The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 459: Godfather in yellow robe

Three hours after Olaf was attacked, the Castle of the Three Crowns was set ablaze, and half of the sky in Stockholm was red.

The usually warm-hearted citizens now have no courage to take to the streets to fight the fire, and the whole city has fallen into silence.

The night came at 6 o'clock. The blood outside the Three Crowns Palace had been washed by the Vikings with water on both sides, but the dark red blots could not be washed cleanly, and there was an endless smell of blood in the air. .

The whale oil lamp was lit in the throne room, Olaf put on a golden linen robe and sat on the throne, while Christina sat on a small stool in front of him with messy hair.

There was no one in the hall, but Viking Berserkers stood outside the hall. They looked nervously at the hall, and seemed to be predicting what kind of shocking news would be brewing under the rule of the two Swedish empires.

Olaf raised an unquestionable rhetorical question to Christina two hours ago, which gave Christina a characterization. Regardless of whether Christina was actually involved in this assassination, Olaf believed that she was the mastermind behind it, and then he In order to give an explanation to all the warriors of the Viking Legion and the Iron Cavalry Legion, and even more to myself.

It's just that Olaf's purpose is not to kill Christina, which will cause the Swedish Empire to lay the groundwork. Olaf wanted to give Christina a chance, so the father and daughter finally sat in the hall and talked as usual. , but the topic was not warm at all.

Christina straightened her hair and sneered: "Godfather, are you trying to kill me? I think you have had the ambition to usurp the kingdom since you overthrew Prime Minister Uxensena?"

After speaking, seeing Olaf's silence, Christina's voice became louder: "No, maybe you already had ambitions when you became a deputy minister, Godfather, why can't you preserve your reputation and be a perfect sage Is it not good?"

Olaf shook his head gently and said, "I built the flourishing Swedish Empire, and I can only lead it. My son, it's not that I have to be a usurper, but the general trend is here, and no one can stop it."

Olaf sighed, stood up and said, "What you are thinking of is the rise and fall of the Swedish Empire, I am thinking of northern Europe, the two sides of the Baltic Sea, the three continents of Asia and Europe, without me, Russia will challenge Sweden within 30 years. Seize the Baltic Sea mouth, as well as Poland, Shinra, France, England, do you think there is no strong enemy in Europe? They are either staring at the land on the southern coast of the Baltic or staring at sea power, I have built the Swedish Empire into a behemoth , like a snowball rolling down from the top of a mountain, no one can control it, and no one can resist it."

Christina shook her head gently and said, "Godfather, will you kill me?"

Olaf looked at Christina with tears in her eyes, and said hesitantly, "Why did you want to kill you? Of course not."

Christina asked: "Then what are you going to do? I'm already the mastermind of your assassination. Can an army of hundreds of thousands tolerate me alive?"

Olaf took a deep breath and said, "You give me the great emperor of the Swedish Empire, and I will send you to Vinland and give you land no smaller than Sweden. You can live in Vinland incognito in the future."

Christina shook her head stubbornly and gently: "Godfather, do you really want your reputation? After this assassination, can you be a great emperor without being criticized?"

Olaf smiled and said, "Politics is the dirtiest and most shameful thing in the sewer. Isn't the king also a politician? I'm already rolling in the mud pit, am I afraid of sticking to the stinky mud?"

Christina smiled sadly and said, "I did the math, but I just didn't expect that Godfather, you've changed. You don't care about your reputation anymore. Mr. Fan misunderstood me..."

Olaf frowned and said, "No matter what you do now, the Swedish Empire can't escape from my palm. Seven or eighty thousand troops will arrive in Stockholm in five days at the latest. Do you want to force me to kill you? Force me Bloodbath Stockholm?"

"You have to know that the army who learned that I was assassinated and rushed over are all angry. They will not give up if they don't see me, but they will definitely not let me suffer when they see me and learn about the situation, and let them die tragically in front of the palace. The Viking soldiers died in vain, they are bound to vent their anger, and I must let them vent their anger!"

Christina knew that the mode of war was always burning, killing and looting, no matter friend or foe, since Olaf's army came with the will to fight, unless they were satisfied, Stockholm's fate could be imagined.

Perhaps it was Olaf's words that moved the emperor, Christina's eyes flickered, and she asked: "Well, everything is as you wish, I will give you the throne, and give the people a suitable reason."

Olaf was very happy, and subconsciously wanted to hug his goddaughter, but seeing Christina's cold eyes, Olaf's expression froze, and the joy on his face disappeared.

Christina got up and said, "Godfather, do you have anything else to do? If you don't tell me, I want to go back to the palace to take a bath and have something to eat."

Olaf asked, "Where is that Fan Wencheng?"

Christina shook her head gently and said, "I don't know either. Brahe has always brought him in, maybe in Brahe's mansion."

Olaf nodded, and then called Abasbal to serve Christina.

After the female emperor went down, Olaf sat on the throne like a deflated balloon, looking at the bright and bright hall, but he was stunned to feel the dark and cold hall, and tightened his clothes.

"Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering others...I only understand what it means to be lonely and widowed today, what is the honor of ninety-five, what has changed, and I can't help myself..."

^0^ Olaf's voice gradually weakened, and he gradually fell asleep with the big axe in his hand that he had been reluctant to throw away.

His Royal Highness, the godfather, the regent, who had lost a lot of blood after a hard day's work, couldn't stand it and fell asleep.

When the guards outside the hall saw this, they hurriedly called Margaret over. Margaret walked in and looked at her husband who was asleep and frowned. She turned to look at the standing not far away, and she also looked distressed. Amy, said: "Take His Highness to the bedroom, Amy, you go in with me to serve His Highness."


Three days later, the incident of Olaf's attack at the Three Crown Castle began to spread in the Baltic region. The Swedish people were very nervous when they didn't understand the situation.

There are quite a few people in the citizens of Stockholm who know the situation, but how dare they say it.

Four days after Olaf was assassinated, a fleet of 80,000 troops from the nearest regions such as Finland, Livonia, and the Principality of Pomerania was about to arrive at the port of Stockholm.

Christina directly issued the edict of abdication this morning, on the grounds that she believed in Catholicism and could no longer serve as the king of the Protestant country. At the same time, she was a homosexual and could not give birth to an heir to the Swedish Empire at all.

Christina's reason is very good, and it also confirms some rumors in the market in recent years that she is unmarried and gay.

Christina's abdication caught the Swedish people by surprise, because Gustav II had no heirs, and Christina's distant relatives had no talented people, and the only capable Karl was not in Europe.

However, in the second edict, Christina solved the problem of finding a suitable new king for the Swedish people.

The emperor personally designated in the edict that the godfather regent, His Royal Highness Olaf, served as the temporary emperor of the Swedish Empire until a suitable successor was found.

The Vikings who arrived at the port of Stockholm in a hurry did not have the chance to slaughter the city. They saw the iron cavalry and the special envoy of the godfather who were waiting for them in front of the dock, and then they learned the exciting news.

That is, the godfather regent has thwarted the assassin's plot and became the new emperor of the Swedish Empire.

The Viking warriors who wanted to make a fortune looked at Stockholm again and knew that this was the city of General Marshal Olaf, and naturally they did not dare to make trouble.

So, on September 2, 1651, Olaf, the Nordic giant bear, took the crown handed over by the Lutheran elder at the Stockholm Cathedral, and then took it on himself, waving his scepter and shouting: "God bless, I, Olaf, are crowned the Great Emperor of the Swedish Empire today, and shepherd the people in place of I must uphold the last wish of Gustav II the Great to revive the Empire, long live Sweden! Long live the Vikings! Long live the empire!"

Almost all the officials and nobles in the church were under Olaf's henchmen. Most of the nobles in Stockholm had already been killed, and a small number had also been arrested and interrogated, and they might be sent to Greenland for exile at any time.

Outside the church were tens of thousands of Viking soldiers and hundreds of thousands of citizens called to watch.

"Bang bang..."

With the cannon salute at the end of Olaf's coronation ceremony, all the Viking warriors who formed a phalanx raised their long knives and shouted: "Long live the emperor! Long live the Vikings! Long live the empire!"

Citizens, whether they are admirers or haters of Olaf, raised their right hands at this moment and shouted: "Long live the emperor! Long live the Viking! Long live the empire!"

------off topic-----

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