The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0308 Depressed Alsace

The main force of this operation is the Black Blade Knights led by Alsace, supplemented by some undead native mercenaries. Due to the lack of troops in Stratholme, only part of the necromancer Plataja mage group went out to fight, and most of them had to stay in the city. Therefore, the magic power in this sneak attack seemed a little lacking.

However, the hunger and thirst for war has already burned everyone's heart, and the raid was carried out as scheduled.

The highest undead left behind by the enemy in the base camp was a level 11 ghoul, and he was frightened when he heard that an unknown force was coming.

Although they are called camps here, they are so crude and rough that it is unsightly. Due to the lack of wood and large stones, there is only a "wall" made of scattered broken stones around the vast and huge camp, which is less than half a meter high, and even a low-level zombie can easily climb in. . If the zombie is not careful when turning over, it is easy to step on these simple "walls" that are simply stacked without any reinforcement.

So when the little ghoul leader stood on tiptoe on a high platform and saw rows of undead knights marching side by side under the huge smoke, he immediately fell into despair.

"Drive those zombies over here, let them stand closer..." the little ghoul leader waved his sharp claws and shouted loudly, and a dozen ghosts immediately followed his orders.

After all, the little boss of the ghouls has experienced tens of thousands of years of war, and the basic idea of ​​fighting against the undead knights is still correct. The only regret is that the movement of the zombie group is too slow. The Knights have arrived.

In mid-air, half a mile behind the Ebon Blade Knights, there are nearly two hundred huge bat demons spreading their wings and gliding towards this place, and they are filled with undead mercenaries of various shapes.

Under the command of Alsace, the Knights of the Ebon Blade slightly deflected their attack arrows, avoided the rudimentary frontal battlefield, drew a perfect arc, jumped over the low "wall", and cut in from the flanks. A swarm of wriggling zombies.


There was a continuous dull impact sound, countless broken zombie limbs were thrown back, and rotting thick black blood splashed everywhere. Looking down from above, the right wing of the zombie group, which was still dark just now, seemed to have been stroked by a wooden comb, and there were several obviously wide gaps in it. All the zombies that stood in the way of the death knight's charge were either crushed or trampled down.

In such a chaotic situation, it is difficult for the fallen zombies to get up again. They can only howl helplessly under the countless black and smelly feet of their companions, and eventually turn into sticky meat sauce.

The Knights of the Ebon Blade rushed past without turning their horses and continued to mop up the zombie crowd. After all, these were only low-value prey, and the Liches who were forming a formation not far away were the primary target today.

Compared with the orthodox corpse witches in the cemetery, these naturally evolved wild corpse witches have uneven strength, lack of equipment, and single spells, so they are not qualified spellcasters. But the caster is the caster, even if the caster mixed with water gathers into a group, it is a terrifying force.

Apparently, the front line is also very eager for this kind of spellcaster, so there are not many Lichs staying in the camp, only twenty or thirty are sparse. They sensed the chaos in the outside world, and got out of their own tattered tents one after another. When they saw the undead knights rushing into the camp to kill wantonly, they realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly tried to get together with stiff legs.

It's a pity that it's too late.

Due to the incompetence of the meat shield zombies, the charge of the Ebon Blade Knights was not hindered at all. When the group of miscellaneous spellcasters finally got together and were chanting spells in a hurry, the death knight had already rushed forward.

If they had known this before, they might as well not gather together, and spread out and cause sporadic damage, but now they are wasting time on the road, and when they sounded the spell, they were just eaten by the death knight.

This is the huge difference between having a command and not having a command. If the tactics chosen are wrong, it is easy to help others and disgust yourself.

The tall and ferocious undead knights passed by. Amid Alsace's high-pitched reminder, the blades of all the undead knights involuntarily lowered their blades again, and slashed across the necks of the lichouts in unison. It didn't hurt the heads where their soul fires were located.

It's a pity that there are always a few bad luck. The severed head crashed into the armor of an undead knight while flying, or fell to the ground and was trampled into powder by huge horseshoes.

The green-haired zombie Moros, who was still in the air a hundred meters away, slapped his thigh, clenched his fist and screamed regretfully. These are all points, just ruined by those big black guys. There seemed to be a lot of dark things in the enemy camp, but most of them were low-value skeleton zombies, and there were only a few high-value targets that could make the undead mercenaries excited. Now that the black big men of the Knights have already succeeded in taking one, if they don't act quickly, they will lose money in this battle.

Following Moros' loud command, all the bat demons no longer landed on the periphery to rest as before, but flew straight into the chaotic camp, and went straight to a group of high-level undead who were different from the surrounding ones. This group of undead looks majestic, but their real strength is between level 5 and 10. Now they are no longer seen by the fully armed undead mercenaries.

The bat demon was still descending at high speed in mid-air, and the impatient green-haired zombie Moros had already jumped up and jumped down when he was 20 meters above the ground. Moros, who weighs two to three hundred catties, plus the armor and shield weapons all over his body, is like a heavy piece of iron hitting the body of a wight. After the loud bang, the corpse demon was smashed into meat paste from the middle, and broke into two twitching upper and lower parts.

"Hey, boy, I'm sorry!" Moros, who didn't have the slightest sincerity, smiled at the head of the wight when he stood up, and shouted loudly to Alsace who had just rushed not far away: "Alsa Master Si, this place has already been contracted by us, please change the route!"

Alsace, covered by a black mask, spat angrily, swung his horse's head, and led the Ebon Blade Knights to another place. This cunning bastard is good at snatching loot, so he has to move quickly, otherwise all the bastards in the sky will jump down to encircle the target, and he will only be left with a group of zombies to kill.

It's a pity that things in the world are always good but not bad.

With the example of Moros in front, before the undead knights rushed to the next target, another mercenary boss jumped down desperately, and took the lead to circle the undead.

Alsace waved his hand bitterly, and the skeleton warhorse stood up. He also took the opportunity to check the enemy's distribution in the camp. Damn it, running on the ground is not as good as flying in the sky! At a glance, undead mercenaries have appeared around all high-value target groups. There was even a mercenary leader who jumped down from a height of 50 meters in order to be one step ahead, shouting "This is ours!" in mid-air, and then loaded the densely packed In the crowd of undead, he is not afraid of falling himself to death.

With such three turns and two turns, the huge camp was already full of fights, and the majestic Black Blade Knights could not find anyone worthy of the knife. Oro, who was hiding behind a death knight's horse, gave a "puchi" smile, pointed to the most conspicuous high platform in the arena, and smiled sinisterly: "The coach there is mine! Please also invite the leader of the Knights of the Black Blade Turn around and chop zombie skeletons!"

After saying that, his figure darkened and he disappeared in place.

"Damn, fuck..." Alsace, who is usually very particular about etiquette, couldn't help cursing desperately at this moment, looking left and right to no avail, he could only cough and sigh and lead many undead knights towards the largest number of zombie clusters.

An hour later, the shouts of killing in the camp had faded away. Zombie skeletons that were once densely packed were scattered around the camp in various grotesque postures. Most of them have lost their limbs. Looking around, there are disabled undead crawling all over the ground looking for their bodies.

The large enemy group has been cleared, and some sporadic small battles are still going on in the camp. In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is fighting. The most accurate term should be hunting. Some low-value rebels have been chopped into meat paste like melons and vegetables. Only those high-value undead, the native undead mercenaries are willing to spend some time and energy to capture them intact and preserve the greatest value. .

So in many locations, a dozen or so undead mercenaries formed a group, and 3-5 high-level undead were banned inside, and they were working hard to bring down one by one, trying not to hurt their vital organs and soul fire.

The bat demons in the periphery are also taking off and landing hard, bringing the tightly bound and defeated high-ranking undead back to Stratholme. Every undead mercenary team is carefully counting their own gains. Curse of rough hands and broken booty.

The undead knights under Alsace had already spread out, and began to harvest those who escaped from the periphery. Alsace shook the reins lightly, and the super skeleton warhorse under him came to the most central high platform with elegant and leisurely steps.

This is the center of the camp commander.

Black blood flowed across the 3-meter-high earthen platform, and all kinds of broken limbs and arms were scattered scattered. The ghoul and the personal guards directly under it had been dismantled, leaving only the bare torso rolling all over the ground, covered with The mouth of the fangs is still opening and closing angrily.

"Do you need help?" Alsace rode his warhorse straight up to the commanding platform, trampled by the huge iron hooves of the skeleton warhorse, several hapless ghouls were trampled with huge defects.

"You did it on purpose!" Oro's short figure suddenly appeared at the corner of the high platform, complaining dissatisfiedly.

"You should learn from them. Killing may be your strong point, but how to improve the quality of the harvest, Moros and the others are much better than you. At least they won't be as bloody as you!" Alsace Pushing away the heavy mask, revealing a pale and stern face, lead gray long white hair came out from the gap in the helmet, slowly fluttering in the wind.

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