raiding the Lich?" Siris suddenly asked.

"This is inevitable! No matter which plane you are in, you must kill the opponent's spellcasters and spellcasters at the first moment of battle. Demons are better at doing this. So we don't feel sorry for losing more abominations, but... "

Li Xun looked around at the ten corpse witches around him, and didn't continue talking.

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