The Righteous Player(s)

Vol 2 Chapter 231: Duke Annan who understands people's hearts

There weren't too many twists and turns in the process of Annan leaving Denizoya.

Denisoya had been preparing for their plan for too long-in the face of such serious matters, any accident seemed pale and powerless.

In order to prove in front of the public that "Duke Annan has left Denisoya", Annan first gave a speech in Denison.

Although the content of the speech is not important, Annan still showed the Denizoya people's friendly attitude that the Principality of Winter will reopen its trade ports and open its borders.

Annan promised that in the next five years, he would give priority to purchasing all the curse materials produced by Denison, including high-quality gems, for use in the next phase of the infrastructure of the Principality of Winter.

To this end, they will send a professional team led by Dmitry to the Diamond Island for on-site inspections within two months.

In addition, the Principality of Winter will tentatively open up special talent licenses for some transcendents.

The wizards and ritualists who have obtained the special talent license will not only not be hunted down by Winter’s hand in the Principality of Winter... but they can receive a generous monthly payment as long as they live and work in Principality of the Winter. , And allocate houses and provide high-quality living materials for free.

This special talent permit requires examination and inspection before it can pass the approval. But there are also some professions that are directly open to the exemption...The first batch of lists includes the "horse prophet" and the "Aries girl" from the White Jade Tower on Yongquan Island.

Of course, if the United Kingdom needs them, it can also call them back at any time. Because of this batch of "talent exports", the Winter Duchess sends a batch of Frost Beast materials to the United Kingdom at a cost price every year.

As we all know, although the horse people live in seclusion, almost all of them live on an island in the Field Islands of the United Kingdom. It's just that almost no one can find that the whole family are prophets.

Although today's horsemen have lost the ability to "be able to acquire prophetic spells by nature", horsemen still inherit special prophetic spells that belong exclusively to horsemen. Both the accuracy and the search range are much better than human prophets.

If you are a talented horseman, you can almost become a silver-level prophetic wizard before or after you reach adulthood. At the same time, he can also master some classical spells that should now belong to the idols and the Imperius school.

Not only can they avoid people, but they are also good at illusions, enchantments, and memory modification. If the horse is determined to hide, it is impossible for humans to discover it.

——It can be said that even the horsemen who have left the gathering place cannot find their way home with their own strength.

Unlike the elves, the horsemen don't really want to live with humans... it has nothing to do with lifespan.

One of the reasons is the gap between talent and talent.

It’s not that the horsemen who "adult is silver" are more talented than humans, but on the contrary-

At present, the talent of human beings in the general sense, that is, "Yaselan High Race", is "high-speed learning". This is the basis for them as short-term species, but they can quickly master complex spells and rituals, because human learning ability is indeed higher than that of elves and horsemen.

The talent of horse people is "adaptability." This makes today's horse people handsome or cute, very similar to humans but more likable... But it also means that horse people's learning ability is much worse than that of humans.

It is difficult for ordinary talented horsemen to adapt to the drastically changing human society.

Those famous horsemen can become well-known "sages" mainly because they have advanced to the silver level, have a condensed soul, and have comprehensively improved various qualities-of course also intelligence.

But then again... even if the horsemen have reached the Silver level, why do they have to do some ordinary work?

The horse people themselves have weak desires, because their future vision allows them to easily see what are the specific abilities needed to achieve each goal, and what they will get in the future. They can even directly see the day they died.

It's like playing the game, with the power of the wind shadow Evil Spirit direct Ding Dingding popularity rating are full of money, the way to read the story behind ...... then the game play does not go on.

Of course, this is only part of the reason.

On the other hand, the reason is that the horse people are too valuable.

Horseman’s eyes can be used to intensify various types of prophetic rituals; Horseman’s phalanx can be used to make props that cut off cause and effect and shield detection; Horseman’s skull can also be used to make a dice type that changes luck Charm; the horseman’s skin can also be made into low-temperature and high-temperature self-temperature-resistant leather...

It can be said that the horseman is full of treasures. If an adult horseman is killed and the whole body parts are dismantled and sold, at least two thousand pounds can be sold; and if it is a live horseman, the price can be doubled.

In this era when farmers and fishermen's normal savings for a year are probably only two or three pounds... this is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

If there is not enough protection, horse people will definitely not dare to touch human society easily.

For the Noahs, the horsemen are terrifying creatures in legends; the Principality of Winter rushed to exterminate unofficial spellcasters; the United Kingdom was full of pirates; the underground cities were born freely and died randomly, and it is estimated that all murderers were killed. Can easily escape...

The only safer religious country does not support idlers-everyone in the religious country must work. Any form of work is fine, but vagrants are never allowed to wander around.

And the horse people are really lazy... They can see the finale at a glance, and they really don't have the motivation to work hard.

So they can only live in seclusion on many islands in the United Kingdom.

But if the Duke of Winter has reopened the entry permit for spellcasters-even under the personal guarantee of the Duke of Winter, he is willing to give preferential treatment to the horses.

Then it is not impossible for the tribe to move to the Duchy of Winter.

Anyway, the horse can easily see the future.

After Annan said this, a new possibility of the future was born-the horses can directly see this brand new future without even seeing Annan's speech.

Because of the unique racial characteristics of the horse people, they will not be deceived by false promises, and they will not need to send some people to test them, and they will be able to directly learn all the information they need.

Annan’s speech made everyone in Denizoya very happy-for ordinary people, their income can be increased visible to the naked eye; for business people, they have a huge and extremely Vacant market and a stable export seaborne trade object.

For the nobles... Annan gave them a wonderful excuse for civil war.

Now that the major client of the United Kingdom, Duke Winter has said, in the next few months, his brother will personally visit the Diamond Island; and the Aries **** Yongquan Island will also become an important talent export target.

——So, you pirates trying to occupy these two islands, do you have any bad ideas about the United Kingdom? Do you want to assassinate Bishop Dmitry or intercept the Aries?

Everyone got what they wanted.

And Annan also asked the players to distribute small gifts to those who attended the lectures—not expensive things, but all practical. Those are some local specialties such as eggs, fruits, and drinks.

Those were the things that Annan sent players bought from Denizoya's local market the day before. The purchase amount is very large. It can be said that everyone who attended the lecture had it, and everyone carried at least one heavy bag home.

After the players heard Annan's request, they immediately smiled.

And the local vendors collected such a large sum of money also played an advertising role-people who came to buy things found that they were all sold out, and they knew they would send something tomorrow.

The so-called cannibalism is short and soft... The people of Denizoya also have a considerable degree of affection for this exceptionally beautiful, handsome, and amiable young grand prince.

This young grand prince even ignored his own, stepped off the podium and many people shook hands!

Even for civilians, his attitude is very kind. He seemed to be shining, giving people a strong warm feeling.

When Annan finally left Denizoya, he was sent away by these enthusiastic people. The advisory council is also very satisfied with this result-Grand Duke Annan indeed left Denison under the eyes of everyone.

It can be expected that... this prestige that can be easily bought with very little money and the sincerity of no money will be spread word of mouth over time and gradually spread throughout Denison.

——This will surely become the foreshadowing for Annan to control Deniseoah through Orpheus poems in the future.

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