"Chen An!".

There was a loud roar behind him.

Immediately afterward, Governor Zhao's secretary ran over out of breath.

"Xiao An, why did you run out? Grandpa Zhao is looking for you!".

After speaking, the big secretary picked up the little guy and hurried back to school, leaving only a group of people who ate melons to stay where they were.


At the same time.

Capital. Yanjing City. Supreme Governor's Government.

"Xiao Yan, today is the college entrance examination, right?" a kind old man put down the documents in his hand and asked softly.

Hearing this, Secretary Yan hurriedly nodded: "Yes, Great Elder, this morning's test is Chinese." "

"I don't know how the students from all over the country are doing in the exams? Are the exam questions difficult? I really hope that the number of students admitted to universities this year will break through history! At present, China's educational undertaking is still very backward

The old man looked a little worried.

In this era where illiteracy accounts for ninety percent, no matter who is in charge, you have to worry.

"Great Elder, under your leadership, our country's investment in education has increased year by year in the past three years. I firmly believe that the number of admissions to the university this year will break through history. Secretary Yan replied categorically.

And yet....

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the kind old man shook his head.

"Ten years of trees, 100 years of people. The work of eradicating illiteracy in our country is still a long and difficult process!"

Hearing this, Secretary Yan couldn't stop nodding.

The meaning of the Great Elder can be understood by himself.

The root cause is that Xia Guo is poor!

If the country can be as rich as the Western world, we can build a normal school on a large scale and directly build 10,000 of them. Then the university will expand its enrollment from the current 20% acceptance rate to 90% or even 100%, so that everyone can go to university...

After ten years in a row, this generation of young people is no longer illiterate.

(In another republic, the acceptance rate for universities is almost 100 percent.) )

It's a pity....

The country has no money!

In the current Xia Kingdom, there are still many ordinary people who can't even afford to eat. Note that it is not that you can't afford to eat, not that you can't eat enough.

In such a situation, no matter how much the state increases investment in education, how high can it be?


"Xiao Yan!".

"Here, Great Elder, please command!".

"You go and inform Minister Fang of the Ministry of Education and ask him to come to the town government as soon as the college entrance examination is over and report the situation. "


Secretary Yan saluted and was about to go out.

That's when it happened!

"Report: Minister Fang of the Ministry of Education has an urgent matter to see!"

The old man and Secretary Yan were both shocked.

What's the situation? Could it be that something happened to the college entrance examination?

"Come in, come in now!".

Secretary Yan rushed over with an arrow and helped open the door.

Minister Fang walked in quickly.

"Great Elder, I'm sorry to disturb your work..."

The kind old man instantly raised his hand and interrupted the other party's words: "Okay, don't say polite words." Let's get down to business, is there something wrong with the college entrance examination? What is it? Which province?".

The old man was in a hurry, very anxious.

Hearing this, Minister Fang hurriedly replied, "Great Elder, there was no accident in the college entrance examination. I'm here to report on the situation of that young student in Sioux Province!".

"Oh, you mean that five-year-old little prodigy, his name is Chen An, right?".

"Yes, the Great Elder has a good memory. His language results are out!".

"Oh, so fast?" the old man instantly became interested, "Tell me, how many points did our little prodigy get in the language subject?".

"Report to the Great Elder, Chen An's total score in the college entrance examination is: 85 points!".

As soon as these words came out, the old man smiled: "Not bad! It seems that our children are still very smart, and 85 points are enough to explain to the people of the whole country." It is not in vain that the state vigorously promotes him. "

At this moment, the Great Elder's heart was very happy.

And yet....

In the face of the Great Elder's words, Minister Fang was a little speechless.

Seeing this look, the old man sighed in his heart: "What's the matter? What else is going on? Could it be: There is an element of cheating in these 85 points?"

The old man's face sank instantly, as deep as water.

"No, no! No!" Minister Fang hurriedly shook his head, "Great Elder, the little prodigy's 85 points are like this: except for the essay questions, the rest of the test questions are all full marks. And his composition was not written a word, and he got a big duck egg. The total score of the language is 120, minus 45 points for the composition, so the final score is: 85 points. "


The kind old man stood up suddenly, his face full of shock.

Like him, there is also Secretary Yan on the scene.

"Great Elder!" Minister Fang reported again, "Not only that, but it only took 20 minutes for this little prodigy to hand in the papers. The total duration of the language test is only 20 minutes. 20 minutes! Demon, he's just a demon!".




At this moment, the kind old man was stunned, and his heart swelled with endless shock.

"No, this can't be! How can you finish two papers in twenty minutes, and get full marks for all of them?" Secretary Yan shouted in panic.

And yet....

"Secretary Yan, it's true. There is a CCTV camera recording the whole process, and it is expected that the video will be sent to the TV station before 4 o'clock this afternoon!"

Secretary Yan: "..."

At this moment, no one doubts anymore.

At this moment, the kind old man and Secretary Yan, and even Minister Fang, who came to report, were deeply shocked.

From the first hour after getting the news, Minister Fang was in shock, and until now, the shock in his heart has not disappeared.

It's incredible;

It's amazing;

This can no longer be described by the word prodigy, only "demon" can be compared to it.

What's more, that kid is only five years old this year!

I'm just five years old!

Oh my God, could it be that on the land of my Xia Kingdom, there is about to be a peerless Tianjiao who will be born?

Could it be that in this life, I and others are about to witness an epoch-making super scientist, just like the former "Einstein"?

Oh no!

"Einstein" should not be compared, because: Mr. Einstein was not so wicked when he was a child!

This degree of intelligence has surpassed common sense, beyond human beings.

Could it be that the little guy is not a "human", but a monster?


Does the state want to arrest him and cut it into slices and study it?


(Today's five watches, this time it's real!)

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