The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Six hundred and twenty-seven, seeking wealth and wealth

“The Richest Man Starts in a Relationship ()”

Chu Yao's "reverse touching porcelain", only he and the technical director know the inside story, and no third person knows.

However, the hacking of the chip forum, in the eyes of outsiders and public opinion, is a strangled blow to the domestic chip monopoly power of foreign countries.

Anyone with a sense of vision can see it - if they really follow Chu Yao's model, they will definitely make some big noises.

There is no shortage of people, no shortage of money, coupled with the institutional advantages of centralized R\u0026D, this is equivalent to a nationwide system in another sense, but it is led by private individuals.

So, under the rhythm of Chu Yao's leadership, public opinion began to explode.

Chu Yao took the lead in targeting the JSR company in the island country, and even sent the lawyer's letter.

Although this thing does not have any substantial legal effect, it is equivalent to a letter of war.

At least, pointed out the enemy on the surface.


three days.

The server of the core forum has not been restored, and the popularity on the Internet continues to ferment.

JSR quickly gave an official reply, accusing it of slandering out of nothing, and the company has nothing to do with this hacking attack.

In terms of business ethics, political correctness is still required.

This kind of pot must not be carried.

Originally, it wasn't their fault.

JSR has sent a special legal team to Pengcheng to discuss this matter with Chu Yao in person.

The core purpose is to eliminate misunderstandings and resolve disputes.

Chu Yao closed the door and disappeared.

In addition, a public statement was issued, with only eight short words - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

The opponent was extremely confused.

Smelling the smell of "conspiracy", he issued a statement again, saying that he had shown the greatest sincerity, but suffered unfair treatment. All follow-up will be handed over to the law for resolution, and will also resort to diplomatic means.

The meaning is very clear - if you want to fight, then fight.

In this field, JSR has an absolute technological advantage. Its 5nm photoresist technology is the only one in the world, almost forming a market monopoly, and its cooperative relationship with suppliers is also extremely stable, unless there is practical significance. Competitors on the Internet, otherwise there will be no problems.

This kind of response is actually normal in business.

However, in terms of public opinion, it once again triggered a wave of condemnation in the country, but it was just a mouthful.

Talk like this happens every year.

In fact, it doesn't work.

However, for Chu Yao, this wave of public opinion is enough.


fourth day.

The core forum was finally "stable online" again after technicians repaired and restored it day and night.

The forum can log in normally.

At the same time, Chu Yao also issued a statement in due course.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

"In view of JSR's unfair competition, QiPai Science and Technology Laboratory will take reciprocal countermeasures. After a long period of scientific research, we have mastered the production technology of 5nm photoresist. We will show it publicly and freely on the forum, including all Technical difficulties and process details."

As soon as the news came out, the situation changed.

Everyone is stupid.

At the same time, excited.

As soon as the announcement was released, the number of visitors to the Core Forum skyrocketed, exceeding 500,000 in less than two hours.

And in the technical area of ​​the forum, the technical document on the 5nm photoresist production process has reached 400,000 downloads!

Chu Yao even disclosed the download permission!

This kind of technology can be said to be a well-deserved golden hen. Once mastered, it can directly wipe out all monopoly advantages.

on the forum.

All kinds of posts have sprung up like mushrooms after the spring rain, popping up like crazy.

"Worship! Awesome! Boss Chu is awesome! Atmospheric! This is the most delicious melon I have eaten this year, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"


"QiPai Technology Lab has really developed a 5nm photoresist process? Or is it a technical document obtained from other channels? The authenticity of the document has yet to be verified.

Can any big guy come out and verify it? However, no matter what this wave is, I stand with Mr. Chu. It has been a long time since there has been such a tough boss in China. "


"No need to verify, I'm sure, this document is real, I was on Mr. Chu's bed at the time, and I watched him make it with my own eyes."


"No kidding, if this stuff is real, it will have a big impact, economic impact, political impact, and even President Chu's personal safety. Hey, I call on everyone to support President Chu through public channels. Those who are rich contribute money, those who are powerful contribute, and those who hold wages for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow."


"I've already decided to go to Qipa Science and Technology Laboratory. It doesn't cost any money. It's for nothing! Anyway, I'm already financially free by buying bitcoins. Post this as a proof, as long as Mr. Chu doesn't dislike it, I'll go now!"


Looking at these posts on the forum, Chu Yao felt a long-lost passion.

A happier passion than picking up girls.

Men are still more interested in "fighting" by nature.

Especially "Win."

At least, this wave has already become a trend for me.

In fact, walking is trembling.

Strictly speaking, this wave is still a local battle. I didn't touch the nine core components, but I touched the photoresist, which is very important and indispensable, but the field is not big.

This can be regarded as asking for directions.

Look at attitudes at higher levels.

In order to make it easier to decide, next, what kind of scale can be obtained if you want to do things.


After Chu Yao threw out this document, JSR issued a harsh public statement three days later.

Accused Qipa Technology Laboratory of stealing the company's technical patents by illegal means and publishing them on the Internet, causing extremely bad effects and huge losses.

JSR Corporation has initiated an international lawsuit against Qipa Technology Laboratory and Chu Yao himself in the International Court of Tokyo.

After this statement was issued, it proved from the side that the documents published by Chu Yao on the Internet were correct.

Moreover, the high probability is from JSR company.

This kind of guessing is like spraying a bucket of kerosene on the already raging fire.

The heat of this matter has reached the extreme.

It also pushed Chu Yao to the forefront.


"Brother shopping, I'm stupid, is it time for me to exert my strength? You sign a statement for me, saying that I will be your authorized agent to handle this lawsuit."

"Damn it, it's hard to do, but as long as it's done, I'll be famous all my life!"

at home.

When the public opinion was in full swing, Chu Yao received a call from Liu Fei.

His voice trembled a little, and he didn't know whether it was excitement, excitement, fear, or both.

Thinking about this kind of thing made his blood boil.

After staying in Tokyo for so long, there are great scholars in talking and laughing, and there are no casual contacts. Liu Fei's demeanor and ruthlessness have been tempered even more.

I also understand more: There are thousands of good things in this world, if you want them, exchange what you have!

The harder you work, the greater the benefits when you're done! As the saying goes...

Wealth, seek in danger!



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